My Empire

Chapter 260: We don't admit

An emergency combat meeting for the puppet empire to counterattack is being held in Serris Castle. Everyone who participates in the meeting is a well-known power minister in the upper echelons of the Elanhill Empire.

"If possible, using nuclear weapons is the best choice." In the well-lit conference room, Rokai, Chief of Staff of the Allan Hill Supreme General Staff, rubbed his chin and frowned and said.

A huge map was placed in front of him, detailing the location of the own troops along the westward railway. The enemy's position is still relatively vague, only in the counterattack area there are some temporary arrows attached.

However, for the high-levels of Ailan Hill, the situation is very clear: the high-level magician forces of the Puppet Empire are fighting back, and the degree of counterattack is quite fierce. These forces caused considerable trouble to Ailan Hill's forces, and even some defense lines were on the verge of collapse.

"Yes, you are right. This may be the nuclear strike with the highest cost ratio. It is estimated that at least 30 senior magicians can be eliminated in one attack." Defense Minister Castner nodded in agreement with Luo Kai's View.

"But we have to consider other issues." Foreign Minister Strider reminded him with a heavy face. He glanced at Chris, who had not spoken, and expressed his opinion.

Castner also nodded in agreement: "It's also true! We really need to consider other issues. Grecken's attitude is second. What we need to consider most is our own personal ideas."

Luo Kai glanced at the Secretary of Defense who was swaying on both sides, and rubbed vigorously with the pen in his hand. He thought about the wording in his heart, hoping to persuade His Majesty the Emperor to use nuclear strikes to turn the tide of the war.

"Nuclear strikes will cost more than half of our soldiers on the front line, and the rest will have no good results." Secretary Smith, who is familiar with the power of nuclear weapons, is worried about his own affairs.

He looked at Chris with worry, and put forward his own views: "This level of attack will affect our morale... Maybe this is the sinister purpose of the Puppet Empire to gather such a large army."

"Yes, after the nuclear strike, our soldiers will leave a shadow, worrying that we will push them to the front line and die with the enemy..." Luo Kai is also worried about this happening, which is why he did not directly ask Chris. The main reason for the use of nuclear weapons.

If this happened, it would be a heavy blow to Ailan Hill's military spirit. This kind of indiscriminate attack on one's own people in order to combat the enemy is a very taboo thing in any era.

Although the hero's order to fire at himself is praised by many people, if there are about as many soldiers in one's position as the enemy's soldiers, covering the position with artillery is a ruthless choice.

"Is it possible to use nuclear weapons behind the magic empire's offensive forces? This will not affect our military personnel." Diens on the side suddenly thought and asked.

"But this also does not affect the high-level magicians of the Puppet Empire... They are all fighting on the front line, mixing with our soldiers, and the relatively safe distance for our army is the same for them. ." Air Force Commander-in-Chief Butoria shook his head and answered the question professionally.

Those **** magicians seem to be more resistant to nuclear radiation, and nuclear radiation that is not a threat to normal mortals is even more insignificant for these magicians.

What's even more annoying is that if they are not in the center of the explosion, the defensive capabilities of these magicians are enough to allow them to survive on the brink of a nuclear strike. And if they were to drop bombs at the center of a nuclear strike, the Alan Hill forces affected by the nuclear weapons would suffer heavy losses.

"At least part of the enemy's follow-up power can be destroyed, right?" Desaier asked with reluctance to touch his chin, looking at Bottolia.

"Yes, it is certain. However, in order to eliminate some puppets, we will be exposed to nuclear radiation in the direction of our attack... Isn't it wise?" Bottolia hadn't explained yet, Castner on the side. He replied helplessly.

"For at least one month, our offensive will be hindered, which may be longer than those subsequent puppet soldiers can hinder us." Luo Kai also shook his head, feeling that nuclear weapons would be used to attack those subsequent puppet soldiers. The gain is not worth the loss.

"In addition, nuclear strikes may break the balance of nuclear deterrence, and the other party may restart the plan to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor..." Luther, who was in charge of the safety of His Majesty the Emperor, looked at everyone around the long table and reminded him.

"This is the biggest problem. Your majesty's safety must be guaranteed!" Luo Kai followed by adding: "There is no action, higher than the emperor's."

