My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 624: The overall situation is set, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The cold light bloomed in Ding Qing's eyes.

"Kill them all down!" Ding Qing said sharply.

The Sixteen Palm Palace Envoy immediately responded, and they quickly activated their magic power. Chen Yang suddenly felt a huge force of mana pressing on him.

The clansmen in the back were trying to follow, but they were all shaken by this huge force.

Sixteen palace envoys and four guardians surrounded the high platform!

"Who dares to trespass, kill without mercy!" Murong Xing stood up first, stepping forward and shouting. He is full of hair and beard, majestic.

This is a critical moment of life and death, Murong Xing is really a sword and a sea for Ding Qing, and he is no longer afraid.

The people below were immediately shocked.

After all, it is very difficult for this group of people to give full play to their mass power without a leader organization and no one to charge smoothly.

Chen Yang cried secretly, he felt that at this time, he should be the wisest thing to escape by fishing in troubled waters.

There is really no way!

But Chen Yang was not reconciled to go like this. He secretly retreated to the crowd and sheltered himself among the crowd.

Ding Qing has to work hard to stabilize the overall situation, and naturally has no time to deal with Chen Yang. That's because of a small loss!

It was also at this time that Ding Qing's eyes flashed fiercely and pointed to the green jade pendant and said, "Here is the mana primordial spirit who returned from the Phoenix King? It is clearly the primordial **** evil song that activated the predator. Ye Ming , You are a big burden, and a vicious heart. You deliberately led us to the vicinity of the Immortal Abyss, just to use this to provoke the predator, and cause the entire undead clan to be restored. Fortunately, my uncle and elder Chen caught it in time You! Otherwise, the entire undead will be destroyed in your hands!"

"Fuck!" Chen Yang saw this and couldn't help admiring Ding Qing's wit. His IQ is obviously higher than Ye Ming, and there is a predator in the Immortal Abyss. At that time, I thought this location was a good place to gather, but now that Ding Qing said that, it immediately seemed that he and Ye Ming had ulterior motives.

This is really yellow mud falling into the crotch, not **** or shit.

Murongxing immediately knelt to Ding Qing and said, "Sect Master Yingming Shenwu, he discovered the trickery and tricks in time, long live the Sect Master!"

Those palm palace envoys, law protectors, and necromancers all knelt immediately, their magic power was profound, and they shouted out one by one, immediately creating a posture that the people's minds were toward.

"Sect Master is wise, long live the Sect Master!"

Under such circumstances, those tribes did not know why, but they also felt Ding Qing's majesty and power.

They couldn't help but believe that Ding Qing really saved the undead once.

So soon, these people knelt down and shouted: "Sect Master is wise, long live the Sect Master!"

The masses are always the easiest to arouse anger and the easiest to be misled. This group is destined to be a group used by high-ranking people. Occasionally there are smart people, but their voices cannot be heard and the masses cannot hear them.

In this situation, Chen Yang had no choice but to squat down. Otherwise he would be too eye-catching.

On the stage, Ding Qing revealed the joy of victory. He immediately said: "Okay, I will destroy this Yuanshen evil song now, so as not to be used by the villain and harm our people!" After he finished speaking, he used mana to destroy the jade pendant.

"It's over." Chen Yang wailed in his heart when he saw this.

That green jade pendant was directly crushed into powder by Ding Qingyunjin.

Then, the powder of the green jade pendant fell. The green powder was not scattered by the wind.

At this time, weird things happened.

The powder of the green jade pendant suddenly condensed and finally formed a soul!

Phoenix King Yuanshen!

King Huang wears a purple robe and a crown on his head. She looked at Ding Qing with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Ding Qing, can't you think of it?"

Ding Qing was shocked.

His fear of King Phoenix was innate, and his body couldn't help trembling. At the same time, his face was pale, and he couldn't help backing back again and again.

Murongxing and others were also surprised.

"Long live the phoenix king, long live the phoenix king!" The group of people finally saw the long-lost phoenix king, and immediately screamed from the heart.

Chen Yang also stayed for a while, surprisingly inexplicably surprised. How is this going? Chen Yang couldn't figure it out at all.

"She is not the Phoenix King at all, but the evil charm!" Murong Xing immediately shouted, "Don't be deceived."

After Murong Xing finished speaking, he immediately waved his palm to kill Huang Wang Yuanshen!

Huang Wang Yuanshen didn't say much, and suddenly pounced on Ding Qing.

Ding Qing took a deep breath, he had already recovered when Murong Xing spoke. Only before, the sudden appearance of King Huang really scared him.

Now, he immediately slapped King Phoenix with a backhand.

No matter how powerful the King Huang is, he is just a broken soul at the moment, how can he fear it!

"Immortality!" King Huang suddenly turned into a whirlwind and shouted!

This whirlwind suddenly changed again and turned into a purple light!

The purple light is exactly the undead light, this light is the essence of the undead light.

Ding Qing, Murongxing and others were shocked.

They have all seen the undead divine light of the Phoenix King. As long as this divine light really shines with purple light, within a radius of ten miles, everyone's life and death will be controlled by the Phoenix King.

Ding Qing immediately shipped out his magic weapon, misty sky cover! Murong Xing, the sixteen palm palace envoys, etc. all shipped out magic weapons, trying to resist the undead light.

The tribesmen even knelt on the ground, shivering, and dare not resist!

At this time, the change happened again. Just when everyone was afraid of this undead man. Ye Ming suddenly issued a compassion sword, his compassion sword flashed golden light, and Dharma swordsmanship slammed Ding Qing.

"This undead **** mang is fake." At this moment, Murong Xing discovered something wrong and shouted.

Ding Qing also realized this.

At the same time, the compassion sword stabbed, and Ding Qing covered the compassion sword with a misty sky in the crisis. "Ye Ming, do you think you can kill me?" Ding Qing sneered.

But as soon as his words fell silent, things changed again. Then Elder Chen Qiao suddenly printed a palm on Ding Qing's back.

Ding Qing spit out a mouthful of blood due to this change.

After that, Ye Ming's thoughts moved, and the compassionate sword broke through the misty sky cover and turned directly around Ding Qing's neck.

Ding Qing's neck immediately appeared as blood-colored lines, and then blood spattered.

Ding Qing fell down like this.

The misty sky mask is made of Tianyin silk, which can be large or small, and can net everything. But once Ding Qing herself had a problem, Ye Ming immediately broke through the protection of the misty sky shield.

A generation of heroes Ding Qing died like this.

King Huang appeared in front of everyone again.

"Long live the phoenix king, long live the phoenix king!" The people of the tribe cried out again.

Ye Ming and Elder Chen Qiao appeared beside King Huang.

"Murongxing, do you still want to be obsessed with it?" Huang Wang yelled coldly.

Murongxing's mind trembled.

"Come here, take him down." King Huang said, "The rebel Ding Qingfu, the generals are all bewildered by this Murong Xing. As long as you take this person to the emperor, the rest will be forgiven. !"

"Yes, King Phoenix!" The ambassadors, law protectors and others all started their hands. In the crowd, Fu Ling, the chief mage among the Necromancers, had slipped away quietly.

The people of the tribe were also filled with righteous indignation, and they were almost about to rush in.

The phoenix king is the spiritual symbol of the people of all the tribes. Now that she appears, it is naturally the mountain whistling the tsunami and responding to each other.

If these palace ambassadors dare to come forward, they will definitely be killed by all the people. Therefore, King Huang issued these orders, and they immediately followed them.

Murong Xing simply gave up and flee, he put his hands down.

The reversal of the matter was so fast that Chen Yang hadn't expected it.

Chen Yang looked at the Phoenix King Yuanshen on the stage, and he understood everything in his heart.

It turned out that King Huang had many preparations. This Phoenix King Yuanshen prepared with one hand, and Elder Chen Qiao also prepared with one hand.

Before his death, King Huang had already figured out how to return. Compared with King Huang, this Ding Qing is really far behind.

Ye Ming had been held by Elder Chen Qiao just now. Elder Chen Qiao was a member of King Huang, so he naturally released Ye Ming. Moreover, King Huang's immortality was still fake.

It is estimated that this primordial spirit has been silent for more than 20 years, and it is really useless. The reason for pretending to display the undead mang was to cooperate with Ye Ming and Chen Qiaozhu to kill Ding Qing.

Everything about the undead came to an end in such a hustle and bustle.

A day later, Lin Bing and Lan Ziyi were greeted back by Ye Ming, Chen Yang, Chen Qiao and a group of confidants, and greeted them back to the Ice Phoenix Palace.

Elder Mu Hua had been killed by Ding Qing before. Bi Yue also died tragically in the hands of Xu Lai, the palm palace envoy.

Xiaobai is also dead.

Chen Yang felt a little sad about the deaths of Xiaobai and Biyue, but under the circumstances at the time, he and Ye Ming both felt that sacrificing Xiaobai and Biyue could divert their attention.

After all, the matter at the time was too important to go wrong. Biyue's death can allow them to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion, which is a very crucial part.

Although, afterwards, Biyue's death did not exert much effect.

But how can everything be as expected.

Where there is struggle, there must be sacrifice.

The sacrifice this time is much better than imagined.

Chen Yang even felt that the progress of the whole thing was considered smooth, and it was too smooth.

And the next big thing is that the blue and purple clothes will return to their true form as soon as possible!

Outside the Ice Phoenix Palace, all the clansmen came to guard.

This is to prevent those palace ambassadors, law protectors and the like from making trouble. They actually understood in their hearts that King Huang's being generous right now does not mean that she would still be so generous after she regained her real body.

Once the Phoenix King recovers his true body, then everyone has no chance to stand up again.

All the clansmen are waiting for the return of King Huang.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing were waiting in the lobby of the Ice Phoenix Palace. And Lan Ziyi and Ye Ming went to the Soul Palace! That soul hall is where the blue and purple clothes regained their true body. There are countless primordial thoughts of the Phoenix King in the soul hall, and countless soul yin auras, which is a huge magnetic field. It was such a huge magnetic field that created the Phoenix King’s true body and its supreme mana.

This is a process of integration!

And Ye Ming needs to help Lan Ziyi run his mana to restore his true body, because Lan Ziyi has no mana now.

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