My Girlfriend Is Too Strong

Chapter 536: Everywhere

A game with such a simple and rough gameplay does not need to be reviewed for too long. The game is undoubtedly interesting, full of unknowns, and very joyful.

The auditors have already imagined how lively it would be if tens of millions or even over 100 million players gathered in an ecological environment where the survival of the fittest would be the best.

It's just that the mall is too scary!

Auditors try hard to disregard VIP ratings and take a hard look at the game itself.

"The game is very fun, and the evolution route is very rich. I don't know if there are any players who can sum up the rules after the game is launched!"

"It's hard."

"The quality is still as good as ever. Without plots and missions, Xia Zhe only left a competitive environment, which is very pure."

"A grade is still fine."


Although it is not a masterpiece, the novel gameplay was recognized by the auditors, and it passed the A-level audit on the third day after submitting for audit.

It's a pity that they don't know what kind of demon this A-level review receipt has released.

After receiving the results of the A review, Xia Zhe acted quickly and assigned the task to the planning department: "Let's talk about it with the advertisers, let's launch it now, the interviews of the big media can be scheduled as soon as possible, and the front pages can be bought directly purchase!

By the way, especially around the headquarters of Generation EX, projections, large screens, and station advertising spaces are all taken down, shopping malls, supermarkets, even barbershops, you have to take them down for me! "

Under Xia Zhe's urging, the planning department acted immediately, and the advertisement was put out quickly.

For the EX generation, Cook was a little uneasy. The online exaggeration of the EX generation was getting more and more exaggerated. He was very proud at first, but in the past two days, even he himself was almost disgusted.

"I want to scold the EX era!" Cook felt that there must be something tricky in it, and he was going to have someone check it out.

In the end, before he could finish the arrangement, an employee suddenly rushed in: "Boss, come and see!"

"What's the matter?" Cook was stunned for a moment, followed the employees out of the office, and saw the skyscraper opposite the Generation EX headquarters building. On the virtual advertising screen facing them, the advertisement of Skyline Entertainment was extremely eye-catching.

A gigantic and hideous monster that looked a bit like a whale devoured another monster, and then evolved. The id on its head changed from gold to colorful gold, and its combat power jumped from 998 to 98888.

Then Xia Zhe appeared on the virtual screen: "It starts with a kun, evolution depends on swallowing, Sky Entertainment's latest development of a survival game with no rules is hot, if you are a brother, come to "Darwin Survival Evolved" to bite me!"

"And over there."

The employee pointed to the side of the building, and saw that another building’s advertisement was filmed, and one beast devoured the other, but the special effects were slightly different. The person who appeared after the video this time was Mo La, and the words were the same: " Start with a kun..."

The Cooks are stupid, what the hell is this?

An ad lasts only ten seconds and is played in a loop.

"Is this aimed at us?" the employee asked Cook.

"Fuck, this is no nonsense!" Cook couldn't help but swear.

Seeing that the employees were disturbed and a little restless, he quickly calmed down his emotions, and then held a small meeting: "Everyone, don't pay attention to the outside world, and focus on our own project development.

What's the use of this crooked way? According to our current development progress, the multiplayer mode of "Virtual Life" will be launched after the Dawn Festival. At that time, we can also place advertisements on the opposite side of Tianji Entertainment. "

After hearing his words, some employees murmured in a low voice: "You can play the advertisements in Elven City if you want?"

Fortunately, Cook didn't hear this, otherwise he might be very angry.

Cook turned off the transparency effect of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the office area, out of sight and out of mind, so employees can work with peace of mind.

He returned to the office and continued to think about the online public opinion. Based on the advertisements outside the window, he had reason to suspect that the online public opinion might also be caused by Xia Zhe.

Hiring people to praise them vigorously, what kind of coquettish operation is this!

Cook gritted his teeth. They also hired an Internet marketing company. He knew very well that the other party did not spread rumors and slander.

"Cheap, shameless, extremely shameless!"

Cook is going to find someone to find out the rumors. If he is sure that Tianji Entertainment did it, he will report to the top management to discuss how to counter Xia Zhe.

As a result, he opened the wristband, and one of the apps suddenly popped up a push message: "The start is a kun, and the evolution depends on swallowing!"

Cook: "..."

Contact friends in the circle to help find out, he packed up and prepared to leave work.

Walking to the parking lot and getting on the suspension car, Cook glanced at the circular advertisements on both sides of the building before leaving, and snorted coldly: "Tch!"

On the way home in the suspension car, Cook felt his neck was a little stiff. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go for a massage to relax.

Changing the route, Cook came to the clubhouse he often went to. As soon as he got out of the car, he heard a familiar voice: "A kun at the beginning..."

Turning his head, he saw a small advertising screen on the wall of the parking lot, playing the advertisement of "Darwin's Survival and Evolution" in a loop.

Looking around, as long as there is an advertising screen, it is the same picture.

Cook felt that his blood pressure was full, and rushed into the clubhouse. He swore that if there were "Kuns" in the clubhouse, he would... He would immediately cancel his VIP membership and never come again.

The soothing music sounded, and I finally felt quiet. I found a familiar technician to give me a massage. Cook lay on the massage table and fiddled with the screen in front of him. He likes to watch some comedies or funny variety shows during massage.

Finding a random variety show, Cook laughed while watching it, but the variety show suddenly entered a commercial break: "A kun at the beginning..."

Cook almost punched him, but he couldn't blame the club, after all, he chose the show himself.

"Xia Zhe, how many advertisements have you *#*# done?" Cook had to maintain his image in front of the technicians, so the swear words were cursed in his heart.

At the same time, the manager of the planning department was claiming credit in front of Xia Zhe: "President Xia, don't worry, all the things you entrusted to me have been done.

Around the EX generation, all the advertising spaces that are on sale have been bought, and we have reserved some of the sold ones. When the other party's advertisements expire, we will immediately replace them with ours.

For the virtual screen of the building, the advertising screen of the station, and even the breakfast restaurant where the employees of Yuanxing Studio often go, I contacted the other boss and put up a dynamic stand. "

"Good job!" Xia Zhe praised.

Unexpectedly, the manager of the planning department hadn't finished speaking. He scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "Actually, I did some research and checked the daily preferences of senior leaders of the EX generation. I heard that Cook likes to go to massages. I also bought the advertisement outside the parking lot of the massage club, but it’s a pity that the advertisement is not broadcast in the club, so we didn’t talk about it.”

Xia Zhe was so pleasantly surprised, he hadn't met such a discerning person for a long time, he deserved to be able to take the position of manager of the planning department, he quickly encouraged him: "You have a future, you are so promising, I want to give you a raise! "

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