My Cell Prison

Chapter 753: Accidental intruder

Members of the "Blue Illusion" team.

Eugene Leonard (Witch Rider, Illusionist, Captain)

Conan Turner (Hell Knight, Hammer Division, Deputy Captain)

Ivy Gold Leaf (Holy Knights, Physician)

Ulysses Edward (Plague Knight, Scatterer)

The overall strength of the team is quite good.

At the beginning of the investigation mission, they had killed the horrible [Zombie] three times on different occasions in a frontal attack in an unknown village.

But he was unable to crack the secret of the corpse's resurrection.

Moreover, Eugene's illusions, the strongest killer in the squad, have no effect on this special physique.

Until Ivy was injured and the team's physical strength was consumed by more than half, they chose to flee.

Running forty kilometers all the way, came to [Stuart Manor] where the Old King incident broke out.

Although it has been dealt with by the Plague Knights afterwards, it is also included in the category of the restricted area ... Generally, the Cavaliers passing by here must choose to bypass.

Captain Eugene stared at a crow man densely lined with branches, looking puzzled.

"Because the old king disrupted the ecological balance of the Gain Forest, did these homeless ravens choose to occupy the abandoned estate as their new home?

Strange ... Crows are vigilant by nature and should not choose to build their homes in the former King's Territory.

Why are they gathered here? And, so many? "

"Captain, these crows are a little weird ..."

Ulysses is a scatterer, who can infect the target of the erosion through the plague, and can also serve as his perceptor.

"Hostile to us?"

"No, it's still neutral ... but they seem to have accepted" reform. " "

Following Ulysses' reminders, others in the squad also noticed anomalies in several of them.

1. Retractable metal prosthetic eye, comprehensively improve the field of vision.

2. Soft metal prosthesis with steam power system.

3. Concealed and aerodynamic metal wing design to enhance flight capabilities. In critical times, you can also use your wings to wrap your whole body, greatly improving your own defense.

In addition to the metal modification, there are also some ravens who have discovered a 'mutation' in their bodies. Their physiques exceed the maximum physical limits of ravens recorded in the holy city's collected monsters.

Even if these crows look weird.

But the only escape route and vitality of the "Blue Illusion" team is in the Stuart Manor ... They can not maintain the fastest movement speed throughout the process, after all, there are more than 60 kilometers away from the holy city.

Moreover, even if he could escape, Ivy, who was seriously injured, could not sustain that long.

The only hope they have now is that the Crows will be able to delay for a while, so that they can completely escape the trajectory of the corpse.

Immediately afterwards, a safe area was sought for emergency treatment.


For the approach of this Cavaliers squad, the Ravens did not make any blocking action.

Seems to be neutral ... In fact, the Ravens were ordered to 'release.'

As the Cavaliers squad walked through crouching trees.

The scene in front of them was the exact opposite of the ruined manor in their heads.

The reconstructed manor has been integrated with the latest holy city technology, the semi-automatic steam device is embedded in the stone building, and there is even a steam scarecrow who is only responsible for guarding the farmland.

"This ... the ravens rebuilt the manor? No ... how were these steam technologies introduced?"

at this time.

A crow landed on Captain Eugene's shoulder.

Ga ~ go to the castle ~ go to the castle! Lead past ~ lead past!

Eugene turned to look behind him.

The crows who had been in the forest had all dispersed, leaving the corpses to chase into the manor area.

At the same time, the crow man who had been working in the manor no longer knows where to go ... In a flash, the whole manor turned into an empty city.

If Eugene and others want to survive, they can only follow directions to the castle area.

Eugene made the decision: "It's very likely that the Steam Knights took over the area in private ... only a bet, because our existing physical fitness could not escape back to the holy city, and Ivy was even less likely to support it. live.

Maybe a person in charge of a certain steam knight is waiting for us in the castle, and the organs in the castle should be able to deal with the [Hideman]. "

Temporarily changed the plan, leaving everyone a little hesitant.


A foreign object flew out of the forest.

Hit the arm of Ulysses the Plaguewalker.

It is a scaled-down version of a "live burial tombstone," pinned precisely into the arm.

Within a short period of time, a dark gray stripe spread rapidly from the nailing point to the surrounding area, and the entire arm exuded a breath similar to the corpse and was not under the control of Ulysses.

And tombstones have another characteristic.

Once an individual actively abandons the nailed part, the soul of that part will be buried alive and cannot be regenerated.

Ulysses could only block the entire arm with the plague, holding his teeth.


The team took out all the remaining physical energy in the body and rushed towards the castle on the hill.

A crow followed them all the way.

Part of them are watching them, but more of them are the [Hidden Corps] who are chasing the back end.


Castle-Lord Hall

"I knew it was a" land title zone ", and I dared to break in. It was a strange weird ... so eager to chase down this group of people. I want this knight to reveal a certain secret. Back to the Secret City.

[Zombies]. I remember when I chose the investigative mission at Cavaliers headquarters a month ago, I almost cooperated with Captain Lucius to take over this mission.

What a coincidence. "

Coincidentally, Han Dong happened to arrive at Stuart Manor this morning.

I was just discussing the research on [Deep Ocean] with Dr. Swell and Professor West in the underground laboratory.

Who knows, two breaths came from the land at the same time.

Especially the breath from the body of the corpse, let Han Dong spill a trace of cold sweat, the pressure is no less than the original Scarlet Count.

"Count, who is better than this guy and you?"

"Do you have to say? This kind of arbitrarily ~ ~ even those who dare to break into the deed area can compare with me? I ordered eight barons and thousands of **** troops Can he stand up? "

"No ... I mean fighting alone, whoever is better."

Han Dong's question directly silenced the count.

After lingering for a long time, he slowly acknowledged the facts.

"Cut ... this guy has reached the late stage of maturity, he must be stronger.

In addition, this kind of dead mortal monster should have a higher ‘personal combat effectiveness’, but if he was singled out, he would not kill me.

However, based on the footage your crow captured, this guy's ability is a bit weird. "

"Tombstones nailed to these knights?"

"Well ... the ability I've never seen before. One of these knights has been heavily contaminated by the tombstone, and may at any time turn into an equally dangerous fallen man."

"Play with him."

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