My Empire

Chapter 623: Can't count on

The demons also have magic fighters, but those magic jet fighters born out of seismoelectric fighters have very unstable performance, and the performance of their equipment is also very backward.

They can't even be called the first-generation jet fighters. The MiG-17, which Ailan Hill has eliminated, is stronger than the demon's magic fighter in terms of flight performance and control performance.

In Ailan Hill, whether it is the fighter of the Puppet Empire or the fighter of the demon, it is a good target for the Ailan Hill fighter pilots to achieve their records.

Compared with the magic dragon, which can hover in the air, fly upside down, or even make weird turns, a fighter jet converted from seismoelectricity, which is more in line with the characteristics of the aircraft, has a more regular flight trajectory and is better locked down.

Another important reason that prevented these fighters from participating in this air battle was because the demon’s magic fighters had insufficient range. Those short-range fighters that can only fight with floating cities or floating castles are simply impossible to appear on the battlefield at this time.

Those floating castles with runways and floating cities are still in the process of slowly assembling at this moment.

Compared with the light-hearted Ailan Hill troops, the ancient and huge demon troops are very slow in the process of assembling and attacking.

The second batch of anti-aircraft missiles are not equipped with ammunition with explosive destruction such as sub-munitions. However, the countless fragments that exploded still caused heavy losses to the demon forces.

After all, these extremely fast fragments can cause huge damage to the magical defense barrier. After countless actual combat tests, it is very easy to use!

Numerous prefabricated fragments set off a **** storm between the devil dragon and the demon bat. Before the poor demon bats had time to struggle, they were sieved by countless shrapnel.

However, the demons who were killed in these moments were not the most painful. The most painful were those demons who did not completely die after being wounded.

They can only cry and fall from a height of thousands of meters, with their own fleshy wings flapping as much as possible, but still unable to fly again in despair.

Inside the most advanced anti-aircraft missiles are thousands of round steel balls, which are accelerated by explosives to an extremely high speed that can easily penetrate the scales of the dragon. Just this round of explosion, dozens of magic dragons fell into the sea.

The demon forces continue to move forward, their numbers still have an advantage, but these demons in the sky have been tragically discovered. Up to now, they have not seen the shadow of their opponents!

Just when they were frustrated by this, they were far out of sight in front of them, and Ailan Hill's f-15 fighter unit was already preparing for battle!

"Ah!" With a yawn, the Ailan Hill ace pilot sitting in the cockpit looked at various information on his HUD through the helmet sight.

Because there was no satellite navigation, some data on his HUD was missing, so he reluctantly adjusted the content of his HUD data display, then looked up and looked at the hostile target display on the radar screen.

For him, he has become accustomed to the task of dealing with the heavy air force of the devil. This kind of simple air combat cannot be simpler, and it is easier than training.

That's why he yawned because of boredom, and that's why he seemed a little idle because of his lack of passion.

"Crack!" Hearing the command in the headset to prepare for battle, he subconsciously used his thumb to open the firing button on the joystick, revealing the red round button inside.

Then, he gently pressed the button on the side of the weapon status display twice, and the missile self-check was completed in an instant.

"No. 3 launches missiles! No. 3 launches missiles!" After repeating his actions on the radio, he pressed the red button pressed by his thumb, and two white smoke trails sprayed from under his wing. Out and flew into the distance.

He can feel the slight vibration of the missile leaving the fuselage, and he can also feel that his fighter has become lighter because of the weight reduction.

Afterwards, he once again made preparations for the launch of the missile, and carried more aim-120 missiles to the invisible distant targets.

In fact, the demon army has already started to mess around at this time. They have carefully prepared this large-scale counterattack, and until now, no real progress has been made. Even a little bit, as long as these demons can kill some enemies, the situation will not be so passive.

Countless missiles came head-on, and the defeat of the demon army will be baptized by these missiles.

This is not a battle, from the scene it is not a battle at all! This was a massacre, because only the demon's air force was slaughtered by Ailan Hill's various weapons unilaterally.

Devil dragons or devil bats fall in the sky every moment, even every minute, and in this air battle of less than an hour, the demon troops have lost almost half of their troops.

