Today is Sunday, but the father-in-law does not have the concept of a weekend. They have to codewords every day, miserable as a dog, add one more!


"By the way, Mr. Chen, have you contacted the regular army?"

"It's done." Chen Huanxian smiled: "Mr. President arranged for the Seventh Fleet to cooperate with my movie."

"Wow? The Seventh Fleet?" Annan was overjoyed: "That's really great."

"Why?" Chen Huan asked.

"The Seventh Fleet is the latest fleet of our warships on Sirius." Annanqi said: "The reason is that in a battle with Vajira last year, the Seventh Fleet's warships were damaged, and the government simply put the warships in the military factory. A batch of warships just built were all delivered to the Seventh Fleet. It is said that other fleet officers were very jealous and hated. At that time, countless people complained that the Seventh Fleet deliberately broke the warships for new ones."

"So does Sirius have something like this?" Chen Huanle said.

"Anyway, the battleships of the Seventh Fleet are very new. They are great for filming, and there is no need to do much processing in the later stage."

"Well, let's go to the base to see what the Seventh Fleet is like."

Chen Huan and his party arrived at the fleet base next to Zhoukou Lake. The guard of the base had long been ordered by the president to take Chen Huan and his party into the base, and they soon came to the apron of the Seventh Fleet. Sure enough, This is a brand new fleet. All the ships are very new, the armor is polished, and the morale of the soldiers seems to be very good.

When the commander of the Seventh Fleet saw Chen Huan, he immediately gave a military salute, saying: "During the last Warjira invasion, the junior officer witnessed the scene of Mr. Chen slaying the giant Wajira with his sword. It was shocked and admired. Inexplicably, I am deeply honored to be able to help Mr. Chen in filming this time."

Chen Huan smiled and said, "You're welcome, you're really troubled this time. I will ask someone to bring you some fruits and vegetables from the earth."

The commander-in-chief is even more overjoyed: "This... how embarrassing it is. In fact, we can't help much, just take a few scenes of fleets sailing in the interstellar space, and the soldiers practice scenes like asteroid landing battles. The scenes of the battle with Vajira were all synthesized by computer, and the engagement is not a real battle. I am ashamed of receiving such a courtesy."

Look at his expression, it is very interesting, very dare to be, don't want fruits and vegetables for nothing.

Chen Huan turned to Annan Qi and said with a smile: "Wajira's props are also ready?"

Annan nodded: "We are familiar with this aspect."

Since he often made movies of machine gunners hitting bugs, the Wajra models used as props were of course already prepared. Dozens of fake Wajra made of synthetic materials were brought over by freight workers. , These Vajira’s bodies are made of chemical materials, but the shells are made from real Vajira’s corpses, making them lifelike. When shooting battle scenes, these models of Vajira’s computer special effects With the help, he will appear on the battlefield alive like a real Wajra.

"OK, everything is in place! We can start shooting."

The Seventh Fleet entered the universe with a large number of Wajira models, as well as Chen Huan, Dong Huang, Bian Yujing, and a group of Sirius actors. The scene of the brand-new fleet sailing is quite imposing. Chen Huan and his party are all staying on the flagship "Expedition". Through the viewing window, you can see a large group of destroyers and frigates surrounding the flagship.

"We must first take pictures of the Earth diplomat’s asteroid expedition ship being attacked by Vajira." Annanqi said: "So, we must choose a beautiful asteroid as the shooting location. All land warfare shootings will be here. On an asteroid."

He took out a cosmic star map, pointed to the points on it, and said: "There is a small asteroid on it, which is rich in minerals. Which one should I choose? Uh... I suggest choosing R- Asteroid 045. This asteroid is rich in iron, titanium, aluminum and other metal ores. It is a very attractive planet... I think diplomats should be very interested in such a planet."

"I'm interested in a ghost!" Chen Huan Khan said, "Isn't that just a planet of a pile of rocks? There is no beauty in the picture. The audience just watched a few actors fight among a pile of dark rocks? Then look at it. Fart, there isn't any good-looking planet? Can you set off your eyeballs?"

"Uh, there are good-looking ones." Annanqi said: "Asteroid R-032 is very beautiful. It is full of simple crystals composed of carbon elements, which is very bright and beautiful, but... simple matter composed of carbon elements. Crystals have no value. They are simply beautiful and lack the need for investigation. I think the diplomats from the earth are of very high grade and should not be interested in such flashy planets. If the plot arranges her to go to this kind of planet to investigate minerals, Not very reasonable..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Huan and Dong Huang said at the same time: "Just choose here!"

"Ah, do you really want to choose this?" Annan shook his head: "This broken planet, our mining ships don't bother to go. I really don't know if there is a need for investigation, there is a serious logic error."

Chen Huan said: "Wrong size, just choose this one!"

Therefore, with Chen Huan's insistence, the Seventh Fleet came to the R-032 asteroid. From the universe, the asteroid seemed to be wearing a transparent dress. On the surface of the planet, there was sparkling everywhere. Diamonds, stone forests of diamonds, valleys of diamonds...

Dong Huang saw his eyes almost straight!

Chen Huan smiled and said, "That's it, the thief is beautiful, and the pictures of the movie must be beautiful."

Annan shook his head and said that he could not understand: "Do you really want to be here?"

"I am an investor, I have the final say, let's go here!"

