My Cell Prison

Chapter 210: Tomb area


It is a separate area in the Stuart Manor, completely separated from the town.

The outer periphery of the is surrounded by a hollow iron fence close to five meters in height, and the top has a dense spiked design to prevent outsiders from overturning.

The entire cemetery occupies the size of about half a small town, with a large number of tombstones inside. Any farm servant who has contributed to the construction of the manor is eligible to sleep here.

The gate of the cemetery is facing a road that is about 400 meters long and borders the town. There are also a large number of wooden signs on the sides of the road that say 'Forbidden to Go'.

The back of the cemetery points to the castle on the hill through an extended path.

At present, the "Tomb Area" has been completely closed, and no cavalry team is allowed to enter.

Several night watchmen were in the deepest part of the cemetery, dealing with emergencies.

As Jon, the night watchman, approached the cemetery, Han Dong could clearly see a layer of white mist like flowing water through the hollowed-out iron fence. It was “paved” on the cemetery, and the pollution was self-evident.

Even the night watchman put on "goggles".

"If you can't resist even the most basic pollution of the cemetery, exit yourself."

Jon reached out and pushed the door of the cemetery, opened a gap that could just squeeze in sideways, and entered first.

Abel immediately inspired a unique guardian pattern of nocturnal animals.

With a flash of green light passing through Abel's eyes, he can greatly resist the invasion of this 'breath' to the body.

In addition, the protection provided by the "goggles" and the destiny prop "heart guard stone" can completely resist the erosion of the cemetery fog, and there is no abnormality in the whole.

东 And Han Dong just put on the beak mask.

Seeing that the two young men were normal, Jon sighed and stretched his fingers in a certain direction of the cemetery:

"Come with me ... We are going to the [Gravekeeper's Residence] in the cemetery, to the catacombs, to participate in the search and filling of the source of the pollution outbreak.

不 If you fail or if you are infected with more than moderate infections midway, your current vigil mission will be terminated. "

"it is good!"

The three of them, holding kerosene lamps, walked between white fog-covered cemeteries, always alert to the surrounding conditions.

Han Dong secretly observed the situation in the cemetery through his eyes.

90About 90% of graves have been turned over.

Moreover, they should all be digging the soil from the inside. It seems that the excellent peasants who had been buried here have been given the opportunity to be reborn again because of the dark age, climbed out of the tomb and continued to serve the great lord.


The graveyard with a lot of corpses buried in the dark and dark, naturally shrouded in darkness for many years, will naturally produce something special.

[Ghoul Lair] is inevitable.

Moreover, because of its long existence, the size of the nest and the number of ghouls must reach a rather scary branch.

May even have ghoul chiefs, or even some special species.

(Ghoul is also classified as "evil," which belongs to a dead body that has not yet been bony. In addition, it is a kind of plague and evil that gradually evolves under the influence of the "fog", a special environment of the cemetery. )

Coupled with the ability to reproduce, the number of ghouls in this manor cemetery is probably more than anyone imagined.

In addition, due to the blockade of the cemetery ten hours ago, most of the night watchmen were also active in the catacombs.

So that the surface of the cemetery was silent.

At present, Han Dong and his party set foot here, even if they have kept their voice as low as possible, they will disturb some guys wandering outside.

"Ghoul ... But it's a little different from the ghouls I've seen in the city."

Han Dong visually captured that something crawled out of the cemetery in the darkness and had a body as strong as a ghoul, but their bodies were more or less different from humans.

"Are the deformed ghouls born of inbreeding ... coming! Abel, try not to make a sound."

"it is good."

The leading Jon Knight had no intention of taking a shot, and disappeared by combining with the night through a kind of "sneaking".

He wanted to see how the two young men would deal with this kind of first-generation ghoul offspring ... if they were not handled properly and even injured, he would immediately veto their qualifications.

Hey ~ Yeah!

Two offspring of ghouls are thrown out of the darkness at the same time.

One of the ghouls was huge and even had a third arm at the navel eye.

Another ghoul exhibits a physical state of ‘multi-mouthed’, carrying five times the amount of plague. Once in contact with an individual, it can easily infect the source of the plague and contaminate the individual.

However, the battle was completed in an instant.

As mentioned before, Abel's action posture allows him to enter the state of challenge at any time.

White inventions have grown significantly, and even some skin in the arm area has grown some fur.

Haw followed closely, condensing a wolf head pattern behind her.

When the strong three-handed ghoul was about to approach, Abel's eyes flashed a fierce mankind ... the whole man's momentum completely changed, and his right arm stabbed forward in the form of 'wolf claw'.

Accurate, fast and deadly.

A "ghoul heart" was caught in Abel's hands.

As for the ghoul's body, Aber gently pads it with his feet and lands gently, with almost no sound.

The corrupted ghoul on the other side has been held by Han Dong with one hand and held in the air.

的 The plague carried by ghouls is rapidly being transformed into Han Dong's "seed energy" ... On the level of control of the plague, Han Dong may reach the level of four stars, and suppressing such ghouls is not a problem.

After draining all the plague essence.

The ghoul almost turned into a dry corpse, and its sad life was ended with a slight twist. Han Dong released a plague and counter-swallowed the dry corpse without leaving any trace ~ ~ The presence of the two The performance of the battle was perfect, and the two ghouls that came from the raid were destroyed without making any noise.

This surprised Jon the Night Watchman.

But ... this level of threat cannot be compared with the following, it can only prove that the capabilities of the two young people are still good.

Jon stepped out of the shadows, lit the kerosene lamp, and continued to lead the way.

Due to the large cemetery, a total of three waves of ghoul offspring were encountered along the way, and they were smoothly resolved by the two.

After a while, the stone-built room where the gravekeepers lived appeared ... can pass the secret passage inside the room to the catacomb area of ​​the incident.

I also entered the room with Jon Knight, and Han Dong followed.


The red-haired, white-faced clown suddenly jumped out.

"It's a little dangerous down there ... Don't die." As soon as the clown finished speaking, his body quickly inflated, bursting like a red balloon.

This jump-scare forced Han Dong to pause a little.

"This clown ..."

"What clown?" Abel was curious.

没 "Nothing, let's go down ... the grave below is more dangerous, especially the concentration of pollution. Abel, if you have any means of resisting pollution, it is better to come up in advance."

"I know."

:. :

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