My Inseparable House Guests

Five hundred and nineteenth chapters of a dream of Red Mansions

For Cao to come to this era this time, he actually has the mentality of traveling. x

He is quite proud that his book has caused such a big discussion in later generations, but that's all.

The arrogance of literati is sometimes very strange. They hope that their works can be appreciated by more people, but they will not show it in front of outsiders.

For example, Cao only wants to know how his book is respected today, but he doesn't want to discuss this matter with Fang Ze himself.

The last time he talked about the Red Mansion in public was already the limit for him, because others did not know that he was the original author of the Red Mansion, so he could say it boldly.

But in front of Fang Ze, he didn't take the initiative to mention things about the Dream of Red Mansions, as if he regarded fame as dung.

If Xia Yike hadn't told him that when Cao sat alone on the first floor at night, he would show a smirk from time to time, Fang Ze would have believed it.

But in this way, Fang Ze's task is also much easier. The main work these days is to take Cao to eat and drink well, and also give him a physical examination, let him pay attention to his future diet structure and so on.

Although it is estimated that with the current situation of the Cao family, it is not bad for the family to have enough to eat, let alone pay attention to diet.

In the past few days, Jiang Shaohao also uploaded the video of that day, and took a very UC title: Shocked, the master of Hongxue listened to other people's lectures on Hongxue, and he went to the stage to talk about it because of too many mistakes.

Facts have proved that the shock body of uc is very necessary.

Because in this era of plentiful information, if you want to catch other people's attention at first glance and let others see your video, you have to let others have a little desire to come in.

No matter how good something is, it must be read by others first, so that it can be spread.

As a teacher who worked in an ivory tower, Jiang Shaohao may not know much about business, but he is definitely an expert in fooling people when it comes to online propaganda.

He cut the video that lasted more than five hours to only 20 minutes. At the beginning of the video, Cao pointed out the mistakes of the bookstore owner in the audience. Immediately afterwards, Cao came to the stage, talked about some novel concepts and introduced the unspoken rules of the high society in the Qing Dynasty at that time.

In this way, even ordinary people who are not studying red studies are willing to watch the entire video and recommend it to others for dissemination.

At the end of the video, Jiang Shaohao did not advertise his education structure, but left the address of the full version of the video.

This address is naturally the official website of their educational institution.

No watermark, no reprinting allowed.

So although Jiang Shaohao and his educational institutions don't have many fans, some big Vs who are responsible for reposting are willing to repost and promote this video.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

The clips that Jiang Shaohao cut out are really wonderful, explaining many doubts in the book.

The layman gained knowledge, but the expert was interested in this seemingly unattractive person, and naturally searched for the complete video, and then sparked a discussion in the field of red studies.

Because Cao not only popularized the knowledge of the Qing Dynasty, but also told the general story and ending of Houloumeng.

Others can't find anything wrong with popular science knowledge, which is easy to verify. Because many scholars only rely on ancient books to understand that era. However, the ancient literati paid attention to the spring and autumn brushwork, and some unspoken rules were not written clearly, and it took future generations to spend time guessing.

Simple ones can be verified book by book, but some more secret ones cannot be easily guessed. Now that Cao once said, it is easy for people to know that what Cao said is true once they understand the book.

However, although the ending of the Red Chamber that Cao said conformed to some people's conjectures, it made some people dissatisfied, thinking that Cao ignored the spirit of the original author. The ending doesn't match the beginning of the book or something.

After all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, which is quite normal.

Just like a web article, it is written in some places,

Some readers think it's good and love to read this, but other readers think it's about hydrology.

But in fact, the real hydrological method of web writers is not to write irrelevant plots, but to add a large paragraph of sentences that have nothing to do with the plot, so as to achieve their goals.

For example, if you delete the three paragraphs including this paragraph from this chapter, you will find that it doesn’t matter whether there are or not.

Cao's deduction has aroused considerable discussion in the Red Studies circle, and some people even found Jiang Shaohao specifically, hoping to invite this folk Red Studies master to come out to participate in some symposiums for detailed discussions.

Of course, Fang Ze rejected all these invitations. The reason for the refusal was not that Cao was unwilling to go, but that when they sent the invitation, it was already Friday afternoon, and it was time for Cao to go back.

"This trip was not in vain." Cao stood on the second floor of the Demon Management Bureau and thanked Fang Ze, "After returning, Mengruan will have the confidence to modify the stone record better."

"Pay attention to your health." Fang Ze originally wanted to give Cao some small mirrors and ask him to take them home and sell them for money, but Xiaolan stopped him. The guests can take things back, but only things that fit their background in the world, and the small mirror is obviously not.

Fang Ze originally wanted to find someone to get some gold and silver for Cao to take back, but Cao refused.

"Although Mengruan lives in poverty, she doesn't dare to ask for too much when she is accompanied by books. If she really takes the money and goes back to live a rich life, I'm afraid she will be entangled in mundane affairs and have no intention of studying books."

"That's fine." Fang Ze said to Cao, "It's just a pity that I didn't get to witness the full version of Dream of the Red Chamber this time."

"Mr. Landlord told me before that the world I live in is not the same world as yours, but most of the people and things are very similar, right?"

"Yes." Fang Ze looked at Cao suspiciously and asked, "Why did you mention this?"

"The Story of the Stone didn't leave a complete copy, it's indeed a pity." After Cao left this sentence, he disappeared in place and went back.

Could it be that Cao wanted to hide the complete book of stones in his cemetery, and then wait for future generations to discover it?

But even if he hides the complete book of stones in his graveyard, it will only be discovered by the descendants of his world, and has nothing to do with the earth.

When Fang Ze was confused, Big Meow came.

"Why are you wearing a small dress today?" Fang Ze looked at the small sweater on Da Miao's body, and touched it curiously.

"Don't talk about it." Da Miao helplessly tugged at the not-so-ugly sweater and said, "Because I'm going to fly back to Haiping in a few days. The weather is a bit cold these two days, so Xiaoxin will make it for me. I bought a piece of clothing for fear that I would get cold on the plane.” rw

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