At the insistence of Chen Huan, the Seventh Fleet landed on this planet full of diamonds, and then filming began. The space exploration ship prepared for earth diplomats was released. A group of actors, with the help of makeup artists, Starting to put on makeup, Bian Yujing put on a suit and dressed up as a diplomat, but it was difficult for the other earth crews on the ship to handle it. Dong Huang and Chen Huan had to sit on and act as the diplomat’s subordinates, and a few others. The Sirius actor also put on black cosmetic contact lenses and appeared on Earth.

Then, in the airspace above the asteroid, I started to take pictures of the expedition ship being chased by Vajira...

Dozens of model Wajira were released. Under the control of the remote control, Fei Wu chased the research ship. The commander on the research ship, Bian Yujing, put on a serious face and said, "No, this ship is powered. Damaged, I can only make an emergency landing on R-032, everyone hold on to the things around..."

"Boom!" The stern of the ship was hit by Vajira’s spurs, exploding a ball of sparks, and the research ship forced to land with the flames, and fell into a diamond forest with a bang, and a large diamond pillar was knocked down by the ship. Flying all over the sky...

Chapter 818 can't stand it anymore

9 pm, regular update


Dong Huang looked at the flying diamond and felt pain in her heart, but when she saw this picture, she knew it was going to be hot. Damn, my heart was hurt. The audience on the earth would also be in pain. No doubt it will be fired.

The research ship was forced to land, Bian Yujing ran into the cargo hold quickly, and jumped into a robot...

Of course, she is here to act, and as soon as she jumped in, Director An shouted: "Card! Okay, Miss Bian can come out, change to a regular soldier driver."

Then, the ace pilot of the Seventh Fleet jumped into the cockpit, and the robot with the latest Sirius technology jumped out of the cabin. As for why there are Sirius robots on the Earth’s diplomat’s spacecraft, of course the Sirius government gifted it. This kind of details can be explained by just a few lines, not the point.

A large group of Wajra models attacked from the outside, and the ace driver manipulated the robot to fight the models. Although these Wajra were models, they were very realistic and the movements were extremely realistic. After all, the Sirians took this shot. This kind of film has been shot for hundreds of years, rich experience and sophisticated.

As for Bian Yujing, he only needs to sit in a virtual cockpit in the studio, take pictures of his upper body, say a few lines, and switch the camera back and forth during the screening. It looks like Bian Yujing is manipulating the robot.

The robot fisted a Vajira, and Navajira flew out backwards, crashing and breaking a large diamond pillar.

Then Vajira jumped up again and slammed into the robot. The robot fell backwards, crashing and breaking a large diamond pillar.

The robot jumped up, drew out the laser sword, and slashed at Wajra. Wajra flashed sideways. The laser sword cut through the air, swept over a huge diamond as large as a locomotive, and swept the diamond. Cut in half.

The robot quickly turned around, and two Tibetan-shouldered directors flew out, one was in the middle of Vajira, and the other was empty, hitting a diamond mine behind, with a bang, and diamonds flying all over the sky, making a mess.

Dong Huang threw himself to the ground with a "puff": "Hurry up...stop it! Making a movie like this is simply a waste of money, and I can't stand it anymore."

After a long time, this set of combat shots was finally finished, and the surface of the asteroid was also beaten in a mess. Although it was just a fake shot, the shots of the robot and the model Vajira jumping and falling are real after all. Diamond Forest was really bad luck, being beaten up by these two guys in a mess.

At the end of the story, although Bian Yujing succeeded in breaking out of the siege, all the fellow Earthlings were captured by Wajira and threw them into a diamond cave. They should be kept for the winter to eat slowly, a large amount of Waji. Ra surrounded the asteroid, and it was impossible to break through with Bian Yujing's robot alone.

Bian Yujing had to go back to ask for help. She drove the robot back to Sirius, and met the Seventh Fleet of Sirius just halfway. Here, Bian Yujing needed to make up again, and made a few small cuts in her clothes, and made some fake wounds on her face. Applying some black paint, it looks like it has been smoked, and it looks very embarrassed, but in the embarrassment, he brings a touch of Britain and America.

In fact, Bian Yujing’s nature is soft and she is not suitable for this kind of role. She has never been good at this kind of role before. It seems to be a lot more determined. If you stand still and swing the POS, you can also put on a hint of heroism.

This time the filming location was changed to the bridge of the Seventh Fleet’s flagship "Yuanzheng". Bian Yujing said to a middle-aged actor who was acting as the commander of the fleet: "Admiral, my companions, all were captured by Vajira. Please send your troops to rescue immediately."

The actor nodded: "Understood, for the friendship between the earth and Sirius, our army will not sit idly by. Now the whole ship will be sent in immediately and the rescue battle will be carried out immediately."

On the other side, the real commander of the Seventh Fleet made a depressed expression and said, "Why can I only watch from the side? Shouldn’t I be the one to play this role? I’m the real Seventh Fleet. Commander, I play this thief professionally. No, I don't need to play at all. I am a professional commander."

A group of people next to him rolled their eyes and said, "Shall come, I just asked you to try it once, but you stuttered four times with a simple line, said three words incorrectly, and trembles nervously. What are you doing? play?"

The commander screamed: "I don't care, whether I stammer or not, I am the commander of the Seventh Fleet."

"The audience cares who you are."

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