My hotel connects the past and present

Chapter 137 A bumper harvest of Chinese cabbage [Third update]

"Your Majesty, empress." Zhuangzi's steward greeted Xiahou Song's family, and after receiving them, he made arrangements for the others.

"Go and see that Chinese cabbage." Xia Housong said. Although it was a bit far from the capital to Zhuangzi, he was not so tired after thinking about the Chinese cabbage harvest.

"Yes." The person in charge didn't say anything to tell Xia Housong and the others to rest first, but instead took the two of them to a place where Chinese cabbage was grown.

Xie Yuruan's farm is quite large, with probably several hundred acres of land. The seeds she brought back cannot be used to plant all the land. Chinese cabbage has only been planted on three acres of land.

When Xia Housong and Xie Yuruan arrived at the vegetable field, they saw the field full of large Chinese cabbages. It weighs two or three kilograms, right?"

"When are you going to collect it?" Xia Housong asked the steward.

"Your Majesty and your concubine are here, and they can be collected now." The steward said respectfully.

"Okay, let's harvest it now." Xia Housong said happily as he looked at the three acres of land full of cabbage.

"Yes." The steward responded, and then ordered someone to call the people in the village to collect the cabbage.

Xia Housong and Xie Yuruan were emperors and empresses, so they didn't need to go to the fields with them, but the couple also tried to harvest a few cabbages themselves.

Xia Hourui and Xia Houwan also came over. Xia Houwan was just over a year old and could not walk steadily, so she did not go to the ground. Xia Hourui, on the other hand, followed his parents. He felt full of accomplishment after trying to harvest two Chinese cabbages.

The people at Zhuangzi worked very efficiently, but it was already afternoon when Xia Housong and Xie Yuruan came over, so in half a day, they only harvested the cabbage from one acre of land, and could not catch up with the remaining two acres of land. .

"How many kilograms?" Xia Housong asked people to weigh the crops while harvesting, and then calculate the yield per acre after harvesting.

"Your Majesty, the yield of this Chinese cabbage is eight thousand jin per mu!" the man who counted the production of Chinese cabbage said excitedly.

"How much did you say?" Xia Housong said in surprise, "Is it really eight thousand catties?"

"It's true, Your Majesty. I've clearly calculated that the harvested cabbages weigh a total of eight thousand four hundred and seventeen kilograms!"

"Hahaha..." Hearing the man's answer, Xia Housong smiled happily and said, "God bless Daxia!"

"God bless Daxia!" Others followed suit.

Xia Housong was very happy. After having the Chinese cabbage put into the warehouse, he told the steward, "Tomorrow we will harvest another acre of Chinese cabbage and leave the remaining acre for seeds."

"Yes." The steward responded.

That night, Xiahou Song's family ate mutton stewed with cabbage, cold cabbage and other dishes, and also tasted other ingredients, sweet potato leaves and pumpkin leaves.

Right now, sweet potatoes and pumpkins are not yet ripe for harvesting, so only their leaves can be eaten. The leaves of sweet potatoes and pumpkins grow quite lush, and they can be picked and eaten as vegetables without affecting their harvest, so Xiahou Song and his family have tasted new vegetables.

"These sweet potatoes and pumpkins are really good. I didn't expect their leaves to be edible." Xia Housong said as he served Xie Yuruan some vegetables. "Zitong, try these pumpkin leaves."

Xie Yuruan thanked him, took a bite of the pumpkin leaves and said, "This pumpkin leaf is indeed delicious."

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Chinese cabbages are harvested now, so in a month and a half, the radishes should also be harvested." Xie Yuruan said.

"Really?" Xia Housong asked, "The yield of this radish should not be low, right?"

"I heard from the person who gave the seeds to my concubine that the yield of radish is several thousand kilograms."

"Hahaha... such a high output?"


"Really, God is blessing our Daxia!" Xia Housong said happily.

Xie Yuruan was happy to see him, and she was actually quite happy too.

Although she hinted at the beginning that she should not invest any affection for an emperor, Xia Housong has been very kind to her in the past four years. She has been the only one in the harem for these four years. How could she not be attracted to him?

Xie Yuruan looked at the handsome face in front of her, and then thought about how kind he had been to her over the years, and secretly told herself that it was okay to fall in love with him. As long as he was kind to her, it would not be considered as a failure to deserve her love.

If one day, he did something to regret his feelings, wouldn't it be good for her to take her feelings back? Even though that day will be painful, she can do it. If you are merciless, I will give up.

Xie Yuruan's thoughts turned over and over again, but there was nothing strange on his face. The couple talked to their two children while eating, and the warm atmosphere of the family of four no longer looked like a royal family.

After seeing the harvest of Chinese cabbage and radish, Xie Yuruan yearned even more for the magical hotel she had been to. She knew there were many things there.

So on this day, Xie Yuruan came to the hotel again.

"Miss Xie?" Chen Wenjiu, who happened to be resting on the sofa in the hall, said in surprise when he saw Xie Yuruan coming out of the reception room.

She didn't expect that Xie Yuruan would come. The Queen of Daxia hadn't come for a long time after her last visit. She thought this guest would only come once, but she didn't expect to meet this guest again today. The queen is the queen.

When Xie Yuruan saw Chen Wenjiu, he smiled and said hello, "Manager Chen, I'm here again."

Chen Wenjiu nodded and said, "It's rare for Miss Xie to come here. Our hotel has developed a lot of projects recently. Miss Xie can have a good time."

Chen Wenjiu asked Xie Yuruan to sit down, and then introduced her to the small garden and fitness square of his hotel, so that Xie Yuruan could play more in his hotel and spend more money.

Xie Yuruan listened to Chen Wenjiu's introduction. While listening, he sighed in his heart that there were so many interesting things in Xianjia. He was very glad that he could come here.

"Manager Chen, I am here to tell you that the seeds you gave me have been planted and harvested. Although they are only Chinese cabbage and radish, the harvest of these two vegetables is very good. I Looking forward to the sweet potato and pumpkin harvest.”

"I'm still thinking about whether I can exchange more seeds with you, Manager Chen. I want more people in our country to grow these high-yielding varieties." Xie Yuruan said seriously.

"Of course." Chen Wenjiu nodded and said, "How much do you want? I can buy it for you here."

Chen Wenjiu had previously considered that Xie Yuruan's side would need a lot of seeds. Of course, she also thought that other planes would also need seeds? It's better to get a lot of seeds through Li Zeping and others, and then they can sell them to guests from other planes.

For example, in the interstellar plane, although the plants there are not extinct, there are many novel plants that are not found on the earth, but some plants on the earth are not available there and can be sold to them.

There is also the apocalyptic plane. Now that they have communicated with the hotel, they actually need some seeds to plant back. After all, the food resources there are really scarce.

There was also the Great Xia Dynasty plane. After she knew that it was an imaginary ancient time, she thought that there would be a great need for many of their seeds.

Therefore, the hotel has prepared a lot of seeds. If Xie Yuruan wants to buy them, she can bring out quite a lot.

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