They tried hard to get close to Anger's Char, but most demons could only fall on the way forward.

Soon, the f-15 fighter force and the f-16 fighter force were fighting with the devil dragon and the demon bat.

The combat missile drew a large overload maneuver in the sky, hitting poor targets one after another.

But despite the desperate interception of Ailan Hill's air force, there were still demon dragons and demon bats, relying on a huge number, and attacking the island.

They saw the huge portal opened by the Dragon Emperor, and they also saw the countless human buildings surrounding that portal.

"Roar!" A giant dragon let out an earth-shaking roar, and then this giant figure swooped down from midair.

It opened its mouth wide and aimed at those tiny targets. It wanted to vent its fear and fear when it came along this way. It wanted to tear these tiny creatures into pieces!

However, before it entered the range of its own Dragon Flame, countless tracer bullets on the ground were in front of it, woven into a large net with invisible gaps.

"Tutu Tutu!" The 30-millimeter caliber near-defense gun began to roar, and the dazzling tongue of fire sprayed forward a distance of several meters.

Blazing tracer bombs were scattered densely into the sky. With the adjustment of the muzzle, these tracer bombs swayed from side to side, as if they were neon lights.

However, between this beauty, death is everywhere. Being hit by these dense ammunition, even the huge dragon can't hold it.

The dragon that had just been unworthy and was about to vent its anger, with its open mouth and the head behind the mouth, was instantly hit by these armor-piercing bullets coming from the surface.

The roar was too late to turn into a scream, the devil dragon that lost its balance rolled and fell in the sky, with a strong unwillingness, smashed into the sea near the beach, splashing a huge water column.

In the dense tracer like a fire net, a short-range air defense missile rose rapidly and exploded in front of a swooping dragon. Numerous shrapnel penetrated the magical defense barrier in front of the dragon. Shot into the body of the dragon.

The black blood splashed all over, and after a **** storm, the corpse of this dragon, along with a few demon bats around it, fell into the sea.

On the rough sea, an undead demon bat is still struggling in the waves. Although it can't swim, it will eventually be swallowed by the waves, but its desire to survive keeps it slapping its wings, and it can barely float on the water for a while.

However, its struggling body was instantly covered by a huge black shadow. In the next second, the fallen dragon corpse hit the sea, pressing the demon bat that was still struggling here under its body.

On the surface of the sea, the black blood suddenly rolled and spread, and the demon bats that were still alive around were still struggling crazily and dying.

The battle is still going on, and the multi-layered defensive circle of mankind is simply impenetrable. From the start of the war to the present, there hasn't even been a magic dragon rushing into the attack range to interfere with the construction in the defensive circle.

Occasionally, a demon bat will fall from the sky and fall into the construction area. However, they were battered in the process of falling, and what fell was nothing more than a broken corpse.

"It looks like it interfered with the ground construction." The lieutenant admiral led slightly frowned, dissatisfied with this degree of "omission".

Fortunately, letting his corpse fall on a human defensive position has become the biggest disturbance to human construction by this group of demonic air forces.

"General..." He looked not far away. The Dragon General Brook, who had just returned from the anti-aircraft missile position so boringly, asked, "Is there a way to keep those **** demons away from Anger's Char? It's time for our construction!"

Brook froze for a moment. He had never thought that someone would be dissatisfied with such an amazing result. Even if he took the shot himself, it was impossible to stop so many demons.

However, right in front of his eyes, such a human general who has not even had a name until now has quite a bit of criticism about the results of such a slaughter of all demons...

Suddenly, Brook felt that his three views had collapsed. He felt that his previous battle might not even count as victory in the eyes of these unknown generals in Ailan Hill...

Therefore, the general of the dragon race shook his head, and lost interest in the demon fighting in a frustrated manner: "Forget it, I'm going out, maybe it's not as good as you guys..."

"..." I don't know what happened. The "no name and no surname" Lieutenant General Ailan Hill saw that Brooke, who had also taken the initiative to fight before, walked out of the headquarters, shook his head slightly, and gave up the idea of ​​letting the dragons fight. .

He looked at his assistant and said: "The dragon master can't count on it anymore, let the magician army go into battle!"

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