No one wants to leave their hometown, and the same goes for Yu Chunsheng's family. The reason why they fled with everyone before was because they knew that if they didn't leave, they would only starve to death and die of thirst if they stayed in their hometown, so they could only leave with everyone else.

But now with the help of gods, they can stay.

Yu Chunsheng went to his parents and brothers and asked them if they wanted to stay. He didn't tell Yu Xiaoguo about meeting the gods. He just said that they could survive even if they didn't leave their hometown.

Of course, no one in the Yu family was willing to leave. After Yu Chunsheng brought out water, bread and cakes, they believed that he might be able to help everyone live without leaving their hometown.

The two bottles of nutrient solution were consumed by Yu Chunsheng and his family. Yu Xiaoguo had received a nutrient injection before and ate a bowl of porridge and a small bowl of soup. He was not hungry now and had all the nutrient solution. Others drank.

After discussing it, the Yu family planned to go home at dawn tomorrow. Yu Chunsheng's grandparents suffered too much when they were young and fled famine, so they are no longer here.

Only Yu Chunsheng's eldest uncle and second uncle still remember the events of escaping from famine. It's just that they were still very young at the time and can't remember the specifics, but they know that escaping from famine is really hard.

So as long as they don't leave their hometown and don't run away, they all agree to stay.

Yu Chunsheng's family has a really large population. In fact, the Yu family has the largest number of people in the whole village, so when everyone in the Yu family stayed and prepared to go back the next day, there were not many other families in the village.

There were several families who had good relations with the Yu family. After seeing them walking back, they thought about it and followed them back. Others, seeing what the Yu family and those other families were doing, felt that they were just seeking death, so they still followed the people from other villages without hesitation.

People who have been hungry for a long time are not strong enough, so they didn't go very far after walking all day yesterday. Today, they still returned to their village at night after walking all day.

The village where Yu Chunsheng and his family live is called Yujiacun. Because the village was formed when the Yu family members who were fleeing famine gathered together, so it was called Yujiacun.

Now that everyone was back, Yu Xiaoguo looked at everyone, gritted his teeth and returned to his home, then ran to the hotel.

Warm wine inn.

"Sister store manager, I'm back." Yu Xiaoguo greeted Chen Wenjiu.

Chen Wenjiu, who happened to come downstairs to take a look, smiled after seeing Yu Xiaoguo and said, "You are back in the village? Have you gone home?"

"I'm back home." Yu Xiaoguo nodded, "Sister store manager, I...I came here to ask...can I still get credit?"

"Everyone in my family is starving. Everyone is tired and hungry after walking for a day today. I...I want to give them something on credit..." Yu Xiaoguo said sheepishly.

Chen Wenjiu nodded and said, "Okay."

Chen Wenjiu prepared some pure water for Yu Xiaoguo, and also gave him some nutrient solution, small bread, biscuits and the like, hoping that they could survive on these things.

After Yu Xiaoguo returned with the things, Chen Wenjiu contacted Ms. Chen Nuannuan.

"Oh, what do you want to ask me?" Chen Wenjiu couldn't go to the plane where Chen Nuannuan and the others were, but she could still reach them through the connection between the exclusive card and the system. After Chen Nuannuan received her message Just asked.

"Ms. Nuannuan, I want to ask, do you have any plants that can be planted in the northwest?" Chen Wenjiu asked, "The new guests of our hotel are victims from the drought-stricken northwest region, so I Wondering if you have anything over there that can help them survive in a severe drought?"

"Drought?" Chen Nuannuan thought for a while and said, "It really does happen."

"There is a plant called thorns here that is very suitable for growing in arid places. I studied this plant with my team because I thought it could be used to control desertification. This plant only needs to be watered twice after it is planted. That’s it, and the rest will take root on its own and go to the ground to absorb water.”

"The thorn-thorn only needs to be watered twice, and the remaining water is obtained from underground water sources or rain, and no one needs to continue watering it. Therefore, this kind of plant is very suitable for planting in drought-prone areas. place."

"After all, there are droughts in some places. Although it doesn't rain and rivers and wells will dry up, there is still some water dozens of meters underground, which can provide thorns with growth."

"The fruits of Acanthopanax are also rich in water and have a high sweetness. The fruits of Acanthus are about the same size as grapes, and they can also be used to make wine or dried in the sun and used as medicine. It has a wide range of functions."

"If you want people in the northwest to survive, thorns are indeed very suitable for planting there." Chen Nuannuan said.

After hearing her introduction, Chen Wenjiu said in surprise, "Thank you, Ms. Nuannuan, you are really great and great!"

"Don't say that, they are all serving the people." Chen Nuannuan said with a smile, "Okay, how many thorns do you want? I will prepare saplings for you."

It is easy for Chen Nuannuan, who has wood powers and is a scientific researcher, to cultivate a large number of thorn thorn saplings. She does not need to go outside to collect them. She can spawn a large number of saplings by herself.

