My Cell Prison

Chapter 248: Wait

"Bone handcuffs, slightly excessive shaking, stimulated the bone, causing bone spurs to grow from the inside.

Moreover, this kind of handcuffs should be monitored by the necromancer, and once we have the tendency to break free, he will know the first time.

I really can't deal with it, I can only delay time a little bit backwards. A

东 Han Dong, who was held like a slave, cast a 'reassuring' look on Wen Li ... Before she could not receive the signal, Wen Li just had to wait quietly.

At this time, the head of Lucius made a thick voice from the helmet, "Yes, we haven't introduced each other yet?

My name is Lucius Tosell, [Crusader], specializing in blood knights.

These two are my team members. Lenze Fiji, majoring in [Library], specializing in Necromancy; and Jane Mikazki, majoring in [Mysticism], specializing in shadow art. "

"Mystery? Sister ..."

Han Dong glanced at the schoolgirl who was surrounded by a dark atmosphere and wearing a skull mask ... I did not expect that [Mysticism] could also be an assassin.

Can't stand it.

Even if she is a fellow faculty, this sister Jane ignores the treatment of her younger brothers.

"As new students, no matter how you came to the" upper area ", it shows that you are very capable ... In addition, you can kill [Blacksmith], and see through the necrotic track of Lunze. Different.

So I have to be careful with you to avoid any mistakes.

According to the directions on the map, the room not far away corresponds to the "private butler" of the Great Lord? "


"Hmm ... Lenze, let me and Jane fight indoors. You stay outside and watch them both."

The necrotic apprentice named Lunze nodded slightly.

"No problem ... If the captain hasn't solved your goal within half an hour, I will come in to help again. I will take good care of the younger brother and younger sister, haha."

Facing the sealed bedroom wooden door, Lucius reached forward.

A sharp blood armour appeared on its own, easily destroying the door lock with one claw.

A smell of oil familiar to Han Dong spilled out of the room.

Lucius and his three men smelled such a disgusting smell and stared at the oily wall in the inner room. The complexion also changed.

The necrotic apprentice Renze asked: "It doesn't seem to be an ordinary family cadre, Captain ... or how about I let the skeleton soldiers guard them, how about we go in together?"

不用 "No need ... I'll cooperate with Jane."

I say nothing.

小姐 Ms. Jane, wearing a skull mask, merged herself into the shadow behind Lucius ... it seemed to be handy in controlling the shadow.

In addition to the "goggles", Lucius's eyes were covered with an extra layer of blood mist to strengthen the filtering of pollution.

Officially stepped into the grease house.

A closer look will reveal.

Lucius seemed to be stepping on the oily ground with each foot.

In fact, there is a layer of blood on the soles of the feet to separate the grease, to avoid direct contact with the grease, to prevent slippage, and to prevent pollution and erosion.

A short while later, Lucius entered the compartment, the wax figure manufacturing area where Barbara was located.

叽 里 叽 里! Grease creeps.

The manufacturing area and the bedroom door were sealed with thick and contaminated grease, leaving only the necrotic apprentice and Han Dong to wait in the passage.

怎么 "How is this smell a little familiar ..."

Wenli sniffed the smell of oil in the air, and suddenly remembered what happened last night, her cheeks flushed.

at this time.

I was responsible for guarding the two necrotic apprentices, Lenze Fiji, and opened the hood.

修 The face was thin, the hair was thin and the dark circles were heavy due to the necromantic spells. This image is quite suitable for necromancers. Han Dong also remembered that in the world during his lifetime, employees in a certain industry would have a similar situation.

In addition, Lun Ze's face still has a lot of weird tattoos on his face, and two eyes covered with light fog are staring at Han Dong.

"Should you belong to the same team as Demps Martin?"


Jun Lunze asked curiously: "How is he, isn't he great?

Recently, the entire library is spreading his message. None of them are positive information. I heard that he and the deputy librarian seem to have a leg ... I really want to take a look at this 'unique' student. "

He said here, and Lunze spit out a tongue from his mouth and licked it around his face.

"Dumps, all right ... only I didn't see anything."

东 Han Dong just smiled a little. At present, Demps brother is helping him with his affairs. Naturally, he can't say bad things about him here, let alone shake things up.

Yun Lunze's attention quickly changed and turned to Han Dong. "Your camouflage ability is interesting? How did you do it?"


"Oh ... no wonder!

I heard that the suture master can perfectly stitch the limbs of various monsters to the individual's body. The skin suture for camouflage like this is a basic introduction, which is a bit interesting.

Don't worry, we won't embarrass you too much.

It ’s just that your acting performance yesterday was a bit realistic, which successfully deceived us and made the captain a bit angry ... As long as you obediently follow us to find the elevator to the main hall, let you leave safely.

Relying on the captain's ability, as long as the big lord here can't reach the level of [Fantasy], he can definitely kill it directly. You just need to wait for the end of the training. "

谢谢 "Thank you, senior."

Han Dong just laughed silently and kept waiting.

After a while.

The shadow on the side of Yun Lunze floated a little, and the sister Xue Xue wearing a skull mask floated a head.

"Lunze ~ ~ Come and help! There are many sundries in it that need to be handled.

In addition, I can't find where the "Key" is. Try to use your Necromancer to temporarily control this private housekeeper, ask for the key or let her lead the way to the [Main Hall]. "

"Oh ... actually asked me to help?" Lunze didn't seem to like getting into this greasy environment.

"This cadre is a little different from those at the bottom. The level is not too far away from [Fantasy] ... come in quickly."

"I'm coming!"

Xun Lunze spilled a small pile of bones, and immediately formed a skeleton soldier with a blue flame burning in his pupils, monitoring the two of Han Dong.

"School brothers and sisters, but don't have any idea of ​​running away ... I have already said that we are not malicious."

He followed the necrotic apprentice into the inner room.

Wen Li immediately squeezed Han Dong with her shoulders ... suggesting that this kind of rigid bone-bone chain cuffs could not hold her at all, and she could break free at any time.

Anyhow, Han Dong pressed her mouth to her ear and whispered: "Keep waiting ... don't worry."

"Ah good!"

窃 This whispering made Wen Li a little embarrassed, but she also cast a doubtful look, totally unable to guess what Han Dong thought.

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