When He Qiang said this, Gu Xin also looked under the bed.

He Qiang explained: "The money and land deeds have been placed in the Yamen. Once the case is settled, they will be handed over to Wang Shunzi's brother."

According to the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in a situation like this, money, livestock, etc., will be handed over to the person closest to the head of the family after the case is settled.

All Wang Shunzi's children and grandchildren are dead, and his parents have also died long ago, so he only has his brother. If the brother is gone, he will be his nephew. Anyway, the money should be handled based on blood relationship.

When Gu Xin got up from the floor, she saw something like hair at the foot of the bed. She borrowed He Qiang's big knife and pulled the things out.

"Look, does this look like hair?" Gu Xin asked.

"Third Young Master, Wang Liu's hair is a little curly, and there are several curly haired people in her family." He Qiang explained.

"Really?" Gu Xin was stunned, and then asked: "How old is this Wang Liu?"

"Back to the Third Young Master, the Wang Liu family is fifty-seven." He Qiang said.

Gu Xin nodded without saying anything, then took a handkerchief and wrapped the hair.

"This..." He Qiang didn't understand what Gu Xin meant.

"I just think it's a little strange. Logically speaking, at fifty-seven, you should have gray hair. But look at He Qiang, this hair is completely black, not white at all. And the hair quality doesn't look like that at all. It's like an old man's hair." Gu Xin said.

When He Qiang thought that this was the deceased's hair and that the delicate princess was wrapped in a handkerchief, he admired her immensely. Now that he saw it, he felt that Gu Xin was right.

"Third Young Master, we can take this hair to Yizhuang later to compare it with Wang Liu's hair. Although Xiaoqiu has shaved off Wang Liu's hair, when the case is settled and buried, the deceased's hair will also be taken with it. Even though she was buried, her hair is still there," He Qiang said excitedly.

"Well, I think so too." Gu Xin nodded, "We can look for hair like this in other places later. By the way, are there any descendants of the Wang family with naturally curly hair like Wang Liu? ?”

"The youngest child is the one, I remember that the others all have straight hair." He Qiang thought for a while and replied.

"Well, let's go to the next room." Gu Xin nodded, wrapped the hair in a handkerchief and took it away.

The next room is the room of the old daughter of the Wang family. He Qiang has already introduced Gu Xin to the situation of Wang Siyun, the old daughter of the Wang family.

This is Wang Liu's daughter who was only born when she was forty years old. She is two years younger than Wang's eldest son. She has been doted on by her parents, three brothers and three sisters-in-law since she was a child. She has a high self-esteem and her eyes are above her head. They said they would marry each other, but she looked down on the young man from the village.

Among all the female relatives, Wang Siyun's death was the most horrific. Not only had she been stabbed several times on her body, but there were also knives on her face. Judging from the death condition, Lord Qin suspected that the murderer hated Wang Siyun the most.

Wang Siyun's house is very clean, with many things and bright colors. Even the curtains on the bed are pink, there is a bronze mirror on the dressing table, and there are many silk flower headbands and jewelry. It can be seen that the Wang family has a deep love for Wang Siyun. She is really doting.

The Yamen only took away the money that the Wang family and his wife had specially hidden, such as those placed at the scene of the investigation. They did not touch it, but they recorded it one by one.

Gu Xin looked at the powder scattered on the ground. Wang Siyun was not lying down when he died, but sitting beside the bed or lying on the bed.

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