The hotel's large supermarket welcomed a lot of customers as soon as it opened. The tourists in the hotel and the villagers in the village were very happy. After all, there are really a lot of things in the supermarket, and it is more convenient for them to buy things.

In fact, there is a canteen in Maoyang Village, but can the products in the canteen be compared with those in the supermarket? There’s really not that much variety.

The most important thing is that the quality of the products in Wenjiu's hotel supermarket is good, and the delicious food on the first floor is also unforgettable.

Other guests from other worlds also liked it very much. Even Gao Xinfeng, Su Mo, and Lou Yu from the interstellar plane all came over. Fortunately, this time the supermarket opened during their school holidays.

Of course, Su Mo and the others didn't have a very long vacation this time. They probably only had one day to stroll around the hotel, and then they went to the supermarket.

Chen Lan and the others in the apocalyptic plane were also very happy. They had not experienced the feeling of going to the supermarket for a long time. It felt very good to go to the supermarket in the hotel.

Especially Chen Lan, she was not a rich person before the apocalypse. In the past, when she went to the supermarket, she had to carefully plan what she should buy and not spend money randomly.

But now she has saved a lot of crystal cores and some things that can be exchanged for money at the hotel and exchanged a lot of money. Then when she goes to the supermarket, she no longer needs to be as careful as before.

"Momo, do you like cake? Mom will buy you some more and store them in your space." Chen Lan looked at her daughter and asked.

There is no time flow in Chen Momo's space, and things look the same when they are put in and taken out, so she is relieved to store the cake in her daughter's space so that she can eat it whenever she wants.

Chen Momo nodded happily and said, "Yes, I want to eat cake!"

Chen Lan, mother and daughter, were happily shopping in the supermarket. They looked at other customers in the supermarket who were in a good mood, just like when they first came to the hotel when they were shopping like crazy.

Xia Housong and Xie Yuruan also visited the supermarket. When they saw so many products in the supermarket, they were stunned, but they also liked the supermarket very much.

"I didn't expect that this hotel even opened a supermarket. Is their hotel a hotel? Isn't the business too extensive?" A traveler said while following his companion while shopping in the supermarket.

In their opinion, this hotel is really magical. In addition to providing guest rooms for tourists, it also has hot springs, a "movie show", an ornamental garden, a gym, a vegetable market and a fruit stall, and now it has There is one more big supermarket.

Seriously, is this hotel a hotel or what? How come the business scope is so wide?

"What kind of business do you think they plan to do? It's a hotel, I guess. She didn't really have many guest rooms before, and she doesn't have many guest rooms now."

"Later on, we started to set up vegetable markets and fruit stalls one after another, and now we also open a supermarket. What? Are they planning to open a agricultural trading company?"

"This supermarket is so big." The tourist said speechlessly as he looked at the large supermarket with a total of six floors.

"I think it's pretty good." His companion smiled and said, "At least it's more convenient to buy things, and don't you think the products in this supermarket are really great?"

The tourist thought for a while and felt that his companion's words made sense. He nodded and said, "It's indeed very good. It's really relaxing and fun to play here."

The guests are very satisfied with the hotel, so what if it has a big supermarket? It’s convenient to buy things.

While Wenjiu's hotel and supermarket were in full swing, a big event happened in another dimension, the time and space of 2006.

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