My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 1200 Duke Dingguo’s Mansion

The Peng family has already begun preparations.

The game is scheduled to take place on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there are still twenty days to prepare.

Come rain or shine, they won't accommodate you considering that you are a girl.

The top of the mountain was also determined, and the Peng family sent people to clear the wild animals on the mountain first to prevent anyone from being alone and encountering the big guys during the activities.

At the same time, the reward from the court came again.

Because the official road from Kunzhou to the capital was repaired and put into use, the emperor took the empress dowager, the empress dowager, and the empress, as well as dozens of second-rank and above officials in the court, to personally set out from the capital to Tongzhou and back. I thought it was good, so I issued this reward.

From Kunzhou to the capital, you have to pass through five state capitals. It used to take a month to drive, but now it only takes 20 days, saving a lot of time.

The official road from the capital to Jiangnan has also begun to be repaired. The Ministry of Industry has sent people to build cement workshops in each state capital. After the official road is repaired, the people can buy and repair their houses. This business naturally belongs to the imperial court.

This time it was awarded to Gu Shouxin, the magistrate of Kuncheng County, and a member of the Duke Dingguo family.

The Duke of Dingguo's residence is the Peng family. They are just one family not in the capital, but this title is real.

Gu Xin laughed at herself when she heard the news, saying that on the way to the capital, Brother Yuanyuan gave her and her eldest sister a lot of knowledge about the high-ranking people in the capital. As a result, the Peng family was so low-key that she even forgot that the Dingguo Palace was their family. .

Mrs. Zhang went back to her room, closed the door and laughed a few times, "Oh my god, the Peng family is the palace of the Duke of the country, and her eldest daughter is marrying her eldest grandson, who will inherit the title!"

Zhang increasingly felt that many of the things Cai Xiaolian told her before were right. At that time, she didn't know the identity of the Gu family, so she thought it would be enough to find Huihui a rich family, or a scholar or something like that. , Cai Xiaolian told her, didn’t that bury Huihui? Huihui can definitely find a better one.

Mrs. Zhang didn't believe it at that time, but now she looks at it and realizes that she is the eldest daughter-in-law of Duke Dingguo's mansion!

She didn't know that what Cai Xiaolian said at the beginning was not to look down on scholars or candidates. She just felt that the people introduced by Zhang were unreliable. Gu Hui was a person with her own ideas, and in her opinion, Gu Hui's age They are not very old, so I help the child to persuade Mrs. Zhang.

The emperor's reward for the Peng family was gold and silver, while the reward for Gu Shouxin was a promotion, directly making him the prefect of Kunzhou.

In the past, there was only Kun City in Kunzhou, but now there are more and more people in Kun City. Gu Shouxin also reported his idea of ​​expanding the city and adding a county seat. The emperor agreed, and at the same time he promoted Gu Shouxin.

At the same time, people from the Ministry of Industry were sent to repair Gu Shouxin's government office after the new year, so that Gu Shouxin could use the county government office first.

As for the position of the government office, the emperor doesn't care at all. He only needs to give him a promotion. It was agreed that Gu Shouxin of Kunzhou has the final say, so he will not ask for trouble to take care of things!

During this twelfth lunar month, the number of people in Kun City did not decrease, but increased.

The houses in the expanded city outside the city have almost been built. Recently, many merchants from other state capitals have come to ask when they will be able to sell them. The merchants may buy them to live in, or they may buy them and leave them, and then sell them to others to earn money.

There are also people from better-off families who want to settle down in Kunzhou. There are also people who were originally from Kunzhou who fled Kunzhou because of the war and are now returning.

Anyway, the people in the county government are very busy every day.

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