The fact that the medical cabin can treat blindness and the therapeutic device can treat myopia has caused a lot of waves on the Internet, and many people are very excited.

It is true that there are many people with myopia nowadays. After all, as technology becomes more and more developed and mobile phones become more and more popular, some people keep their mobile phones in their hands all day long. How can they not be myopic after many years?

Therefore, the fact that the hospital's treatment equipment can treat myopia really made netizens very excited, and they enthusiastically made reservations for treatment at the hospital one by one.

There is not such a big uproar for blind patients, but there are still many patients who were originally blind and recovered their sight after treatment, and then published their experiences online.

The fact that blindness and myopia can be cured added a bit of excitement to the New Year atmosphere. Chen Wenjiu could feel everyone's restlessness in the hotel.

After all, the New Year is coming soon. For Chinese people, celebrating the New Year is really a very solemn event. Now that the New Year is approaching, everything is starting to get lively.

The entire Longhua Kingdom is lively in the New Year atmosphere. Now many people go to the hospital for eye treatment. The joy of those who have recovered their eyesight has also infected more netizens.

Chen Wenjiu took a look at some hot topics on the Internet, and then looked back at Chen Jialing, who was being treated for myopia in the hotel hospital.

Chen Jialing is also short-sighted. She has stopped going out since she became pregnant and often interacts with mobile phones and computers. It has been seven or eight years, and her eyesight has declined seriously.

Now that treatment devices and medicines can treat myopia, of course she hurried over to the hospital to treat her myopia.

The hospital in the hotel was unlocked by Chen Wenjiu. It is probably a three-story building. The total area of ​​the three floors is about 1,000 square meters.

The first floor of this hospital is the medical cabin. The medical cabin in the hotel hospital is different from the medical cabin at the research base. The medical cabin here can treat anything.

For example, trauma, internal bleeding, internal fractures, etc. If there is any injury to the body, just lie down in the medical cabin and it will be treated and cured in half an hour to an hour.

Even if you are poisoned or have any problems, you can treat them as long as you enter the medical cabin. The medical cabin in the hotel hospital has many operation buttons, each button represents a certain aspect of the disease to be treated. It is really versatile.

The third floor is the inpatient area, which only has about five beds; and the second floor is the departments required for treatment equipment, as well as psychological consultation rooms, pharmacies, etc.

The hospital in the hotel is really small, but as long as it has an almost all-purpose medical cabin, even with only two doctors, Qin Xin and Yan Xi, it can become a very good hospital.

Of course, after the hospital is unlocked, the various procedures and systems, and after Li Zeping reports, the officials will also handle them.

Now the hospital in the hotel is a regular hospital, and Qin Xin and Yan Xi are still military doctors, so they can treat any patient.

After Chen Jialing learned that the hotel hospital was open, she didn't bother to leave the village and go to the county hospital. Instead, she went directly to the hotel hospital for eye treatment.

Chen Jialing was lying on the recliner with a small treatment device placed on her eyes. She felt that her eyes were warm and comfortable.

"Jiujiu, now that your hotel even has a hospital, do you plan to turn your hotel into a complete 'ecosystem'? We have everything we want, and we don't even have to leave the village." Chen Jialing was treating her myopia. Chen Wenjiu said while following him.

It’s really because the hotel really has everything, including groceries? The hotel has a small food stall. Selling fruit? The hotel has a fruit stall. Buying various daily necessities, clothes, jewelry, etc.? There is a large supermarket in the hotel.

Now that the hotel even has a hospital, villagers don’t need to leave the village when they get sick. They can just come directly to the hotel’s hospital for medical treatment.

Chen Wen, who was browsing social media, had a drink. After hearing what her cousin said, she realized that their hotel seemed to be almost self-sufficient, and they had everything they needed.

"But this is very friendly to a home girl like me. I don't want to go out." Chen Jialing said with a smile.

She really doesn't like to go out. She used to go out often because she went to school, but after getting married, she rarely goes out.

Maybe it’s because she can’t ride a bike or drive, and it’s troublesome to have someone else take her with her every time she goes out, so she likes to go out less and less.

And she didn’t know what she was doing when she went out frequently, shopping? But most of her clothes are purchased online. She only buys some pajamas and casual clothes, and she doesn't need to buy anything very beautiful.

After all, she was just lying at home all day, so why did she buy so many beautiful clothes? It is more comfortable to lie down in pajamas.

As for eating and drinking, how could she be so free after waiting so hard for the shuttle bus or finally agreeing to take someone else's car to go out just to have something to eat?

Especially in the past, there were relatively few buses from Maoyang Village to the county seat and to other counties. You might not be able to wait for a bus even if you go out to wait for it; you might not be able to get one if you ride on other people's cars.

Going out so hard just to eat something that stutters?

It wouldn't matter if she had a big appetite and could eat a lot of food. In fact, she doesn't eat much in one meal. The reason why she gained weight was not only because she loved to eat, but also because she didn't exercise and sat in front of the computer or lying in bed all day, so she gained weight.

Of course, what she likes to eat is meat, fried chicken, snacks and other high-calorie foods, so she gains weight. It's not that she gained weight because she ate too much.

Under such circumstances, Chen Jialing doesn't like to go out.

Later, she would shop online if she wanted anything, and when the express arrived, she would ask her brother to pick it up or her mother to pick it up, without her having to go out.

As a result, she became even more at home.

Chen Wenjiu's hotel now fully meets her needs. If she wants to eat something delicious, she can go to the vegetable stalls and fruit stalls, or go to a large supermarket, and she can eat whatever she wants.

Even if she is not good at cooking, she can still go to the restaurant and taste the delicacies cooked by Chef He or Wang Gao, and that is enough.

If you want to go for a walk and see the scenery, you can go to the small garden or the big square. If you want to exercise, you can also go to the fitness square.

In this way, it can completely meet any of her needs.

"Jiujiu, your hotel must continue to operate for a long time. I will rely on your hotel for the rest of my life." Chen Jialing said.

"Sister, you can still go out for a walk. We also have a lot of scenery to see in Qiongnan, and it's not just our hotel." Chen Wenjiu said speechlessly as he looked at his cousin who was a lazy man and a housewife.

"Aren't you a writer of novels? Go out to collect stories and see the customs and customs of other places. You can add a little more fun to writing. There is no need to stay at home all your life."

"Let's talk about it, let's talk about it." Chen Jialing waved her hand.

For a coward like her, staying at home was the safest option. Going out? Traveling to other places? What if something bad happens to her?

Anyway, she has no plans to travel now - the most important thing is that she is motion sick. It was too uncomfortable to go out and ride in the car, so she didn't want to go out.

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