“The host can redeem’solemnly vowed talisman’ worth 100 merit points in the Rare Item category of the system mall, be able to be immune to any lie-spell spell,’stolen sky for talisman’, worth 1000 merit points, be able to lie once a spirit oath, and hide the sky…”

“Change, solemnly vowed talisman, change immediately.”

“The exchange was successful. Warning, the host has only 24 merit points left.”

Smashing the’solemnly vowed talisman’ in the sleeve, Qin Hou immediately raised his chest, and even the pace under his feet was shaken, very free and easy. Feeling the malicious gaze cast by Gu Xunhe on the side, Qin Hou immediately raised his eyebrows at him, making him uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, Gu Feiyan only felt that some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh shouted: “Little Qin.”


“Just before Gu Xunhe said you were a lunatic, I only thought he was insulting you. Now, I believe it.”


“What major event happened?”

Above the great hall, Gu Jinghong was dignified and solemn on the surface, but looked at the people in front with surprise in his heart.

eldest son Gu Xunhe, third daughter Gu Feiyan, second Elder Yuan Zhen, top seed Qin Hou, and a little Fatty who didn’t know where it came out. What is this combination? Except for someone, all are important figures in Holy Sect.

Yuan Zhen Elder rubbed his hands, his old face embarrassed: “First Young Master said Qin Xiaoyou slapped him with regard to the law and of natural morality, but Qin Xiaoyou said it was First Young Master taking advantage of one’s position to bully people. A mouth…so I don’t know whether First Young Master gave Qin Xiaoyou a mouth, or Qin Xiaoyou gave First Young Master a slap, and now things are going awry. Little old man powerless, I still ask Sect Lord to decide.”

For a time, Gu Jinghong’s eyes widened, and the majestic expression of a lord of the cult disappeared. He said for a long time: “Yuan Elder… just showed a tongue twister?”

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