My British Empire

Chapter 54 A feeling of being tricked

Early the next morning, Earl Boswell heard that the Duke of Somerset had visited the Earl of Warwick the night before.

Last night, his heart was always up and down, for fear that his fortune would be interrupted. Hearing this news, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. It seems that my factory is still stepping up its recruitment efforts, and next year will definitely be a bumper year.

"Offrey! Give me another bowl of barley porridge!" Earl Boswell's appetite increased in the morning when he heard the news.

"Yes! My master!" The pretty maid on the side lowered her head and answered.

After breakfast, Earl Boswell came to the Palace of Westminster in a carriage, which is not only the seat of the House of Lords and House of Commons, but also the meeting place of the Regency Council.

Coincidentally, as soon as he got off the carriage, the Earl saw the Earl of Wellington startled the carriage with the support of the groom, and a smile quickly appeared on his face, which was very sincere.

He had already anticipated today's result, so for Earl Wellington, there was no conflict of interest, and he also had the intention of repairing it.

"Oh! Dear Earl of Wellington! It's a pleasure to see you!" The earl's chubby body embraced the same body of the Earl of Wellington, which looked particularly funny.

"Oh! No! Monsieur Count! How flattered I am by your enthusiasm!"

Upon hearing this, Earl Boswell quickly let go of the pale Earl Wellington. On the countenance of Earl Wellington's frightened expression, there was still a trace of fear left, obviously he was terribly frightened by Earl Boswell.

"My count, you are so warm!"

"Aren't I making up for the loss of love between the two of us yesterday!" Earl Boswell said sincerely, looking particularly aggrieved.

"Okay! Let's go in first! The meeting is more important!" Earl Wellington still couldn't bear the disgusting tone of the earl, and hastily resorted to a plan to escape.

Seeing Earl Wellington's rabbit-like pace, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, and walked towards the conference room with strides.

After the Earl took his own seat, the ministers arrived one after another.

Duke Edward stood on the main seat, patted the table, and signaled the ministers to be quiet.

"Gentlemen! Let's continue yesterday's topic today! Do you want to fight those barbarians in the north!"

After the Duke finished speaking, he immediately sat down and watched the ministers say nothing.

Ministers, look at me, I look at you, even the Earl of Boswell and the Earl of Wellington who had a fierce quarrel yesterday were quiet.

That's why the entire conference room was extremely quiet, and the grooms outside the window could be vaguely yelled, and if you listened carefully, you could clearly hear the chirping of the horses.

Seeing the ministers looking at each other without saying a word, Earl Boswell knew that he was going to be a leader, otherwise the meeting would be a little suspended.

"Your Excellency, Ministers! I still think the Duke Edward's proposal is very good! I agree with his proposal!"

After saying this, the Earl sat down, without the scorching feeling from yesterday.

Immediately afterwards, the ministers turned their attention to Earl Wellington to see if he could stick to his idea. After all, they heard that Duke Edward had visited him last night.

Earl Wellington turned his head and looked at Earl Boswell in his seat.

After thinking about it, everyone's eyes focused on him. