My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 1983 Instructions

Lu Zheng smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, you are right! But, if he has been threatened, after so many years, King Qu is gone, and Prime Minister Lin is gone, he can tell it. Even if he is threatened, he will be gone. That woman Lin knows what can threaten him, but he doesn't have to be so aggrieved."

"If something is wrong, it is wrong. There are many things that cannot be turned back. I just hope that in the days to come, they can be safe and sound, and I also hope that they will not disturb us."

Gu Xin pulled the bench closer and said, "Brother Yuanyuan, do you really have no feelings for Mr. Zhen Guo?"

Lu Zheng shook his head: "Yes, how could it not be? I hate him!"

Gu Xin sighed, pursed her lips, and said no more.

Lu Zheng didn't want to talk about Duke Zhen anymore, so he talked about other things.

When it was almost midnight, a maid came to ask Gu Xin and Lu Zheng to go to the front. They all had to go back to rest, and the little prince was also going to be taken back to the palace.

After Gu Xin washed up, she lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. After thinking about it, she got up, put on her clothes and walked to the bedside to call Bai Er.

Soon, Bai Er appeared.

"Is Baiyi in the capital?" Gu Xin asked.

"Third Miss, the boss is not in the capital and has gone to Kunzhou again. What do you want Third Miss to do? Now all matters in the capital are handled by subordinates." Bai Er replied.

"I want to know the past affairs of the Lin family. To be precise, the past affairs of the Lin family. Especially the people Lin had contact with at home in the years before she married the Duke of Zhen. After Lin Xiang's family was executed, the Lin family Do you know where the servants were sent?" Gu Xin asked.

"Those important ones were beheaded along with the master's family. The unimportant ones were all sold to the south of the Yangtze River by the government." Bai Er replied.

"Go and check and see if you can find the servants who were in the Lin family at the time I mentioned. No matter which of their masters they were with. Of course, it would be best if they were servants who were close to the Lin family. By the way, they are in the Lin family now. The servants around you should also check." Gu Xin said.

"Okay, Miss Third, my subordinates will order you down in a moment." Bai Er agreed.

After Gu Xin gave the instructions, she went to bed, and now she could sleep peacefully.

Originally she would not have thought so much before, but since she came back to Dazhou last year and came to the capital after traveling around, she has fallen in love with Gu Ren's storybook.

In the two years in the west, she missed two years of reading.

Gu Ren could have an idea in his head every day, and Lu Zheng specially found his own bookstore to help Gu Ren write the storybook. There was a big pile of it, but Gu Xin hadn't finished reading it yet.

Recently, I like to read it when I am bored. After watching it too much, Gu Xin starts to think wildly.

She wasn't just thinking about it for no reason.

Just like the matter of Zhen Guo Gong's Mansion, Gu Xin had never seen Zhen Guo Gong before, so she just thought it was whatever Lu Zheng said. In addition, Uncle Gu and Grandma Xiao and Grandpa Zhou both thought Zhen Guo Gong was a person. A heartless man, so the Duke of Zhen Guo was a heartless man in her heart.

As she grows older, Gu Xin has now learned to look at problems on her own, and she does so calmly and without any emotion, treating herself as an outsider.

Then, after meeting Duke Zhen Guo several times, she felt that Duke Zhen Guo was not who they said he was. She felt that Duke Zhen Guo had his own reasons.

She also saw the Duke of Zhen buying food for a little beggar, and saw the Duke scolding a dandy who wanted to bully a stray dog ​​on the street.

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