"Hmm..." Chen Wenjiu thought for a while and said, "Please bring me ten thousand saplings first."

"Then I will give you 10,000 larger saplings, so that they can harvest the thorn fruits soon after planting them."

"Okay, thank you, Ms. Nuannuan." Chen Wenjiu said gratefully.

Chen Nuannuan did not charge a high price for the thorn saplings. Of course, the price would not be too low. Even if each sapling only costs 10 yuan, then 10,000 saplings would cost 100,000 yuan.

Chen Wenjiu doesn't think it's a pity to spend the 100,000 yuan. She can save people and prevent land desertification. She thinks the 100,000 yuan is still worth it.

From Yu Xiaoguo's side, he quickly brought things home. He shared water, food, and nutrient solution with his father. Their family had to think about how to survive now that they were back.

They can't all rely on the help of gods to survive. They have to find other ways, and they can't just rely on others.

After the people from Yujia Village came back, the food and water brought back by Yu Xiaoguo allowed them to survive the night. When they got up the next day, they were told to plant trees around them.

I heard Yu Chunsheng say that this is a tree that can be planted during severe droughts, can survive without too much water, and can also bear sweet fruits.

Thornberry is a tree, and it is also a tall tree. A tree of it can grow to more than ten meters or tens of meters in height. However, it takes many years to grow to tens of meters in height. Now Chen Wenjiu has planted these for everyone. The thorn thorn saplings are basically just over one meter tall.

When Chen Wenjiu gave the saplings to Yu Xiaoguo, she said that if they planted the saplings for them, she would provide food and water so that they, the workers, could eat and drink enough, but within ten years of planting the saplings, 80% of the harvest is given to her.

In other words, 80% of the fruit harvest from these saplings in the next ten years does not belong to the people of Yujia Village, but to Chen Wenjiu.

Ten years later, these planted thorns will all belong to the people of Yujia Village.

"Is it true? Chunsheng, if we plant these trees, will the remaining 20% ​​of the trees bear fruit be given to us?" asked a member of the Yu family.

"Chunsheng, don't you want us to buy these saplings?"

"Chunsheng, can you really get something to eat by helping to plant these trees?"

Yu Chunsheng told the villagers one by one that these saplings were asked by a wealthy businessman to plant them, and they did not need to occupy their fields. They only needed to be planted in places where people rarely grow food. Ten thousand saplings The saplings need to be planted over an area of ​​more than 200 acres.

"Chunsheng, we all listen to you." A man from the Yu family who was about the same age as Yu Chunsheng said, "As long as we have food and drink and can survive, we will listen to you."

"Yes, Chunsheng, we all listen to you."

Not only other villagers named Yu, but also Yu Chunsheng's brothers did not object. They all supported Yu Chunsheng.

Everyone even thinks that since Yu Chunsheng can keep everyone alive and keep everyone from starving to death, then there is no problem in letting him be the village chief.

Of course, the current village chief should still be made by the original one. The village chief is also Yu Chunsheng's family member, but the other person is now sixty years old. He himself also feels that Yu Chunsheng can be the next village chief.

After Yu Chunsheng discussed it with the villagers, everyone started planting trees enthusiastically. Yu Xiaoguo brought food and water from the hotel every day, and everyone was willing to do this.

"Dad, there is a severe drought here. Will the trees we plant survive?" A young man in his early twenties asked his father while digging a hole with a hoe.

"Since Chun Sheng said it can be done, then we have to believe Chun Sheng." His father said, "Besides, the wealthy businessman who asked us to plant trees was not a fool. He gave us so many saplings, so much food and water, and it turned out that Let us plant trees that will never survive.”

"Dad, do you think this tree can really grow fruit? Will the fruit be delicious?" the young man continued to ask.

"I don't know. Your father and I have never seen this kind of tree, and we don't even know what kind of fruit it looks like." His father said.

“I really hope I can see these trees bear fruit sooner.”

"Well, I hope to see that day too."

The villagers in Yujia Village planted trees every day. They had enough food and water every day. Both adults and children worked together. It took several days to finally plant all 10,000 saplings.

The planted saplings only need to be watered once a day. After two days of watering, they no longer need to be watered. They look at the lush trees and feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Of course, there is a severe drought now, and everyone is eating grass roots and tree bark in order to survive. Therefore, people in Yujia Village have to keep an eye on these saplings and prevent people from other villages from coming over to peel off the bark or pluck the leaves to eat.

After planting the thorns, Chen Wenjiu also got the news. Now she has to think carefully about how to let the people in Yujia Village, or more people from Yu Xiaoguo's side, survive.

Of course, these matters cannot be solved by Chen Wenjiu alone. She still found Li Zeping and others, and then contacted more experts to study the matter.

From Xiaoguo's level, they can arrange for people to go there, so they have to ask if there are some people who are willing to build the new countryside and develop socialism there.

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