
“It’s me, Shen Tianyin.” Shen Tianyin stretched out his hands excitedly, blocking them in front of everyone.

“And then?” Gu Feiyan asked Zhu Qiqing lightly.

“You… don’t really know me anymore?” Shen Tianyin’s eyes started, after a moment, he continued to shout: “It’s me, Little Yan, you look carefully!”

“What do you call me?” Gu Feiyan was startled. In the Holy Demon Seed Sect, no one except father called his breast name so kindly.

“Little Yan, do you really not remember?” Shen Tianyin scratched her hair, very sad.

“What the hell do you want to say?” Gu Feiyan said impatiently. Did this person deliberately tease himself? Who gave him the courage?

Shen Tianyin’s complexion turned red, and he held back for a long time, loudly said: “I, Little Yan… I, I love you!”

“Oh? I’m understood, thank you. Because I’m in a good mood today.” Gu Feiyan’s pretty face made by Tao Shaoxing didn’t have the slightest waves on the face, tap the head, the people around you will understand directly Shen Tianyin pushed away.

Shen Tianyin was desperately struggling, kicking and kicking at the man who pushed him away, and wanted to rush to Gu Feiyan again, growling with an uneasy face: “What is your understood? Why should I drive me away? Positive answer I.”

Gu Feiyan sucked in a breath of cold air, there is a trace of irresistible color in the cold beautiful eyes, who has seen courting death, who has never seen such an active rush to beg for whipping, and took off the waist whip with light hands At that moment, the followers around him couldn’t help but turn their faces to look straight.

“I gave you a chance, puppy!”

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