My Cell Prison

Chapter 728: United Squad

I watched with Lucius' eyes.

邓 Demps and Abel, who fought side by side in the Scarlet Manor, bowed slightly to the senior students.

However, at the moment of meeting.

Lucius was smelling the same source, smelling that Han Dong's body was wearing distinctive ‘red attributes’… obviously, it was only recently obtained.

Thick, bright red and full of ritual.

However, the equipment belongs to personal property, and Lucius did not ask more.

Han Dong directly cut into the topic:

"Secretary Lucius, are you planning to take this" investigation task. Far "for this trial operation? "

"It's a little slower, and basically can't receive normal investigative missions ... Exactly, let's organize a joint team? Borrowing a manor to handle investigative missions, it doesn't matter if it's far away."

Although Lucius is the third owner of Scarlet Manor, he can only transfer himself to the manor.

Can't carry the manor at any time, can't control the force, and don't have the authority to bring his teammates in. Once it is dangerous, Lucius cannot run away by himself.

Alas, the addition of Han Dong, the 'lord', is different.

Han Dong smiled and nodded quickly, "Joint team formation? There is still such a thing, we are worried that we cannot receive the investigation task."

"Well," investigation missions "of medium-sized and above are allowed to be combined ... but your team level should not have reached the standard, and I don't know if it will work. "

"We just established a squad." Han Dong smiled awkwardly.

试试 "Try it, you are the newcomers who were famous at the last Cavaliers Conference, and the holy city executives are not old-fashioned."

that's it.

Under the leadership of Lucius, Quine and his party set foot on the third building.

After inquiries, Lucius's team is named [Bright Red Pledge], grade: Gold.

接 The staff responsible for the response immediately reported the situation to the hearing of Lucius' request.

I seem to have heard a more interesting name among this group of young knights. An executive at the knight headquarters personally came to meet this special group of young people.

Old men with bald heads, eyebrows and beards who have been completely albino,

Physique is not much different from that of adulthood,

Only the right eye was completely abolished, and the right arm was replaced with a mechanical steam prosthesis,

Knight Headquarters. Mission Network Planner. Veteran Forces-Wood Friezeman.

"General Wood!"

时 When this man arrived, Abel immediately called him in honor.

"Abel Rain ... Your grandfather was willing to let you participate in the Great Expedition?"


伯 Abel accepted the call of the embargo in advance because of the Dragon clan's attributes, and also met General Wood at a party due to the relationship between the head of Kaimon.

将 The general and the head of Kaimon are close to each other.

"According to the rules, the" Iron Squad "is forbidden to touch" Investigation Tasks. Far "... However, you can be regarded as a loophole by collecting tasks in a joint squad.

I specifically allow you once, but this matter should not be discussed with outsiders. "

"Thank you, General Wood."

时 When the old man finished speaking, his eyes stayed on Han Dong for a long time.

He was also present at the previous Cavaliers Conference.

"Pollution immunity".

Because of Han Dong's possession of this, Wood specifically made this group of young knights representing the future of the holy city reach this kind of dangerous task of trial operation.

"" Investigation Mission. Yuan "" was actually considered by us 20 years ago. Some senior writers and prophets can predict and capture situations greater than 100 kilometers away.

Relevant investigation mission cases have also been included early and kept updated.

极 Extremely high-risk incidents have been dealt with in private by the captain-level cavalry in advance ... [Sub-safety zone] coverage has also been improving.

As long as your overall quality passes, the investigation can be completed safely. "

I say nothing.

Hewood brought out a collection of "Investigation Tasks. Yuan" and handed it to the leading Lucius.

Since the Lucius team is only golden, the missions they can receive cannot exceed this level.

Looking at the whole, there are three tasks of medium scale and above that are more interesting.

1. [Investigation Mission. Far: Fallen Shaman in the Wetlands]

Foreseeer and Foreseeing Illusion: The writer-Ruclair, went to the wetland area in a dream, and was sacrificed and sacrificed by a shamanic totem.

Area: Mansgar Wetland (distance 173km).

Scale: Medium (maximum allow two Cavaliers team to jointly execute)

Squad level: Gold or higher

Investigation requirements:

⑴. Find and clear all fallen shaman (special-pagan) lurking in the wetlands.

⑵. Clear all the altars and magic circles.

⑶. Bring back a wetland soil sample, a fallen shaman (living samples will increase the reward).

Danger level: ★ ☆ (If the fallen shaman completes the summoning ritual, the danger level may be up to ★★★★)

Minimum reward: 600 copper coins / person, team experience +100.

Note: Due to the limited foreseeable status of the survey task, the specific rewards will be based on the actual survey results. If the actual difficulty is much higher than the expected difficulty, the reward value will be increased or additional bonus items will be attached.

2. [Investigation mission. Far: Mysterious corpse hider]

Foreseeer and Foreseeing Appreciation: The writer Fanny, the conscious body floating in an unknown village in a dreamland, was attacked by a mysterious humanoid, and was forcibly buried alive in the village's previously dug grave.

Area: 120km east of the holy city ~ ~ An unnamed abandoned village in the plain area (location may vary, no more than 10km)

Scale: small and medium (maximum allow two cavalry teams to jointly execute)

Squad level: Gold or higher

Investigation requirements:

⑴. Look for unknown villages and corpses.

确定. After confirming the identity of the corpse hider, choose to kill or return to the city to report the situation. (With the sensation of writer Fanny, there is a certain probability that the corpse hider belongs to [Mature Body-Alien], please be cautious.)

Dangerous level: ★★★ ☆ (The level of the corpse hider is extremely likely to be higher than the mature body, and the difficulty will reach ★★★★★)

Minimum reward: 1000 copper coins / person, the team experience value +200, the team's main killing contributors will get double rewards and medal rewards.

3. [Investigation Mission. Far: Uneasy Voice of the Port]

Foreseeer and Foreseeing Appreciation: The Prophet-Mr. Black and White, heard strange sounds from the port of Ostia. It is suspected that a large number of deep-sea evils landed at the port, trying to transform the port into a city of the fallen.

Region: Port of Ostia (distance 138km).

Scale: Large

Squad level: Gold or higher (at least three teams need to execute jointly)

Investigation requirements (first stage):

Arrive at the port area of ​​Ostia, observe the internal situation from the port periphery, and characterize the nature of the port incident.

After being fully qualitative, report the situation to the Holy City and listen to the instructions for the next step.

Danger level: To be determined

Minimum reward: To be determined

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