My Cell Prison

Chapter 253: First fight

"Weak, humble, incompetent ... human beings are always like this."

The Grand Lord stared at the armored knight who was slapped into the wall with his slap, and his eyes revealed a kind of disappointment.

Just as the Great Lord was about to crush the next target.

Yeah ...

Tuogu, who was embedded in the wall, slightly moved, and then slowly pulled his body from the stone wall, standing firmly on the ground, and tidying up the debris of contaminated stones. It seemed fine.

托 Inside the thick helmet, Torgu revealed an extremely rare smile.

A broken tongue protruded from the pitch-black teeth, licking frantically on the face.

I'm excited.

Tugu was excited because of the pain, and couldn't wait to return to the presence of the lord ... and the slap just now made Togo feel so comfortable, his meridians seemed to be unblocked.

At this moment, Han Dong passed through the "master-slave relationship":

"Tugu ... this battle will never allow you to be deliberately beaten! The" destructive power "of this big ghoul is far from being comparable to previous hairdressers or blacksmiths.

A little carelessness will result in irreparable injuries.


Next will be the key to my plan, be sure to completely suppress the great lord as soon as possible.

The battle was carried out by the four of us. You are mainly responsible for containment. If you have a chance, you will use your lava to cause deep burning to him.

Once I can suppress the Lord, I promise you one thing!

After returning to the holy city, I will satisfy you with whatever kind of suffering you want. "

As soon as I heard the owner's promise, Togo's excited eyes were turning ... Compared to the current temporary "comfort", Togo naturally preferred to long-term suffering and satisfaction.

"it is good."

Accept the request.

Different from previous battles.

Ben Tuogu entered the fighting state at the first time, and the lines of **** lava covered his whole body ...

Not only that.

Even the ordinary armor worn by Tuogu was undergoing "purgatory".

Such changes can actually be applied to external equipment.

The various interfaces of the armor are replaced by lava lines, and the helmet is also burning with **** flames ... turning into a purgatory armor that fits perfectly with the ancient body.

全面 "Portability", "Hardness" and "Fire Resistance" have been improved.

Puppets also cause a modest amount of fire counterattack on attackers.

Purgatory was completed, and Torgu officially launched onslaught.


串 A series of iron chains came out directly from the palm of the hand and wrapped around the neck of the big lord.

Let's sizzle!

The neck was not protected by the bone armor, and was immediately burned by the iron chain and a large amount of white smoke was raised.

At the same time, Torgu also flew to the head area of ​​the Great Lord by the iron chain ... ready to attack the head directly.

However, this process takes time.

Feeling the iron chain entangled, the Great Lord naturally discovered the situation of Torgu in the first time.


I took a slap to take a photo, and directly took Tuogou in the air to the ground.

Gravel splash.

Tugu's body is completely embedded in the ground, but ...

"Hmm !? What's going on?"

The Great Lord can clearly feel the depressed palm area, and constantly send a strong thrust ... Targets that have been hit again positively still have no signs of death.

Also, it is powerful.

The palm of the great lord was slowly held up ... Tugu was slowly lifting the palm of the great lord in a lifting position.

I was at this moment.

The others in the squadron started to act.

"let me help you!"

Miss Wenli rushed to the palm crushing place at a speed, and supported Tuogu's palm crushing together.

As Wen Li pushed harder, the power of the two added up, and it even exceeded the power of the lord's arm, and pushed the arm back up.

At the same time, the body of the great lord also showed a slight imbalance, and stepped back due to the unstable center of gravity.

I was also attracting the attention of the great lord with two powerful teammates.

A crimson figure was quietly close to the back neck of the great lord.

The lightness of his body, so that he barely stepped on the skin of the great lord, felt nothing at all ... The evil spirits hovered under his feet, almost eliminating the touch.

"Evil Pearl" works.

阴 Several dark black veins spread from the woman's abdomen, along the trunk, shoulders, and arms all the way to the right palm ...

A fascination comes from the evil spirit of "Evil Pearl", overflowing from the fingertips and wrapped in a kitchen knife.

In the shape of Yin Qi, the kitchen knife is shaped into a spooky long knife with a length of 1.5 meters.

Quine incorporates the hairdresser's scissors to make it sharper.


Cut into the back of the neck with one stroke.

The 刃 blade is long enough to cut the neck.

As the blade is about to cut through the aorta and trachea ... click!

The sound of a crisp jamming came.

Swords that are so sharp and enhanced by yin will be the owner.

丽 Chen Li himself was also surprised.

Through the cut meat, you will find that the major aorta and trachea inside the neck of the great lord are connected to the cervical spine, all of which are wrapped by a strange metal shell.

The surface of the metal shell also has a texture that Han Dong has never seen, like a knot for reinforcement.


He was attacked.

The lord's cervical spine immediately showed stressful defensive feedback.

KaKaKa ~ accompanied by a mechanical sound.

A mechanical tentacle with a gear structure embedded in it was born from the cervical spine and pumped towards Chen Li with a rapid momentum.

陈 When Chen Li pulled out the evil sword, it was too late to dodge.


With the hairdresser skills just learned, Chen Li controlled her hair to stay in front of her.


Hit by tentacles.

A lot of broken black hair floated in the air.

Even though most of the damage was offset by the front of the black hair, the strong impact of the mechanical tentacle still affected Chen Li's body ... Chen Li immediately fell to the ground like a bullet.

She doesn't have the defensive power of Tougu.

Once it hits the ground at high speed, it will break several bones, which will seriously affect the next battle.

In the critical period, a shadow like a crow flashes!

Through the cushion of the crow feathers, Chen Li was steadily brought into her arms ...

"Be careful, Miss Chen Li."

As soon as Chen Li looked up, Han Dong's face was just in front of her.

Slightly blushed, and quickly turned into a red shadow standing next to Han Dong, briefly reporting important information captured in the battle.

"Oh, I see."

Han Dong has now opened the "Little Devil's Eye" and stared at the body of the Great Lord.

The incision of the lord's neck has been fully healed in a short time ... super fast regeneration.

Regarding such a ghoul, the regeneration ability is normal.

What surprised Dong Dong most was ~ ~ the body structure of the Great Lord.

"I met with the Great Lord yesterday. Since I didn't open the little magic eye, I couldn't see the real structure in his body.

It is an exaggeration to see it now! No wonder you need a lot of medicine to support your body.

This great lord really does everything to gain strength. "

In addition to supporting the body, the Great Lord's mechanical spine is also an important mechanical center of the body.

A kind of advanced mechanical technology that I do n’t know from where to apply to the body of the great lord. Each organ has a metal coating and each muscle is driven by mechanical gears.

The spinal column is the core source of power for all these mechanical operations.

No wonder "speed" will be so fast. It turns out that there are built-in mechanical aids in addition to muscles.

And there are seals on these metal surfaces ...

In other words, if you want to hurt the great lord, you need to break through the outer bone layer.

Also need to break through the internal metal and junction barrier.

的 The difficulty in defeating this manor boss is how to break through the "defense".

But ... Han Dong didn't plan to kill him from the beginning.

:. :

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