Players already have a hunch when they see free games.

After following the novice guide to walk through the complete process, they also basically understand how the game is played.

Pass the barrage shooting and train the war girl.

There are only two ways to get the war girl, one is to drop in the level, and the other is to accumulate energy cores for construction.

The game comes with a chat room, and you can browse the forum while playing the game.

Many people chatted while playing.

"That's it, that's it?"

"Apart from being beautiful, this game is not very good. Is this really produced by Tianji Entertainment?"

"You take away the biggest advantage. This game is really not very good, but isn't it beautiful enough? The UI is beautiful, the battle girl is beautiful, and the skills and barrage are also beautiful. As a derivative game, I love it. It's all about me. Wife."

"go away!"

"Hey, you all don't know, you can use the virtual helmet game to summon war girls to the community for interaction!"

"True or false, which posture to interact with, please tell me specifically."

"Uh...not what you think."

"Then what a fart!"

Just like what was said in the comments, sometimes just being beautiful is enough, for the sake of Miss Zhan Ji with different appearances and personalities, there is no need to be nostalgic for extraneous things like stars coins.

"5% S-level output rate, so high?"

"The pool is deep, and there are often repetitions."

"Whoever watched Dapo, whoever watched it, is too sensual, Xia Zhe is giving everyone benefits!"

No one has ever seen such an operation of turning the mecha into a girl and ripping out clothes. Compared with 18+ games, it is a little more subtle, but this kind of subtlety makes people feel more itchy.

The most important thing is that there are so many war girls in this game. It has just been launched, and there are more than fifty war girls from C-level to S-level, which is dazzling.

As soon as you enter the page of choosing a war girl, each war girl is either called "commander" or "brother", which makes people want to stop and no one wants to be left out.

"Is this game fun? It's very ordinary, but it stole my pocket money for this month."

"Why is it that only the S-rank Zhan Ji has a change of clothes, don't other Zhan Ji girls have new clothes? Do you think I can't afford this money? Protest!"

Lying on his own private spaceship, reading reviews comfortably.

"Thank you, thank you. The private spaceship I'm on now is all thanks to everyone." Xia Zhe muttered meanly, opened the artist group, sent out a big red envelope, and then chatted privately about the follow-up business manuscript cooperation.

For things like skin, we must pay attention to the uniform exposure of rain and dew + key care.

The theme of the skin is also important.

He plans to hold a poll every once in a while to understand everyone's preferences, and then proceed with the follow-up production.

Lengqin played "Tracking List" for a while, and seeing the release of "Dark Blue Lane", she couldn't help but go in and take a look. The more she looked at it, the more she wanted to knock Xia Zhe's head open to see what unsuitable thoughts were contained in it. .

To think of turning a mobile suit into a woman, how impure is the usual thinking!

Leng Qin pursed her lips, looked at the figures and attires of the war girls, and couldn't help muttering: "He likes this?"

Shaking his head, and looking at the smiling LSPs in the chat room, Leng Qin decisively quit the game and stopped playing!

Everything was in Xia Zhe's plan, except for a small episode in the "Star Wars" game that surprised him.

A few hours after the release of "Dark Blue Lane", in the "Star Wars" mission area, many scattered players were doing missions.

The team commander of a certain team shouted desperately: "'Upstairs and downstairs', you drive Zaku to distract the enemy, we will dismantle the engine, take it and run away, as long as you take the engine, you will earn money, even if your Zaku is damaged It's okay, we'll make it up for you."

Unexpectedly, "Upstairs and Downstairs" suddenly said: "No, my heart hurts when my wife is beaten!"

Team Command: "???"

This kind of picture appears in many teams.

However, some people understand that after playing "Dark Blue Lane", there is always a kind of obedient feeling when entering "Star Wars", especially when holding the armor, it always feels like holding the joystick...

Cough cough cough!


During the journey, Xia Zhe took the time to sleep for a while. He dreamed that it was raining gold coins from the sky, and the cute beckoning cats surrounded him begging for breath and masturbation.


Suddenly a chill hit his brain, Xia Zhe opened his eyes suddenly, and found that it was Leng Qin who pressed the iced drink cup against his forehead.

"Don't sleep, we'll be there soon." After Leng Qin finished speaking, she rolled her eyes at him, "You can laugh so cheaply while sleeping, what dream did you just have?"

"I dreamed of a group of beckoning cats, do you think I am the reincarnation of the God of Wealth?"

"Stop!" Leng Qin pressed the cold cup against Xia Zhe's face again, intending to wake him up.


Xia Zhe's bracelet received the message, and it was from the company.

By the end of the day, the accumulative recharge amount of players in the game has exceeded 100 million. This is still when the limited-time characters are not online and there are few skins to change.

"Look." Xia Zhe showed the news to Leng Qin.

"I can't see!"

Xia Zhe showed a surprised expression, and began to act like a demon: "Are you blind? Don't worry, no matter you are poor or sick, I will be by your side and will never leave you."

Leng Qin pushed his face away: "Get lost!"

Sharon also fell asleep, and when she woke up, she saw the two flirting and closed her eyes again, feeling that she woke up unluckily.

When the private spaceship arrived at the port, Shalan deliberately didn't ask her family to pick it up, so she called a hover car outside the airport and went straight to her home.

Although it is a royal family, Alice's family does not have a luxurious palace, it is just a single house + a relatively large yard.

"It's home!" Shalan was very excited, she brushed her face and entered the door, warmly inviting, "This way."

It wasn't the first time Leng Qin came here, and he was familiar with it. He said to Xia Zhe, "Don't worry, Shalan's family is very good."

"Of course I'm not worried, don't forget to testify later!"

"You don't remember anything serious."

The two whispered and came to the living room.

It was already evening, and in the living room, Alice's family was finishing their meal.

Sharon's father was eating, and suddenly put down the tableware, frowned slightly, and rubbed his forehead with his hands.

The wife next to him asked, "What's the matter? The meal is not to your liking?"

At the dinner table, other people also cast concerned eyes.

Shalan's father shook his head: "No, I always feel a little headache, I don't know why."

At this moment, the door opened, and a person rushed in cheerfully, sliding his feet on the slippery ground.

"Look who's back."

Puff... Puff!

Shalan fell to the ground and didn't feel much pain. She sat up and complained angrily: "I just said that there should be carpets here! Forget it, let's not talk about this, are you happy when I come back?"

A group of people at the table were dumbfounded, and a group of people who have always paid attention to etiquette, clanging, dropped the tableware in their hands, and said in unison: "Why are you back!"

Following her, Xia Zhe, who entered the room with Leng Qin, quietly tapped his finger: "bingo!"

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