My Cell Prison

Chapter 719: Researcher

"Old King?"

The old King incident is still an indelible memory in Han Dong's head.

He said that the old king was driven away by the **** of death.

But it is also established when the death **** is personally at its peak, the area is located at the gate of the holy city, plus several warlike commanders at the gate of the city, and the entire holy city's troops can be squeezed out at any time.

I really want to go deep into the area of ​​the old king, that is another situation.

"Not all the old kings, just a single low-level" old king. "

Of course ... the whole process will also be extremely difficult, and it will also be the first formal inquiry to the old king in human history.

This is the ultimate goal of the Great Expedition.

Of course, the [Expedition] is not completed in one go, but in stages, each stage has a corresponding goal.

If the "Phase 1" is completed, the conditions of the overall expeditionary force do not meet the preset criteria of "Phase 2", and the entire expedition will end immediately.

If you can defeat an old king in one fell swoop, it will be of great significance to the Holy City and the world.

Plutonium will also be the most important milestone in human history, and an important step for us to recover our lost territory. "

"Hmm ..." Han Dong can understand, and the meaning of letting an old king fall, is not what Mr. Black and White said at the moment, which is of great significance to the entire human civilization.

"At present, you just have to do your own thing, go ... if any training or learning requires the stargazing room, you can come at any time."


Uh ...

Han Dong is neither a parliamentarian nor a leader of the Cavaliers. He cannot worry about these matters.

Just do your own thing.

The next thing to do is an important thing.

Taking advantage of sufficient time today, Han Dong immediately took Mr. Black and White's carriage to the outside of the city ... Since he went back today, he did not call Demps.

最好 This group of friends is best to wait until they have all passed [Real Destiny] before inviting an appointment.

The moment the carriage pulled out of the gate.

The sky faded quickly and was replaced by "Yong Ye".

Han Dong held the glass bottle by the window so that Dr. Swell could see these sights he had never seen before.

Trees with sucker structure, evils lurking in the forest, wild monsters, or a few pagans performing strange rituals in the forest.

"It's incredible ..."

Professor West has a finger growing from the bottom of the neck and gently pushing the frame of the glasses, and can't wait to study this strange life he has never seen before.

Howling accompanied by a crow.

I came to the territory belonging to Han Dong, Stuart Manor.

Everything is fine inside, this manor managed by the Raven Tribe and Dr. Swell has an overall strength of more than ten times that of the ghoul. Lord Stuart's management period, there will be no stupid dare to come here stir up trouble.

"Congratulations to Lord Nicholas for reaching a whole new level."

He came to meet the elders of the crow, and he could find Han Dong's uniqueness through the eyes hidden under the crow feathers.

Whether it ’s the body, the necklace, or the breath emanating from the skull, qualitative changes have taken place ... The Crow people have also strengthened their belief in following Han Dong.

"Lord, your room is cleaned every day. There are already humanoid female crows waiting at the door, waiting for your life in recent days."

Han Dong quickly waved his hand. "This is not necessary ... I have to go back tonight. This time I mainly come to find a doctor."

行 "Okay, do the Lord have anything for us to do?"

For a long time, apart from launching a title deed war against Scarlet Manor, Han Dong basically did not order any major actions.

"This is not the case, but you need to be prepared in the near future ... The Great Expedition in the Holy City is imminent and may be ready within one year.

I will also follow the expedition, and I will naturally need your help.

The only thing you need to do is hope that when the expedition begins, there will be more Raven-Man elite troops and one [Maturity] Raven-Man elder. "

"it is good."

Briefly explained some necessary things.

Han Dong immediately came to the familiar underground experimental area from the closed road and found that many changes have taken place in the experimental area.

齿轮 Various gears and steam structures are added between the various connection devices of the cultivation chamber, which further improves the process of ghoul larval cultivation, optimizes parameters, and increases the proportion of high-quality cultures.

This is obviously the result of cooperation with Jin Zhu.

During the time that Han Dong was traveling to Destiny Space, Dr. Biao Swelling completed the installation of the automation device by himself.

As Han Dong arrived at the core laboratory.

I discovered that the doctor spent his free time lying on the experimental metal flat bed to rest.

At the bedside, the head nurse brought out by the strange talk is using a micron-level high-precision water gun to help the doctor clean the sulci and brain gyrus.

Seeing Han Dong's arrival, the head nurse explained quickly:

大 "Master, some time ago, a group of weird knights based on machinery came here and brought many advanced materials. He spent four days and four nights to optimize the laboratory for the doctor.

I'm now in deep sleep and I'm helping him cleanse the metabolites formed in the brain. "

"It's all right."

Han Dong also said that Dr. Swell was allowed to sleep for a while, and he would visit Professor West on his own.

Who knows, because Han Dong's body is close.

The moment he smelled the breath, Dr. Swell awakened immediately from deep sleep, then buckled his cranium, and kneeled in front of Han Dong on one knee.

博士 "Doctor, don't be so polite ... I have seen all the changes in the laboratory. It's been a hard time for you. The Steam Knights didn't interfere with any experimental projects here?"


The people who came here to send the materials were some deeply mechanized human beings wearing weird robes ... not even humans ~ ~ After they sent the materials, they would also perform memory cleaning in front of me.

Reliable collaborators. "

"Well, it seems that I have to find some time to see Mr. Newton and the master, and it is not good to take money without doing anything ... Doctor, this time I came only because of one thing."

Han Dong said, taking the backpack, Professor West's head was taken out.

"This is Professor Herbert West I met in the space of destiny. I have deep insights into the field of human chemistry ... I hope you two can work together to manage the Ghoul experiment at the Stuart Manor. Room, and the hybridization laboratory in Scarlet Manor.

Of course, your research topics are different.

Professor West will act as your assistant for a month-long internship.

After a month, I will expand the laboratory as much as possible, and try to carry out deeper biological experiments. "

"Please advise."

Same **** attraction.

When Professor West met with Dr. Swell, he instantly sparked the spark of scientific research.

Moreover, Professor West's personality is relatively weak. Han Dong also gave the definition of internship period and assistant in advance, and they want to get along in harmony.

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