My Cell Prison

Chapter 744: Dream again

Once in the "Mist" world.

Because of the emergency, the blockade of the magic eye ability, and the reason for the fog.

Han Dong couldn't really see Nicole [the body] who wreaked havoc on the streets and wreak havoc.

When a “pink and tender” horror marine life appeared on the void planet currently constructed by Han Dong, even Lord Suram felt unprecedented fear.

Not a thorough octopus.

In this form, his "family" status is clearly manifested.

Similar to a four-legged life.

Foot is similar to human.

It was a giant octopus.

The seemingly smooth octopus body can crack a large number of human mouths, and inside can also see a large number of slender arms, helping the teeth to process the food ingested together.

The pink octopus tentacles, which can inhale living things, secrete acid, and have great power, beat on the ground, and even make a crack on the ground of the void planet.

Lord Suram, who has been deprived of his ability by the blood dog, has been caught in the tentacles.

After going through a series of 'treatments', it was swallowed by Nicole.

Analysis based on prison illustrations.

Nicole's "advanced approach" is to absorb alien monsters mixed with deep sea royal or noble blood.

With Lord Suram being thoroughly digested.

Nicole also gradually changed into a beautiful girl with a lovely combination, and pink tentacles were also included in the short skirt.

Uh ~

The snoring sound due to fullness is very small.

As the throat agitated, a colorful light bubble burst from Nicole's mouth at the same time.

"Containment-[Nicole. Little Claw] has grown"

① A slight increase in basic attributes?

②. Part of the magic of "Deep Sea Mystery (Sea Crab)" has been learned

③. The purity of blood vessels is slightly improved?

Snoring in front of others seemed very inelegant, especially in the presence of Nicholas, the master and messenger.

This impolite behavior made Nicole cover her mouth immediately.

Grunt ...

A pink tentacle protrudes from the lower end of the small skirt, and quickly bursts out the bubbles formed by snoring.

However, Han Dong did not care about these things at all, and was currently shocked only by the information coming from his head.

Nicole's "Upgrade Speed" is quite fast, and its illustrated book has a passive ability "Deep Sea Royal Family", which will greatly increase the upgrade speed (double the experience value).

Killing an aristocrat who was next to him could actually get a noticeable improvement, which also made Han Dong full of expectations for Nicole's future development.


It was at the moment that Nicole had completely absorbed Lord Suram.

[First Floor of Dreamland-Port Center]

Located in a special Georgian square house.

A sloping roof, a circular attic, and a semi-circular terrace overlooking the far end.

The most special point is that half of the mansion is immersed in sea water, just like the mansion was built in the swimming pool.

This is the home of Lord Suram Wright, the home of the Wright family.

Lord Suram is the eldest son of Count Denox Wright, the owner of the mansion ... a man who imprisoned himself in this mansion has the highest authority in the port city.

Even Suram's death occurred in the void realm created by Han Dong.

But due to the severance of 'blood ties'.

This kind of relationship induction is above space, second only to the rules ... immediately sensed by Count Denox Wright.

For a time.

The whole mansion was wrapped in anger.

The tentacles wrapped in hard shells on each surface immediately filled every passage in the mansion, and some of the servants who had no time to escape were penetrated through the body and out of the dream.

The heavy sound of breathing can be heard by residents outside the two streets, and they can't keep their doors closed to avoid being affected by the anger of Count Denox.


In this mansion, there are many deep-sea strangers mixed with a little blood. After all, there are more than one descendant of this count.

The old man whose face has been completely coralized has a closed study,

Stepping on a seaweed carpet studded with shells, he came to a watchtower designed by him.

The old man's appearance was soon glimpsed by some nearby residents, causing them to fall into an endless nightmare of terror.

He was Earl of Denox Wright.

The old man's hand is similar to Lord Suram. It has a crab claw structure, but it is relatively slender and approximates the size of a human arm. The dark crab claw shell is also arranged with a strange pearl array through tiny pearls .

The other hand uses the shell as the "shoulder joint point".

Each tentacle with eyeballs grows from the shell and is closely intertwined with each other, imitating the shape of a human arm.

It can realize human 'finger' ability, so Master Denox can still perform all kinds of human actions, including eating, turning books and writing.

"The city is searching for Lord Suram's body ... catching murderers alive!"

That's a word.

All kinds of humanoid 'seafood' quickly climbed out from the mansion. Through the news network spread in the town, the last place where Lord Suram appeared was quickly determined, just east of the town, named [Captain Parson's boots] Inside the tavern.


Crunch ~

Han Dong withdrew the tentacles in the void when he left the room.

The rest of the squad were waiting at the entrance.

Captain Deez asked with a heavy face: "You ... killed Lord Suram alone?"

Although Diz was shocked by the incident, after all, they were downstairs and didn't hear anything ... The reason why Han Dong killed the target was because a huge trouble was coming.

"Induction of blood vessels above space ... is also no way."

"People in the whole port town are looking for Lord Suram. A team of people have found the bar ... ready to evacuate! I have already investigated the route, and when things have subsided, we will re-enter the city for investigation.

Just as Captain Deez was about to run up the roof and run away.

Slap ... Handong reached out and held it.

"Everyone, I would like to ask you a favor!

I have found a way and equipment to continue normal sleep from Lord Suram.

I plan to continue [into the dream] and find the truth.

If we leave now, the monsters in the port can track us based on clues and residual breath ... If I guess correctly, those dead fish scattered in the woods and roads can be their monitors.

The island is so big ... we will be caught in an endless hunt.

Please Captain Deez give me a chance.

According to the information I have collected so far, the time flow rate is different between different levels of the dream, and I will find a way to leave and return to the Gain Forest during your support period. "

"How sure?"

"Nine percent ..."

"Come on!"

Deez has completely trusted the newcomer in some things. Although there is always a weird feeling of being led by his nose, the situation can only trust Han Dong now.

Han Dong immediately returned to the room ~ ~ Sit on the conch seat used by Lord Suram in his dreams, and let the hose above connect to his back of the brain, so that the seawater stored in the base passes through the circulation system and continuously flows into himself Brain.

[Dream-Second Floor]

Goo Goo Goo ...

A series of bubbles spit out from Han Dong's mouth.

Broken concrete floors, old boardcars, and numerous murloc corpses mounted on it.

The middle-aged man in charge of pulling the cart has completely turned into a mermaid with scales all over his body, 'walking' between the roads.

That's right.

Even though the scenes and characters are basically similar, the overall situation is different.

The island where Han Dong is currently located is not on the 'land surface' but on the 'sea floor' ...

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