He glanced at Chris, who had never spoken, and continued: "And Gricken’s attitude will also be affected... If we are considering fighting against the Puppet Empire’s high-level magician army, we can ignore Gricken’s attitude. , But it’s not worth it to bomb a group of follow-up puppet troops that don’t have much combat effectiveness at the cost of irritating Greken."

"Okay! Stop struggling! Transport the small tactical nuclear weapon in the experiment to the front line! Prepare to carry out a limited nuclear attack on the troops of the Puppet Empire!" Chris finally spoke and slowly ordered.

"Your Majesty, your safety..." Desaier was worried about Chris' safety and spoke to persuade him: "Even if the 1st Army is wiped out, your comfort is..."

"Don't worry, let's not admit it! Anyway, the power of nuclear weapons has always been a big guess for the other party. Now we throw a small one, they will even suspect that we have invested in any new attack methods." Chris interrupted In response to his advice, he spoke out a secret weapon plan.

Anyway, I'm bullying you that you don't have radiation monitoring methods! The new type of tactical nuclear weapons has no large-scale radiation contamination, and troops can enter the explosive area to fight at any time. It is a very advanced nuclear weapon.

Ailan Hill also worked overtime recently to design this new nuclear weapon. The entire weapon system is in the laboratory stage, and there is even no way to achieve mass production.

When Chris took out this weapon, his main thought was that when the current situation occurs, he can quickly destroy the enemy's frontline troops without causing large-scale nuclear radiation.

However, due to limited technical conditions, the manufacturing progress of this weapon is still slightly behind the battle situation: front-line problems have broken out, the battle has already started, and this weapon is still in the experimental stage.

Therefore, as a last resort, Chris can only order the troops to take away the experimental products in the laboratory and use them. Although I don't know how effective it is, Chris feels that since it is developed for use, there is no need to entangle it.

This new weapon is called a shock wave bomb, which is a small-power nuclear weapon that weakens nuclear radiation. Using this thing to bomb the frontline troops of the puppet empire would not have much impact on the environment.

Because the power of the explosion was not too great, Ailan Hill could not admit that he had used nuclear weapons. In this way, even Gricken would not be able to make any comments.

As for the puppet empire, because the magician corps on the front line has not been directly attacked, the loss will not be too great, so that it will not rush to the wall and assassinate Chris again.

"In addition, when our troops face the main force of the Magic Empire, their combat effectiveness is remarkable! This also shows that our technology can compete with magic!" Chris looked at everyone in front of him, He opened his mouth and said, "So there is nothing to worry about, just walk along the road in front of us!"

"Yes! Long live my emperor!" Everyone stood up and shouted in peace.

One hour later, in the heavily guarded laboratory, technicians and soldiers armed to defend this tactical nuclear weapon pushed out the nuclear bomb that had not had time to be painted with the radiation danger sign.

They cautiously installed the nuclear bomb in the warhead of a new Scud missile that had just been produced, and then mounted an armored car dedicated to transporting valuables.

Under the **** of countless cars and helicopters, this armored vehicle drove into the combat airport outside the laboratory, where a standby -130 transport plane was waiting there, ready to take off.

After about half an hour of preparation for loading, this transport plane carrying the latest shock wave bombs that is still in the experimental stage took off from this little-known field airport and flew to the front line under the **** of four MiG-21 fighters. .

At this time, the frontline battle was still going on fiercely. The senior magicians of the Puppet Empire are trying their best to defeat the troubled Ailan Hill troops in front of them. It was not only the headquarters of the 1st Army that was struggling, but also the senior commanders of the Puppet Empire.

In their view, since the main force is used, the enemy's line of defense must be quickly broken through. But they didn't know that what they ran into was the best equipped and most tenacious unit within the Ailan Hill Empire.

It was a commendable success to make General Walter worry about the collapse of his troops. At least, a magic empire like the Holy Demon Empire doesn't have the ability to do such a thing.

In the same way, General Walter, who had never put the magic empire in his eyes, this time really understood how powerful the advanced magic empire was. Such a terrifying army, even under the attack of advanced Ailan Hill's new weapons and equipment, is also powerful.

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