My hotel connects the past and present

Chapter 109 Book [1st update]

Xie Yuruan wanted to soak in the hot spring first, so Chen Wenjiu asked Yuan Eryuan to send him to the large bathroom on the second floor.

Xie Yuruan's eyes widened when she heard Yuan Eryuan speak, but after a while she persuaded herself that since she is a god, having a pet that can speak human words is not something worth making a fuss about.

Xie Yuruan came to the large bathroom on the second floor, and then experienced the hotel's hot spring project under the leadership of the Emperor Penguin robot. I have to say that although the hot springs in the hotel have different effects, they are indeed very relaxing and comfortable after taking a dip.

Xie Yuruan is really tired at ordinary times. As the queen of Daxia, she has to pay attention to everything she says and do. As the mother of a country and a role model for women, she cannot make any mistakes.

Xie Yuruan is an outstanding daughter trained by the Xie family with all their efforts. After marrying the emperor, she has to be cautious in everything she does, and she is afraid that she will do something wrong and be caught, which will harm herself and the Xie family.

In fact, the relationship between Xie Yuruan and her husband, the emperor of Daxia, is not good but not bad either. The couple can be said to treat each other with respect.

She was the second queen since the founding of Daxia, and was the queen designated by the late emperor and successive emperors. She did not dare to live up to the expectations of the late emperor and successive emperors, and she did not dare to live up to the expectations of the Xie family.

But she was really tired.

Emperor Xia Housong really respected her and gave her enough face, both in front and behind, but she was a little dissatisfied. She wanted her husband's love.

But Xie Yuruan also knew very well how extravagant it was for her, as a queen, to want the emperor's love. Even though she is the only one in the emperor's harem now, she is worried that maybe when her eldest son grows up, there will be other women in the harem.

The court had been arguing about the emperor's harem for a long time. It had been almost ten years since she had not married Xia Housong.

For the sake of her son and daughter, and for the sake of Daxia, she must seize this opportunity and use this opportunity to do more things that benefit the country and the people, so that her own position and the position of her son and daughter will be stable.

As long as she can come up with things that benefit the country and the people and do good things for the whole world of Daxia, then her status and that of her children will be stable enough. So what if there are more people in Xiahou Song's harem? He couldn't easily destroy her and her child.

After Xie Yuruan took a comfortable bath in the hot spring, she went out wearing her clean and dried clothes.

Xie Yuruan doesn't have much energy to visit the small garden yet, but he is very interested in the food in the hotel restaurant.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many meals in the immortal's residence." Xie Yuruan sighed while tasting the lychee meat, "Are these dishes filled with lychees and pineapples?"

The dishes Xie Yuruan ordered included lychee meat, pineapple sweet and sour pork, pineapple fried rice, and of course she also ordered desserts such as banana milkshake.

"Yes, the lychee meat in our restaurant is made of lychees." Yuan Yiyuan replied.

"I didn't expect that lychees can be eaten like this." Xie Yuruan sighed.

As the queen of Daxia, Xie Yuruan has eaten lychees before, and she can get a small share of the annual tribute. It's just that the capital of Daxia is a bit far away from Lingnan. There are not many lychees that can be transported to the capital. Even if she is a queen, she can't eat them openly.

I didn’t expect that lychees can be made into dishes, and so can pineapple.

There are no pineapples in Daxia. This fruit was introduced to China from the Americas, so there are no pineapples introduced to Daxia. But after Xie Yuruan ate it at the hotel, he felt that the taste of pineapple was really delicious, sour and sweet, and very appetizing.

Xie Yuruan also tasted another dish made with fruits, that is Dongbi Dragon Ball. This dish is made from longan, which has a beautiful color, crispy skin, plump filling, sweet and fresh taste, and a unique flavor.

Xie Yuruan had a meal and then returned to the room No. 204 she booked comfortably.

Everything in Room 204 was decorated according to modern things, and the furniture inside was also relatively modern. Xie Yuruan, a pure ancient, became very interested in the things in the room.

Then Xie Yuruan looked at the sofa, coffee table, etc. in the living room with great interest, and then looked at the TV. She couldn't turn it on, so she didn't turn it on.

After that, Xie Yuruan went to see the bathroom again. The modern faucets, sinks, showers, toilets, etc. all opened her eyes.

She saw that the sink and toilet were all made of ceramics, and Xie Yuruan thought that if she could remember it and let the craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry study it after returning to Daxia, she should be able to make it, right?

As for the faucet, Xie Yuruan thought about it. In fact, it was not impossible for her craftsmen to study it. She wanted such a thing.

Of course, what surprised Xie Yuruan the most was the mirror. She had seen the mirror in the big bathroom before. She could see her own appearance clearly, and even the fine hairs on her face could be seen clearly in the mirror. Xie Yuruan Ruan was really surprised and liked it.

She has never seen her face so clearly. The mirrors in Daxia are basically bronze mirrors. When she looks in the mirror, she can only see it vaguely. This is the first time she has seen such a clear mirror.

Xie Yuruan really wanted such a mirror, but she couldn't take it apart and take it away. She could only wait until tomorrow and ask the store manager if she could find more for herself. Mirror, she wants to bring it back to Daxia.

After Xie Yuruan came out of the bathroom, she saw the books on the shelf. She couldn't help but take one and flipped through it. She found that it was a book about marine life.

For the first time, Xie Yuruan knew that there were so many things in the sea. There were not only all kinds of fish, but also all kinds of shellfish, shrimps and crabs, as well as all kinds of seaweed. This made her endure. I can't help but be fascinated by it.

The system is very user-friendly. Xie Yuruan is an ancient person from ancient times, so after she checked in to Room 204, the books and texts in Room 204 were all changed to traditional Chinese characters.

Daxia's writing system is traditional Chinese characters, so Xie Yuruan had no trouble reading at all, and he could read the book thoroughly and interestingly.

That night, Xie Yuruan read through almost half of the books on the bookshelf in the room and stayed up until after midnight when he couldn't stand it anymore and then fell asleep.

When she fell asleep, there were several books left on the bed. It could be seen that she was still reading before going to bed. She fell asleep directly after reading them without having time to put the books back on the bookshelf.

Xie Yuruan woke up early the next morning. Even though she had only slept for less than three hours, she was still full of energy.

The hotel bed has a sleeping effect, so even though Xie Yuruan slept for a shorter time, she still slept very comfortably.

When she got up in the morning, Xie Yuruan looked at the books on the bed. After washing, she continued to read. It wasn't until after eight o'clock in the morning that she remembered that she hadn't had breakfast.

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