My Cell Prison

Chapter 707: 1 cut source

The reason why the clown cannot be killed is not because [Cannot Kill], but [Cannot Kill].

The key reason lies in the giggling attributes of clowns.

When it comes to clown laughter, the following two points must be explained, which are also the main problems caused by laughter.

≮First point, the disaster in Reedry ≯

The "clown virus" is the nature of the disaster. Unlike ordinary viruses, it can be directly transmitted through sound. (The mechanism of action is similar to that after the audio is taken up by the brain. It forcibly stimulates the brain through neuronal signals, induces stem cell differentiation in the body, and allows individuals to construct Form a virus.)

Once infected, there will be a long incubation period, without any symptoms during this period, and can not be identified by any means ... can only be estimated by combining virology and statistics.

The estimated number of infected people (including general animals) given by Derui Town is 23% of the total number of organisms.

In fact, the number seen by Han Dong was an additional 10%.

The most terrifying point is involved here, which is also the reason why the disaster is difficult to restrain, and it is also the root cause that the clown cannot be killed— [Back to the soul]

Even if the clown's body is pulled away from his soul, his body is annihilated, and he is completely dead.

A certain carrier of the virus will break out in a short period of time, and the clown virus will occupy the whole body, devouring its own consciousness ... turning into a new clown, and it can inherit a certain host ability.

The clown will also pick a key prop to return to the soul host and throw it into his "treasure chest".

However, this ability is not absolutely unsolvable ... the mayor has actually found a reasonable solution.

As long as the clown's body is not dead, [Return to Soul] will not happen.

Therefore, the mayor chose to deal with it by separating the clowns and storing them in different areas ... absolutely isolated.

Isolate for decades, wait until all the external virus carriers have passed the incubation period, and all are characterized by the sickness of laughter, then kill them all.

But this takes too long, and no one can be sure how long the incubation period is, as long as there is any fish that misses the net ... everything will fail.

≮The second point is Han Dong himself≯

three years ago.

As the "closest" contact in "The Return of the Clown (Table)", Han Dong has contracted the virus.

Even if he is out of the world of fate, Han Dong can still see the illusion of a clown running out from all corners on various occasions, especially when the danger is about to come, a friendly look reminding that the danger is about to happen.

Remind him never to die,

Remind him to be alive in Reedry.

Such hallucinations and hallucinations are a mental manifestation of the severely infected person during the incubation period.

The clown is not worried about Han Dong.

Just because Han Dong died, he went to a soulless container ... Among the individuals contacted by the clown, Han Dong was the most interesting.

Once Han Dong comes to [Reidre Town], the clown will try his best to let himself die, and then use Han Dong as the host to complete the ceremony of returning to the soul.

...... The above inferences were made by Han Dong when he came to Riedery.

Before arriving, Han Dong could only be certain that he must be deeply affected by some ability of Penny Wise, which was quite fatal.

Ever since the world of watch articles broke out, Han Dong has been looking for a solution, but has not been able to find it ... Maybe Mr. Black and White knows how to eliminate it, but because of the number of lives, he did not directly tell Han Dong.

The turning point and what the clown did not expect was that it happened a year ago.

Guideline-"Red Plague Incident"

In the civilian area of ​​the Holy City, Han Dong found a clown-like laughter feature when he came in contact with an individual infected with the scarlet plague ... Then he identified an important person through various channels.

It was because of personal problems that thousands of miles came around the holy city, the Scarlet Count of the Aragat Mountains.

Mr. Black and White immediately arranged for Han Dong and Demps to follow the team of [Blood Knight-Lucius] out of town.

They went to investigate the Aragat Mountains, and verbally said that they would allow Han Dong and Demps to pass the middleman, "Earl Scarlet", to try to fish out the "big fish" in the holy city as the association's director.

In fact, this is also an opportunity for Han Dong himself.

When he met the earl, Han Dong was determined immediately.

In order to thoroughly understand "crazy laughter", Earl chose to break the seed, remove or directly assimilate the clown virus that infected himself, even if the attributes of the two do not match, Han Dong will do the same.

As a scientist's intuition, tell Han Dong ... [Laughing] The attributes are very important, allowing Han Dong to stand alone outside the city, or even to his head, may have an extremely important connection in the future.

Afterwards, after reaching a consensus with the Count's consciousness.

Experiment immediately with "Clown Arm".

Let "Earl's Consciousness" directly cover the clown's consciousness on his arm. For the first time, the assassination of assassination was proved, and the feasibility of the plan was proved at the same time ... At the same time, Han Dong also felt a trace of "incompleteness".

The mad laugh between the count and the clown belong to two different attributes, and the combination of the two can achieve true integrity.

Therefore, even if Han Dong won the first place in the Cavaliers Election, he still did not choose his own title ... just because he had not yet completed.

At present, Han Dong is not the most complete state of seed breaking.

You must go to the world to find the clown, [Talent Tree-Smiley] to achieve completeness.

... The above two points have led to such a development.

Han Dong worked with the town to cope with Penny Wise.

With West ’s brain device, Dean Chad ’s “Color Bridge” and Han Dong ’s little magic eyes, see and connect the core matrix in the clown ’s body ... find all the infected bodies connected to it.

All executed.

Among the infected persons found, Ma Taotao and Yu Wu from the Longcheng squad actually belonged to the incubation period.

When they got the information, the two decisively ended the current destiny event and got out of space ... [Back to Soul] It couldn't happen across the world, and it was fine.

As long as all carriers of the virus are disposed of.

The clown has nothing but the body.

At that time, all the limbs will be put together, and killing them in one stroke will end all of them and reach the final outcome.

But ... What Han Dong wants to achieve is not this kind of ending ~ ~ but a real ending, a perfect ending.

The signals on hundreds of televisions were cut off one by one, indicating that the infected were being processed one by one ... In order to win the mayor's attention, the clerk, Miss Ferna, was the hardest.

Arms like rivers, flowing in the streets and alleys ... the infected people were completely flowered in a short time.

Cass and Diana, who are following the ogre party, are also doing their best to kill the enemy.

Wait until the last TV picture becomes Huaping.

Han Dong immediately displayed all the clowns' limbs contained in the laboratory.

"Ready to start ... kekekeke!"

A lot of body disintegration is coughed in the mouth, and the current torso can't last long, but Han Dong is not panic ...

:. :

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