My Cell Prison

Chapter 747: Return to port

The deal is concluded.

With the hint given by this ancient being.

Han Dong stuck his right palm to the surface of the eye mask.

Hey ~

Several dark blue tentacles stained with ink rose one after another, and through a technique of soul imprinting, the deep sea mark was engraved on the back of the right hand.

Marking is complete.

The black ink faded into light blue, and what remained on the back of Han Dong's hand was a "simplified conch pattern".

At this point, Han Dong officially passed the earl's "relationship network" and became the lowest emissary among the messengers in the deep sea, not even a regular emissary.

However, even so, it can ensure that the sea can properly accept Han Dong.

Of course, there is a contradiction regarding the messenger.

Before Han Dong, he had confirmed a very important thing through the "Yellow Seal" ... After all, Han Dong was already the messenger of the "Yellow Robe", and he wanted to be the messenger of other old kings. Ok.

The response I got was-"It doesn't matter"

This multiple messenger status is also inseparable from Han Dong's head.

"Induction has also been established ... well, in the future we must find a way to turn the port into a land lease area."

Han Dong intuitively felt that [Port of Ostia] established a close relationship with himself, far less sensitive than the "land title".

In this way, the transaction was successfully concluded.

It also got stuck in time. As the battle on the previous floor broke out completely, [Dream-Second Floor] had become extremely unstable.

However, it is limited to Han Dong's own dreams that are unstable, but his huge eyes are not affected at all ... Hedong needs to be distinguished from this ancient existence in the deep sea.

"Dream" → "Channel"

Han Dong is only in the sea area, relying on dreams to meet this great being.

Just before the dream space is about to collapse.

Han Dong looked at this giant eye who couldn't see the border. This was just a small part of the old king of the deep sea ... its true essence could not be imagined at all.

However, there are many old kings like this.

This is also an idea that firmed Han Dong.

True freedom is difficult or even impossible to achieve through absolute evictions and killings.

There must be a "balance point" hidden in it ... It must be found out by Han Dong, or someone like Han Dong.

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why Mr. Black and White took the risk and accepted Han Dong as the only student.


Click ... the dream has collapsed.

Back to the first floor!

[Captain Parson's boots]

The entire tavern was fragmented during the battle.

Captain Indiz showed a real fighting posture, and by the strength of the outside and inside the city, from the position of the shoulder blades, he grew two thick and dull arms ... showing a four-armed posture.

Own arm holding a heavy crossbow,

Proliferated dumb arms with double daggers,

Dizz, a member of the Popular Knights, played a killing sense of the Hell Knights ... The shadows of the Shadow Swords were elusive, and the target's limbs were cut off to limit their mobility.

Charged and precise shooting.

The super heavy silver arrow directly penetrates the conch respirator.

Lucius was equally terrible.

There are four Gorefiend arms constructed from high-purity blood brews, which can easily tear low-level mermaids, and can cause irreparable injuries to alien monsters, with the effect of forced bleeding.

The secret text on the blood sword exudes light.

As long as they can hit the breathing apparatus, they are broken with a sword.

Both of the above need to break through the key "Conch Breathing Apparatus" to kill the enemy.

The contrast is obvious.

The special department established by the royal family and the Holy See in conjunction with the Holy Knights-[Sisters of Battle], has shown absolute restraint when confronting aliens.


Carrying the holy flame of absolute purification, struck the surface of the fish.

The scales and the flesh beneath their bodies were immediately deeply burned, even with the support of a respirator.

It is also because of the ‘demonstration characteristics’ displayed by Wino that allows all members to stay deadlocked with double-digit or higher figures and win time for Han Dong to dream.

This battle naturally includes [Dream-First Floor] the port ruler, the mature body-the alien, the Earl of Knox Wright.

He was passing, a large number of crab tentacles that could extend far away, and attacked three people from various angles and gaps madly ... giving a fatal blow accidentally. .

Except that Lucius's surface was not too obvious.

Both Deeds and Winowe suffered a certain amount of damage, and a deep-sea pollution had spread throughout the body ... dark blue streaks appeared on both faces.

From time to time, some stinky little fishes and shrimps protrude from the mouth, and some coral tissues will form between the skin.

The situation is not optimistic.

at this time.

Han Dong, sitting in a conch chair, woke up with his eyes open.

The residents of all ports, including Count Denox Wright, stopped the attack at this moment, and some even had the idea of ​​kneeling in their minds.

This situation also made Han Dong anxious.

Once you actually kneel, the subsequent events will be difficult to explain ... In fact, there is no need to dream from the beginning. There is actually another way to escape the island and return to the Gain Forest.

The reason for his dream is that Han Dong only needs to trade with the old king in the deep sea.

To put it bluntly, other teammates are more like helping out.

So Han Dong was so anxious.

Quickly imitating the voice of the deep sea with the faceless head and conveying it to the minds of every resident who dreams, of course, including Count Denox Wright.

"Please don't care about me! Continue your fight ... don't let my human companions doubt, I am mainly active in the Holy City.

If in doubt, it will have a big impact on me. "

"Okay, Lord Lord."

Even Count Denox Wright also paid tribute.

He is just the highest-powered and strongest aristocrat in the port town, not the small town management right given by the deep sea.

Han Dong is the real master.

That's it ... The battle continues, but some strange monsters' actions obviously converge.

Han Dong, who woke up from his seat, immediately used his superb acting skills to pretend to have found all the clue information in the deep dream.

"People just remove the respirators, and I found a way to leave the port!"

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"I'm coming first, you guys keep up!"

Five fingers clasped the conch on the face and dragged it down.

It wasn't death that greeted Han Dong, but the flesh turned into a mass of bubbles floating in the air.

The team members immediately dismantled the conch ...

call! !!

In a blink of an eye, the team of four woke up in the steamboat's room.

Wino unveiled the Holy Light field for the first time to clear the pollution for himself and Captain Deez.

"Nicholas, what is the way to escape?"

"I have been in a deep dream and 'reconciled' with the master who controls this area of ​​the sea ... At present, the dream space acting on the port city has been lifted and the mainland has been returned.

We just need to return normally.

Let's talk about specific things when we return to the Gain Forest. "

Just said here.


The steam ship heard the sound of steel squeezing, and the ship began to shake.

"what's the situation?"

"I have arranged for others who stay on the surface in advance to find a way to return quickly and reduce the possibility of encountering another danger in the sea area."

A group of people who did a simple job came to the deck area to meet with their teammates.

I saw [Silver Front], the icing division of the team-Sula. The ice axis, in conjunction with Demps, created a smooth and extremely low ice channel on the sea.

at this time.

Little Wen Li is standing at the bottom of the ship and pushing the boat.

The position of the palm pressing ~ ~ the iron sheet of the ship has been deeply sunken.

"Demps, Sora Sue is ready to continue making ice paths ... Wen Li, push it!"



The muscles covering Wen Li's whole body are exerting force at the same time, and a certain force beyond human limits erupts.

Huh! !!

The steam ship taxied directly to the port at a speed of 300Km / h.

Wen Li also strode forward, running at full speed on the ice ... A rush forward and jumped, landed on the foredeck steadily, without a breath, but a smile on her face.

Captain Deez stared at the flaming red-haired muscular girl, and froze completely.

Abel fell into autism again.

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