The news of the appearance of the mysterious fleet is fermenting faster than the discovery of star No. 8, and the images sent back by the passengers of the passenger ship have gone viral on the Internet.

The media that received the notice did not dare to report indiscriminately, and cooperated with the official announcement, the news was concise and to the point, and even reminded small media and self-media not to spread rumors, and reminded the public not to believe rumors.

Human beings have started the age of great exploration and developed to this day. Although it is controversial to face the possibility of other intelligent civilizations in the universe, the planetary federal government has already prepared relevant plans, and various departments are operating in an orderly manner.

The discovery of fleets of other intelligent civilizations may be a moment of life and death for mankind.

The attention of the whole people naturally includes normal people and some people with ulterior motives.

The speaker is in a meeting, and the extremist organization "Sky Curtain" is also having a small meeting.

"The discovery of star No. 8 has given this speaker a lot of sweetness. I heard that he is actively promoting the formation of a new expedition and exploration team. We must find a way to stop him!"

"I heard that the Leng family is preparing for the wedding of Leng Qin and Xia Zhe. The invitations have been sent out. There will definitely be many dignitaries going there. It's a good opportunity."

"Security must be very tight. Recently, the internal instability, there may be an inner ghost leaking information. I heard that the Planetary Federation is formulating a comprehensive plan to encircle us."

"So we must do something big to deter them!"

"News, read the news!"

Seeing the news, a group of people in the conference room suddenly felt like a godsend. They were trying to do something big, but they didn't know where to start.

"Suspected fleets of other intelligent civilizations appear at the jump point?"

"You see, this is the inevitable result of continuous expeditions and explorations. The politicians in the chairman's conference room must still be dreaming of getting along with each other. We must take this opportunity to teach them a lesson!"

"People who are not of my race must have a different heart. You read these news, and you are still saying that the other party has not shown hostility, and you are paralyzed."

"Since they have illusions in their hearts, why don't we take the initiative to attack, if we launch an attack, we will inevitably provoke disputes, and the planetary federation government will not be able to escape responsibility, and I am afraid that they will not have the energy to encircle us.

If a racial war breaks out, all human beings will be involved. Even if we win, it will be chaos. We can take this opportunity to seek change. If we lose, we will all be buried together. "

"Do you know where the transition point is?"

"The news from the media came from a passenger ship. It is estimated that it spread too fast, and there was no time to block the news. We only need to check the sailing route of this passenger ship to deduce the transition point."

"How many starships can be dispatched?"

"Isn't one boat enough?"

"No, don't underestimate the IQ of other intelligent civilizations. At least you have to pretend to be a small fleet to attack the opponent to be convincing. Just one ship, the opponent just needs an excuse. If the opponent really has no intention of attacking, don't take the bait What to do, do everything in a complete set, and be sure to succeed with one blow."

"We spent a lot of money to free up some decommissioned tattered starships. In order not to be discovered, some of them were dismantled and shipped back and reinstalled. With this little wealth, do you really want to gamble it all at once?"


Once things are decided, act immediately.

A small fleet hidden in a remote base was notified and set off immediately.

Compared with the interstellar pirates, this small fleet can be called luxurious, and compared with any entire fleet of the Star Federation, it is almost like scrap iron.

For such a big matter, the latent undercover agent must pass the news back even at the risk of being exposed.

Upon receiving the news, the planetary federal government was also frightened. The speaker was just fantasizing about establishing friendly relations with other intelligent races, developing business technology, and possibly forming an alliance in the future. As the first human representative, he will definitely go down in history forever.

Illusions are beautiful, and news is horrifying. Once a war breaks out with other intelligent civilizations, even if the war is triggered by an extremist organization, as the speaker of the planetary federation, he will not be able to absolve himself of the responsibility.

The speaker quickly gave instructions: "Notify the fleet that is going to respond to intercept it. Be sure to stop this fleet, and we must not let them succeed!"

On the passenger transport ship, Xia Zhe didn't know that some villains were rushing over to try to harm him. If a conflict really happened, their passenger transport ship, which had lost the ability to jump, probably wouldn't be able to escape.

Xia Zhe looked at the silent starship outside the window, and asked Lengqin, "What do you think they are doing?"

Leng Qin guessed: "If the other party wants to communicate with us, it should be detecting our communication signal and trying to match the connection. If the other party's technology is superior to ours, it should not be difficult to do.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the other party is also relatively cautious. It can be seen that even if the technology is not as high as ours, it is still limited. "

While still guessing, a group of creatures with green and gray skin suddenly appeared on the screen on the wall of the room. Seeing the signal connection, these creatures quickly backed away, letting a person in a strange dress come to the front.

"It seems that the other party has connected to the communication channel in the ship." Leng Qin looked at the screen, curiously looking at the intelligent race in front of him.

The bluish-gray skin in front of him looks likely to be a captain-level creature. The overall appearance is not very different from that of a human. He also walks upright and has four limbs. As for whether it is a mammal, it is hard to say.

The biggest difference is the head. There seem to be strange devices planted on both sides of the opponent's forehead, and the eyes are small and lifeless.


Not surprisingly, Xia Zhe couldn't understand a word the other party said.

Before you know the other person, it is also difficult to infer the other person's attitude by observing the words and expressions. What if in the other person's life, smiling is scolding you, and crying is trying to eat you.

The captain didn't expect that the other party could forcibly access the full-channel communication in the ship, and he didn't need to think about it to know that the cabin must be fried again.

He also wanted to communicate with the other party, but they spoke different languages, and he was not a language expert, so he didn't dare to make random gestures, and it was useless to try hard.

In the video, the captains of both sides are very depressed.

In the room, Leng Qin looked at Xia Zhe: "Why do I feel that you are a little disappointed."

Xia Zhe sighed: "There are no furry ears and tails that I want."

Leng Qin sneered: "What else do you want?"

Xia Zheli said boldly: "It's human nature to pursue beauty. You don't want to meet Zerg or Alien, do you?"

"Stop rambling."

In the room, only images can be seen, but they cannot communicate, and even if they can communicate, the other party cannot understand. Xia Zhe has no scruples when speaking: "You said what is on the sides of their foreheads, it should not be born, they will not be The intelligent system is implanted in the brain, if it is true, do you think this device can circulate energy in their bodies like absorbing nutrients, or does it have to be recharged regularly?"

Leng Qin: "Why do you have so many questions?"

Xia Zhe: "Aren't you curious?"

Although Leng Qin didn't want to admit it, she was really curious!

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