My Empire

Chapter 706: The emperor's decision

Chris had forgotten how long he hadn't left Seris, the capital of Ellen Hill.

Almost 4 years? Almost 3 years? He left almost yesterday... He did leave the city of Seris yesterday, but only to inspect the factory in the suburbs before hurried back to his palace.

As the territory of the Ailan Hill Empire grows larger, Chris, the emperor's majesty, becomes more and more like a totem.

More than half of his subjects have never seen the emperor, even simple pictures or photos.

After all, in Serris, 5g technology is already popular; in Fallen Dragon, it is nothing new for everyone to be a keyboard man on the Internet; but in Dossenal, televisions are still the main entertainment appliance. Computer::/

Going further south, or further west, many places in Ailan Hill can only listen to some important national events through the radio. Most of the civilians in these places don't know what their Emperor is like.

It's time to take a look, take a look at the tens of thousands of miles you have laid down with your own hands, and take a look at the worlds that are completely yours.

Suddenly, Chris suddenly understood Qin Shihuang's mood when he was patrolling the world. He tapped his fingers gently on his handrails, and looked at the invisible sea of ​​clouds through the porthole.

This may be the safest airplane in the world. The new passenger plane belonging to the royal family is almost the largest and most luxurious private jet in the world. The cost of maintaining it is scary.

It can be described as a huge plane with a private gymnasium and team meeting rooms. It can provide standard sleeping accommodation for 70 people, and can carry 300 accompanying persons to take off at the same time.

What is even more enviable is that this aircraft has very strong communication guarantees. It can directly contact Star Ring to authorize the use of the Celestial Staff to strike, and it can also contact the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff to order nuclear weapons to fire.

The room that belonged to the emperor's own rest was luxurious and luxurious. Chris didn't want such a luxurious enjoyment, but the engineers who built this plane insisted on using the best everything on this plane.

The whole decoration design is simply a work of art. It refers to the fresh and natural concept of the elves and incorporates a minimalist style. The expensive magic oak is mainly used as the decoration material, so that the cabin is full of light fragrance.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Chris couldn't even feel that he was on an airplane. Except for the insignificant turbulence, it is more comfortable than many people's homes.

"Your Majesty, I think that the devil's surrender is a matter of frontline experimental feedback to make a decision."

"Hate can be filled with gains, right?" Chris retracted his gaze from the sea of ​​clouds outside the porthole and looked at the two men who were over half a hundred years old sitting across from him.

One of them is the minister of the economic department and the other is the director of the mining department. The reason for bringing them together is because this time the foreign visit requires a series of economic treaties to be signed, and these two need to be responsible for these things.

Another reason is that this Deputy Minister of Economy, Cruz, and this Deputy Minister of Mining, Moza, are both disciples of Mr. Gurlo. Both of them are regarded as powerful ministers of the next imperial economic minister. competitor.

Such scenarios are rare in the Ailan Hill Empire. After all, this empire has risen too fast, and its important figures are too young nowadays, and there are very few situations in which a successor is needed.

Whether it is a general or a civil servant, the old ministers under Chris are basically young people, and the new blood filled in is the calm old man. Therefore, the Ailan Hill Empire is far from the time when the new is replaced with the old, so the only successor to the senior minister Gurlo is also attracting attention.

As for whether His Majesty the Emperor will choose the more radical mining upstart Moza or the more conservative head of the economic department, Cruz, this also represents the choice of certain routes in the future of the empire to some extent.

"Your Majesty, death is not necessarily the cruelest punishment. Sometimes, life is worse than death is the most terrifying sanction." Deputy Minister Moza carefully elaborated his opinions.

The things he is responsible for are all related to people's livelihood issues, oil output and consumption, in a sense, it is a barometer of the empire's economy.

In addition to products such as fuel gasoline, plastics also have other mineral derivatives. Nowadays, they are also very important means of production, indispensable and important materials, and represent the economic development of the entire world. ::

And under the glamorous appearance of the empire, there are many dark places that cannot be exposed to sunlight.

For example, in the mining of minerals, many places are still backward manpower, and they still rely on thousands of miners to produce manually.

Therefore, Vice Minister Moza’s suggestion to His Majesty the Emperor is that if experimental demons can become cheap labor, then using demons to mine mines will greatly reduce the cost.

"Anyway, we also lack population. Let these demon captives do low-level jobs and treat them as low-level consumables." Moza said.

"What do you think?" Chris looked at the Minister of Economic Affairs Cruz, who was aside, and asked the latter's opinion.

Cruz thought about it and said to Chris: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that the best way to be economically active is to expand the market. If the Devildom is a new market, we need consumer groups."

"One of you wants to consume population, one wants cheap labor... It seems that you are advocating to keep these demons?" Chris still kept beating his fingers on the handrail, and asked without delay.

The two looked at each other, and then replied together: "Your Majesty, it is true... We are all..."

"But my order is not to accept any prisoners." Chris's tone remained unchanged, and he said: "Before I boarded the plane, I gave the order to let the frontline troops refuse the demon's surrender."

Hearing this answer, the two people were obviously taken aback, and then they both wanted to persuade the emperor in front of them to leave behind those "useful" demons.

"You don't have to persuade them." Chris stopped their actions: "The shame can only be cleansed with blood! After I think that the human shame has been washed with blood, I will accept the devil's so-called...surrender!"

After speaking, Chris looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the porthole and the blood of the demon blacked these white clouds.

There are three more changes, let’s watch tomorrow morning

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