My Cell Prison

Chapter 710: trunk

"Out of Control. Body of Penny Wise" (the name is displayed in purple font)

Integrity: 100%

Quality: Unique (↑)

The limb quality is divided from low to high as follows:

Gray (rough) → white (normal) → green (high quality) → blue (rare) → purple (unique) → pink (epic) → golden (legendary) → dark gold (empire) ≯

Load bearing requirements: 150 points

Basic attributes (torso):

"Capacity: A"

"Hardness: C-"

"Toughness: B +"

"Adaptive: S +"

[Own characteristic]:

Baibao Body

Penny Wise originated from a dark circus wandering in different worlds of destiny, and mainly played the role of [Joker].

自身 With her own efforts, superb acting skills, and highly adaptable body, she has gradually become the number one clown in the circus. Because of the high praise received by the audience in an important performance, and even the evaluation of the circus, the circus director gave the "treasure chest" as a reward for Penny Wise.

Penny Wise personally, but not willing to be under the absolute control of the circus head, not willing to live here forever.

I tried again and again for nearly a decade, and finally merged this treasure chest that can store everything and change everything with the body.

Let clowns accept any form of external energy and make all kinds of weird changes.

Effect: [Torso] has the highest adaptability (S +).

After the main body is grafted, there will not be any rejection.

Moreover, once grafted torso, it can perfectly adapt to other limbs.

Magic circuit, Dantian, flesh arrangement and so on. Every structure that exists in the trunk will be adaptively optimized.

Slogan-"Tolerance in Vientiane"

独 [Unique characteristics]:


尼 Penny Wise, born in the Dark Circus, was n’t born to like it [laughs].

Wu Yin's compulsory request from the head of the circus and the clown he plays must laugh 24 hours a day ... no matter how conflicted he is, [laughs] are never allowed to stop.

In the circus, the clown character has no other meaning except to laugh.

In the life of the circus, Penny Wise never smiled heartily.

Until the day he escaped from the circus, he didn't experience the joy and emotion represented by [laughs] for the first time.

When feeling the outside air and freedom that has never been experienced before, Penny Wise no longer rejects [laughs] and fully embraces the identity of [clown].

Effects: Individuals can invade others' brain consciousness layer by giggling behavior, sowing the concept of [clown] deep in the mind (when the border of the body is completely completed, the giggling effect will change, the current text description is for reference only)

Special note: The "crazy laughter" originating from the trunk and the "crazy laughter" possessed by the individual are undergoing a "completion response".

异 [Variation characteristics]:

Black Vortex

失 Uncontrollable fate marked by the black tower, only applies to fate creatures.

Effect: When an individual enters the destiny space in the future, the entry option of [Black Tower] will appear (this copy is not considered an official copy, but a special transit station).

Uh ... the above is the detailed information of [Torso].

At present, Han Dong's cell load (430/600) is sufficient to withstand the access of the [torso].

Inside the pyramid.

Han Dong's original torso disintegrated and drifted away with the wind.

Qua 叽 叽 ~ From the neck gap of the "faceless man's head", spotted tentacles border the clown's torso.

There is no repulsion during the whole process. Even in the neck of the clown's torso, there are small holes to accommodate the tentacles, which is convenient for the docking of the skull and the trunk.

As the body is fully connected, a memory is generated in Han Dong's mind.

Hidden in the gag factor, about the past memories of the clown.

The beginning of the memory happened when the clown left the circus.

Due to the fusion of the treasure chest and the body, the [slavery control] of the head of the circus was completely disconnected, and he became a free man without any restraint ... During a certain circus stop, the clown quietly stayed in the destiny world of stay.

Quine's "clown virus" possesses strong communication and assimilation.

大量 A large number of local destiny organisms were infected by the virus. In the later stage of the onset, the virus can even guide the individual's DNA sequence to change radically, one by one, it becomes a container for returning to the soul.

If you regard the fate space as [system].

The clown is like a virus with self-replication ability. It infects other programs indefinitely. Once it dies, others will become themselves.

Until [Black Vortex] appears on the clown.

Shortly afterwards, a group of mysterious people wearing a vortex mask suddenly descended, and the clown was caught alive and taken to the black high tower as the bottom prisoner.

The pictures of [Black Tower] in this memory have been severely blurred, and Han Dong can't see anything.

Penny Wise, who was detained for decades, finally found an opportunity.

Due to the influence of "dimensional chaos", a large number of channels connecting other destiny worlds appeared around the black tower ... Various destiny creatures were involved in it, causing the surrounding area of ​​the black tower to be chaotic.

This includes a common locust wave that is least dangerous and is not seen by tower regulators.

Through the spread of laughter, Penny Wise successfully infected a locust.

Leave a long-formed "testament", the text message above gives sufficient suicide reasons ... the clown decisively committed suicide.

重 Rebirth with "lower level of life-locust", his own level also decreased accordingly.

But in return is freedom once again.

The clown who turned into a locust, followed the opening of the dimension that was not repaired, and broke away from the high tower ... As the dimension turbulent, he was involved in a [median world], which is now the town of Reidry.

Due to the reasonable suicide in the tower prison and the burdensome affairs caused by the turbulence of the dimension, the tower did not find the clown's escape in a period of time.

The clown who fell in the new world naturally converged, pretending to be a good resident, and successfully passed the residents' assessment of Derui Town ~ ~ Then he found it again in a circus in Derui Town. A job as a clown.

However, the censors of the tower did not miss anything.

I spent about a year in Derui.

Penny Wise, who was reborn with locusts and lowered himself, once again appeared with a black vortex mark on the abdomen.

Penny Wise, who had long wanted to retreat, killed his colleagues in the circus, and once again lowered his level through [World Exit], and escaped from the sewer to [Lower World-Pandrew Town].

Uh ...

This is the experience of the clown.

Han Dong didn't have half of sympathy ... In this memory, there were only two things that interested Han Dong.

1. Complete laugh.

2. Mysterious black tower.

"Finally ... finally the perfect torso.

With such a body, I can accept other parts of any form ... The seemingly chaotic system can also be slowly centered around the [Black Torso].

Black tower, special transfer station, it is really an unexpected gain.

Oh ha ha ha ha ha ... "

接纳 Laughing wildly as he embraced his torso ...

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