My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 249 The Flashing Lightning at Your Fingertips

The mammoth is an animal that lived 11,000 years ago. Its name comes from the ancient Russian word mammut, which means something that lurks underground, because all mammoths are found dead and half buried in the soil.

As a kind of elephant, the mammoth is huge in size and has long hair, which can resist severe cold. It has always lived on grasslands and hills in alpine regions. At that time, human beings evolved at the same time, and they could coexist peacefully at the beginning, but when they evolved to the new stage, human beings' foodie attributes began to gradually awaken, so mammoths became the main hunting targets of human beings.

Although there are rumors that this thing was eaten and extinct, the main reason for the extinction of mammoths is the law of elimination in nature. Because it takes a full 22 months for mammoths to go from pregnancy to calving, and the young elephants lack means of self-defense, they are the main targets of hunting by humans and other ferocious animals.

In the end, the mammoth was buried underground together with the end of the Quaternary Ice Age.

It is basically impossible for Fang Ze to have a second meal of this kind of meat after one meal. Of course, Fang Ze has to study carefully whether it is delicious to make braised mammoth meat, stewed mammoth mushrooms, boiled mammoth, roasted mammoth, or stir-fried mammoth meat. .

If what Kang Na sent was the meat of other prehistoric animals, Fang Ze might hand it over to the research institute for research to see if it can be resurrected or something.

However, many frozen mammoth humans have actually been discovered, and quite a few have been eaten.

The former Soviet Union once roasted a mammoth dug out from under a glacier, and a paleontologist in China once ate mammoth meat, and posted the relevant experience, and commented on the taste of mammoth meat Not very tasty.

Of course, Fang Ze didn't expect it to be delicious, the main thing was to taste it.

Putting the mammoth meat into the refrigerator, Da Miao continued, "By the way, the three kinds of rewards you can get this time are all abilities, namely the dragon's appetite, the dragon's thunder and the dragon's wings. "

"It sounds like they are quite useful." Fang Ze asked, "What are the specific functions of these abilities?"

"The appetite of the giant dragon allows you to obtain a stomach as strong as that of a giant dragon. You can eat hundreds of catties of food at one time, and store the energy converted from food, which can be absorbed later when you are hungry. So if you choose With this ability, as long as you can eat enough at one time, there will be no problem even if you don’t eat or drink for the next ten days.”

"The dragon's thunder is a kind of thunder spell from Kang Na. After obtaining it, you can choose to absorb part of the electrical energy and store it in your body, and then when you want to use it, release this electrical energy combined with spells to form a powerful spell. High lightning."

"Isn't this the lightning that moves your fingertips!" Fang Ze heard Big Meow say,

Quite excited.

If you have this ability, you can also bring a coin to pretend to be aggressive in the future.

"The third is the dragon's wings. After choosing it, you can get a pair of dragon's wings. It has the same flying ability as the dragon, but the height is up to 100 meters, and the speed is similar to that of a bicycle."

After listening to Big Meow's explanation about the dragon's wings, Fang Ze slapped his thigh, "It's decided, I will choose the second one, the dragon's thunder."

"Okay!" Big Meow nodded in agreement, and then patted Fang Ze's forehead.

Suddenly a strange blue pattern appeared on the back of Fang Ze's hand.

"What is this?" Fang Ze asked.

"Spell circuit." Big Meow replied absent-mindedly, "Because the body structure of the dragon is different from that of human beings, if humans want to learn the spells of the dragon, they can only carve out the magic circuit on the human body, and then use it to activate the magic circuit." The circuit uses magic. When not in use, the circuit is hidden in the skin and cannot be seen."

As soon as Big Miao finished speaking, the blue circuit on the back of Fang Ze's hand gradually disappeared.

"Then how do you charge it?" Fang Ze asked, looking at the back of his hand that was the same as before.

"Just find and hold the wires in your hands." Big Miao said, "At home, you can cut off the plug strip and hold the plug wires yourself. You can study it yourself later, and I'll go first."

"Wait." Seeing that Miao was about to leave again, Fang Ze quickly stopped and asked, "You haven't reminded me who the next guest is, you didn't tell me last time."

"I forgot about that." Big Meow's expression was not very good at the moment, it said to Fang Ze, "The next guest is from The Chronicles of Narnia, one of the four protagonists."

The Chronicles of Narnia?

Fang Ze recalled it for a while, and instantly remembered that this is a very famous movie. It should have existed on a par with Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, but because the movie was not made very well, it was not well-known in China. Not as high as the first two.

"I'm leaving first." Da Miao became serious with a rare expression, "I suddenly felt that something bad was about to happen, so I had to go back immediately."

Big Meow left after finishing speaking, but Fang Ze didn't pay too much attention to it, after all, this cat is often divided.

After Big Meow left, Fang Ze first searched for the four protagonists in The Chronicles of Narnia, then found a pair of scissors, cut short the wire of an idle power strip, and pinched the wire with his hands.

I saw that the circuit on the back of Fang Ze's hand still lit up, and then it continuously passed through the wires to absorb electricity.

Because Fang Ze bought a lot of electricity when Kang Na came, so he was not afraid of a sudden power outage at home, and he absorbed it for 20 minutes before standing up.

Finding a coin, aiming at a bookcase in the corner, Fang Ze tossed the coin.

"Thunder!" Fang Ze yelled, the circuit on the back of his hand instantly lit up, the majestic electricity was running from the circuit, and then a dazzling electric light rushed straight down from the air and hit the bookcase, causing the whole The bookcase caught fire.


Fang Ze watched his coin fall to the ground feebly, and complained while rushing to put out the fire with water.

Why did the thunder suddenly appear from the sky instead of being launched by his own hands? Although it looks a lot more mysterious, it is not very compelling at all.

After putting out the fire, Fang Ze casually lifted the bookcase down and put it next to the trash can, and then went to meet with Chen Jian and Chen Qin.

Although Lockhart's other magic is not very good, but the memory magic is really powerful, Chen Qin's whole body can no longer see the symptoms of depression, and the whole person has become very sunny.

Besides Chen Jian and Chen Qin, Lin Miaomiao was present that night.

After Chen Jian and Chen Qin left, Lin Miaomiao asked Fang Ze to see the psychiatrist who was treating Chen Qin, but Fang Ze refused, and the girl had to leave with a pout.

ps: Because of the plot, I am still not satisfied with the changes many times, so I can only postpone the update time. The updates of the remaining two chapters are at nine and ten o'clock respectively. Because it was postponed twice today, one chapter will be updated at eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock respectively. Let's update it at six today.

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