My Girlfriend Is Too Strong

Chapter 318: A New Tour Is Released

Seeing Xia Zhe being so proactive, Leng Qin readily accepted and went through a few tricks with him.

After the practice, Lengqin jumped on Xia Zhe's back and asked him to take a bath on his back.

Leaning on Xia Zhe's back, poking his face with his fingers, Leng Qin tilted his head and asked, "You videotape every day and study with the door closed, but you haven't seen any results?"

Xia Zhe snorted coldly: "Stop rambling, you won't be proud for long."

I wanted to exercise for an hour and come back to watch the auction, but the exercise ended. I accidentally took a shower for two hours. When he came back, the auction was over.

Taking a look at the total amount of the auction, Xia Zhe was elated. He didn't expect that two sets of figures plus some scattered limited merchandise could fetch 80 billion yuan.

Of course, after deducting taxes, costs and the share given to Dad Leng, the price will be greatly reduced, but it is also very cool.

On the bracelet, there is also a message of Sun Feng's "freedom" and a message for help.

Xia Zhe took a closer look and realized that this guy was using public funds to purchase the engine for research, but he was reluctant to dismantle it after buying it back, so he asked him if he could sell him another engine.

Although Xia Zhe felt that Sun Feng's small calculations, his family must be well-established, and he would probably turn a blind eye to it, but he insisted on doing a whole set of plays, and it was not impossible to help out by himself.

The average price of a single mobile suit is 250 million, and the entire set of mobile suits is 32 billion.

Although bidders can choose to remain anonymous, this local tycoon not only did not remain anonymous, but even showed his real name without showing his ID.

Mora Bit!

Xia Zhe looked at the comments on the Internet and found that this person seemed to be quite famous. Everyone was dumbfounded at the price, but it was no wonder that the successful bidder was Mo La.

"As expected of the world's number one prodigal son, throwing 32 billion!"

"The problem is that the money is spent. For him and the Bit family, it is light and not a problem."

"After all, there are mines at home, and there are many mines. It is very difficult for him to lose his family property."

At Dong Shaochen's house, Mo La was about to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate: "Hahahaha, I knew no one was my opponent. I'll see what people say about me online."

The remarks on the Internet are like compliments to Mora, and it is very enjoyable to watch.

Dong Shaochen looked at the time: "The auction is over, why don't you leave?"

Mo La sat on the sofa: "Why are you in a hurry, today is fun, let's find a game and stay online all night?"

Dong Shaochen: "Don't play, get out!"

Having said that, he still took the virtual helmet and was urged by Mora to enter the game to get excited. The New Year is not over yet, so it's good to throw away all the troubles.

At the end of the Chinese New Year, he raised 80 billion, and Xia Zhe was in a happy mood.

Father Leng also saw the grand occasion of the auction, and it was a bit unbelievable to hold the order, but this shit is still selling well!


At the end of the New Year, the players enjoyed a holiday, excited to mention all kinds of new equipment and new skins, and yawned on the first day of work. Not only did they not have a good rest, but they were even more tired.

The same is true for Tianji Entertainment. It is difficult to get into the mood when returning to work on the first day.

However, according to the original plan, after the Chinese New Year, the first group of "Inception" is ready to be released, and the second and third groups of projects will also start to sprint and finish. After all, these three projects are not as big as "Star Wars" big,

Moreover, since the release of "Star Wars", Tianji Entertainment has only launched two spin-off projects. There has been no new game announcement for a long time. Players can't wait, and the game department dare not delay any longer.

A week after the holidays, the beta version of "Inception" was released.

Xia Zhe personally participated in the test, put on the virtual helmet, and clicked on "Inception".

Game Tips: In order to ensure the player's gaming experience, all the menu interfaces in the game are hidden, and can be called out from the bracelet as needed. This game is very immersive, and those with mental and mental illnesses should be cautious...

Well, well, after a bunch of reminders, a strong sense of sleepiness hit.

It became pitch black in front of his eyes. After the pitch black, Xia Zhe sat up from the bed sleepily, as if he really fell asleep.

Looking around, everything is very real. You can’t see the status bar, task prompts, navigation bar, etc., which can only be viewed through the bracelet.

The script has been fine-tuned according to the background of the times. Xia Zhe is very familiar with the plot and flow of the game, without any confusion, and the progress of the game is very fast.

Because it is a linear process, there is not much room for free exploration. It mainly depends on the expressiveness of the script.

The sense of immersion comes not only from the surrounding environment, but also from the interpretation of the characters in the play. Every expression, every action, and every line needs to be pondered over and over again. Any funny words that do not fit the plot may destroy the player's imagination. empathy.

It took Xia Zhe two days to complete the entire process.

"How is it?" Cao Shan asked him.

Song Yang watched anxiously from the side: "Is there any problem?"

"It's very fun to play, and I don't think there is any problem." Xia Zhe smiled, "Especially the processing of falling asleep and waking up, specially enhanced the sensory experience, and the effect is great."

Song Yang claimed credit from the side: "This is the idea I came up with. I made it to the end. I exited from the third layer of dreams little by little, and finally exited the game. I almost thought I was still in a dream.

Since there is no problem, netizens are urging new works after the Chinese New Year, can they be submitted for review? "

"Submit it." Xia Zhe also knew that before letting him try it, Cao Shan had organized everyone to test and optimize it repeatedly for a long time, and the game was already very complete and mature.

After filling out the review form, attaching the review client, and sending it to the Star Entertainment Supervisory Committee, Song Yang slipped to other groups to show off.

The other two groups are at the busiest and most anxious stage, how can they give him a good face, and directly blast him out.

As soon as the official review formula page of the Star Entertainment Supervisory Committee was updated, netizens discovered it.

"Haha, wait until it's over, I refreshed it with a shake of my little hand."

"Linear plot game, finally waiting for you, Skyrim Entertainment is awesome!"

"I don't know what innovations will be made this time. The puzzle-solving and invasion modes of "Sherlock" and the difficult parkour of "Tomb Raider" are very interesting."

""Inception", look at the name, there may be an invasion mode."

"The invasion mode was abused before, so I have to be more careful this time."

As discussed on the Internet, when the Star Entertainment Supervision Committee received the application form, it looked at the title of the game and thought there would be an intrusive gameplay.

I haven't tested Skyrim Entertainment's new game for half a year, and I miss it so much. A group of auditors can't wait to enter the game.

Lu Fang took the special reminder when entering the game very seriously. The more he read it, the more he felt that someone would break into his game and make trouble.

Entering the game with such a mood, he was extremely vigilant at the beginning, as if anyone was here to harm him.

But after searching around, he couldn't find the option of invading other people's games. After entering a few dreams with the plot, he finally immersed himself in the story.

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