My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 426 Two Billion

Eating hot pot is addictive, especially the delicious mutton hot pot in the imperial capital. And because it is not far from the grassland, good mutton hot pot restaurants use mutton airlifted from the grassland as ingredients.

Especially the mutton hot pot restaurant where Fang Ze led Kang Na to eat the next day. The mutton they chose was the best Shen and cucumber sticks.

The so-called one-end heavy refers to a piece of meat on the outside of the lamb thigh. The meat is tender and tender, and it is fully cooked when it is put in a pot and boiled lightly. It is even more fragrant when it is put in the mouth.

The cucumber strips are the inner thighs of the lamb's hind legs, with a piece of meat in two colors. Connected with the ground crotch meat, it is shaped like two connected cucumbers. The meat is light red in color, tender in texture, and moderate in fat and thin. It is also the favorite of many people in the old imperial capital.

"It's been very leisurely lately." Fang Ze and Kang Na were sitting cross-legged on chairs to boil mutton. The door of the private room was opened silently, and a woman in high heels walked in.

"Sister Lin, come, eat mutton." Fang Zetou said without knowing it.

"I have only eaten at this restaurant once, but the memory is very deep. You have become a glutton at such a young age, so you choose this delicious and inexpensive restaurant."

"Come on." Fang Ze put his legs off the chair, and then opened a chair for Lin Yun, motioning for Lin Yun to sit down.

"No matter how delicious it is, it is better than a special offer. The best food is what you can't buy with money."

'There are quite a few people who fool people in the special confession. "Lin Yunzhuang sat down, took a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of mutton, rinsed it a few times, and stuffed it into his mouth.

After only one mouthful, Lin Yun stopped eating. It wasn't that the mutton was not tasty, but that she didn't want to eat more.

"Is this little girl a relative of your family?" Lin Yun looked at Kang Na curiously and asked, "I've never seen it before."

At this time, Kang Na was busy eating mutton, so she ignored Lin Yun, but kept stretching out her chopsticks, picking up the meat, rinsing it, and stuffing it into her mouth.

Since she won’t be able to eat such delicious mutton hot pot when she returns to Neon, Kang Na’s main task in the past few days is to eat watermelon and mutton hot pot.

"Well, it's delicious." Kang Na let out a sigh of satisfaction, and then glanced at Lin Yun, but she didn't intend to talk to Lin Yun. While eating, she didn't even pay much attention to Fang Ze.

"One more plate." Kang Na called.

Because Lin Yun didn't close the door when he came in, Fang Ze beckoned with his hand, and the waiter who was waiting outside walked in.

"Another ten catties." Fang Ze tapped the copper side of the hot pot with his chopsticks, signaling the waiter to continue serving the mutton.

The waiter looked at Fang Ze and Kang Na, one big and one small, in embarrassment, then pointed to the empty plate on the left side of the hot pot that was as high as a person and said, "Objectively, although the mutton is delicious, you can't eat more, you ordered all of them." It weighs dozens of catties, if you eat any more, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"Is there any restaurant that is open that doesn't do business?" Fang Ze's appetite has also increased because the qigong seeds in his body have been sprouting and growing recently. Come to a friend to eat a little, and every once in a while a friend will come to eat a little, so in fact I didn't eat much, it was all eaten by friends."


After hearing Fang Ze's words, the waiter just wanted to laugh at Fang Ze.

Do you believe what you say? From entering the private room to now, except for a woman who just came, you are the only man leading a little girl in this private room.

This little girl looks like she is only in elementary school, so you must have eaten most of the mutton here.

friend? Do you think you are Master Lu, who can make friends out of thin air?

If Fang Ze knew what the waiter was thinking, he would definitely be wronged, because most of the mutton served just now was eaten by Kang Na, and Fang Ze couldn't even grab it.

"You two ate so much?" Lin Yun looked at Kang Na and Fang Ze suspiciously. He couldn't imagine how they ate so many dishes.

"I have grown up recently, so I eat a lot."

I don't even believe what Fang Ze said, let alone Lin Yun.

But Lin Yun is not a curious person, or in other words, except for the cold metal weapons, everything else is just a cloud to her.

It is incomprehensible to a man who devotes himself to science, and even more so to a woman who devotes herself to science.

He waved his hand to tell the waiter to stop talking nonsense and go serve the meat. When the waiter closed the door and went out, Fang Ze looked at Lin Yun, knowing that this busy man must be looking for him today because of money, and the expression on his face was a little brighter. .

"In the batch of materials you gave me, one of the technical lightning protection coatings was manufactured without verification, and it is completely usable after testing, so I should transfer the first payment to you."

"How much is the first tranche!" Fang Ze heard that Lin Yun really came to withdraw the money, and immediately put down the mutton in his hand, and let Kang Na eat there alone.

"Two billion." Lin Yun spit out a number lightly. The way she said two billion was similar to that of a white-collar worker on the roadside when he bought a pancake for five yuan.

Although Lin Yun doesn't have that much money herself, in her eyes, as she has presided over several research projects, if the 2 billion is used for her own research, I'm afraid she can't even touch the skin of lightning protection paint.

"How can you give me so much money?" Fang Ze became excited when he heard the first tranche of 2 billion. It was really a turned serf who sang, and the poor can also usher in spring.

"Fifteen billion is going overseas, you set up an overseas account, we will call you in batches, and 500 million is going from China, you'd better get a bank card for each bank, and then I will send your bank card Tie it into several shell companies and transfer it to you."

"It's all transferred to my name, no problem." Fang Ze was not dazzled by the money, and asked cautiously.

"No." Lin Yun said, "There is no research result, and we need funding from the state. Just the report makes people want to smash the windows, but once there is research result, how much money can be approved, through our hands Transferring it to you may attract the attention of some caring people, but generally nothing will happen, the research institute is standing behind you, and no one dares to claw at you."

"That's a good relationship." Fang Ze nodded cheerfully and agreed, without any doubt about Lin Yun's words.

What is the government.

The government is a combination of large and small power groups.

The modern government does not have a legitimate emperor who can always reign as in ancient times, so the person sitting at the top must be the product of the compromise of many rights.

The legitimacy of this product lies in the fact that he must lead the development of this huge country forward, and all power groups, whether they like it or not, must follow behind. This is the righteousness.

ps: It's snowing here, the road is slippery, and I'm late, the second chapter will be released in 40 minutes.

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