My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 537 There will be more guests next week

"No flame can harm me?" Fang Ze was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "Is the flame here a single ordinary burning flame, or does it include the ultra-high temperature flame in industrial production?"

"It doesn't include the ultra-high temperature flames that contain huge energy, but it's not just ordinary burning flames, including the magma in the volcano. It will definitely be able to withstand it. As long as you don't stand under the rocket launcher and die, you are generally fine." Meow lazily explained to Fang Ze.

Although the explanation is not very clear, but this ability is indeed difficult to grade.

It can only be said that as long as you don't deliberately rely on the ability of the Unburned to die, there is no problem.

Opening the bottle containing the blood of the Unburned, Fang Ze took advantage of the fact that the big meow was still there, and even if he had any aftereffects from drinking it, someone could save him, so he immediately drank the blood of the Unburned.

This bottle of Unburned's blood smelled very fishy, ​​but fortunately it was only a small bottle, and it soon all entered Fang Ze's mouth, and then soaked into Fang Ze's blood.

"It's so warm." Although Haiping was already cold at this time, Fang Ze felt as if his blood had become a warm current, constantly flowing through his body.

"But why is this potion so smelly, drinking it tastes like human blood."

"Are you stupid?" Big Miao looked sideways at Fang Ze and said, "Du told you, this is the blood of the Unburned. Think about it, who is the Unburned?"

"Who else could it be, Mother Dragon?"

"That's right, this is the blood essence of Dragon Mother." Big Miao said as a matter of course.

"Wait, tell me clearly, is it essence blood or menstrual blood?"

"What are you pretending to be in your head?" Da Miao said that he was too lazy to answer the idiot Fang Ze's question.

"Please explain clearly to me." Fang Ze pulled Big Meow, desperately trying to find out whether this essence is essence or classics.

After all, he had read a novel before, in which the main character got menstrual blood from a powerful female dragon god when she came to her aunt. At that time, Fang Ze laughed and said that if he was the protagonist, he wouldn't drink it even if he was killed.

But I didn't expect that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, and I would have such an encounter one day.

"It's sperm! The sperm you ejaculate every day!" Big Miao was really impatient with Fang Ze, so she explained it clearly to Fang Ze.

"Oh, that's okay." Fang Ze let out a long sigh of relief.

"Uh, I really can't complain about you." Da Miao said to Fang Ze, "Let's quickly choose the three abilities that have been unlocked."

"Well, tell me." Fang Ze, who was in a good mood, sat on the sofa and patiently listened to Big Miao talking about the reward this time.

"The first ability is Dream Dragon. Members of the Targaryen family where the mother of dragons Daenerys belongs to will have dreams about dragons from time to time. And the ability I gave you is to let you have a dream, and then In the dream, I communicate with the giant dragons and dragon gods of thousands of planes, so as to try to obtain their gifts."

"In other words, this ability is actually like buying a lottery ticket. Can you win the lottery?"

"That's almost what it means. But Big Meow's products must be high-quality products. The Dream Dragon I gave you will have a very high reward. Because which giant dragon dare not sell me Big Meow's face, so they asked about you I might get excited about my smell, and I will give you a bucket of dragon's blood for you to drink."

"Are you so self-proclaimed?" Fang Ze looked at Big Meow speechlessly.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are my shit shoveler, I wouldn't be so kind to you."

"Then I will try my best to serve you old man in the future." Fang Ze's heart was full of numbness, and he smiled.

"The second ability is legion command. After you get it, you will have the ability to command an ancient legion with less than 100,000 people and more than 1,000 people. The combat level is probably similar to that of more famous commanders in ancient times.


"Although it sounds awesome, I have to be able to find such an army of 100,000 people on the current earth to command me." Fang Ze didn't even think about it, so he didn't think about this ability.

"The third is the art in the room." Da Miao said, "You know the effect, so I won't explain it too much, for fear of being harmed."

"Fangzhongshu?!" Fang Ze looked at Big Miao in a daze and asked, "Wait, each reward has something to do with the guests who come. So why does Dragon Mother have something to do with Fangzhongshu's car? If It’s the Yellow Emperor who came, it’s normal for you to give me this ability, what does Dragon Mother have to do with Fang Zhongshu.”

"It's written in the original book, but you don't know it." Big Meow said and read a passage from the original book of A Song of Ice and Fire, "At first Dany was afraid of her husband Drogo, but as she and the maid Doria Learning art in the room, her love for Drogo grew deeper, and she no longer feared the Dothraki."

"It sounds very powerful." Fang Ze stroked his chin, feeling a little moved.

A real man should be brave and good at fighting anywhere.

If I can learn the art of intercourse, maybe I can make Lin Xiaoxin feel ashamed and impatient with her at home every day.

Fang Ze was about to agree, but suddenly remembered that the blood of the Unburned was tricked by the big meow just now, so he asked cautiously, "This intercourse technique is for men, right?"

"This room technique is the one learned by Dragon Mother. You can figure out whether it is used by men. I am not a human being, so I don't know which one makes those weird patterns so cool."


When Fang Ze heard what Da Miao said, he felt that in all likelihood, this intercourse technique was for women.

If it's a book, I can give it to Lin Xiaoxin with the cheek.

But this is ability.

I am a big man who has acquired the intercourse skills that women only learn, is he going to be a duck in a gay bar?

"I choose Menglong." Fang Ze resolutely chose Menglong to gamble for his own chrysanthemum.

"Well, good." After listening to Fang Ze's choice, Da Miao jumped off the cat stand without any nonsense, and bestowed Fang Ze with this ability.

"Menglong is a one-time ability. It will be activated when you sleep tonight, and you will know what you have obtained when you sleep. So I can't see it now." After Da Miao finished speaking, Fang Ze followed up Asked, "Then sneak away the guests who will come next week in advance."

"Uh, the guest coming next week." After hearing Fang Ze's words, Da Miao suddenly raised his head and looked up.

Seeing Da Miao's action, Fang Ze had a premonition that the guests coming next week would be very troublesome. Sure enough, when Da Miao turned his head to Fang Ze again, he slowly said, "The guests coming next week are indeed It’s very troublesome, mainly because there are too many people.”

"How many?" Fang Ze looked at Big Meow and asked, "If they are all human, I can borrow Lao Bo and Xiao Hei's house."

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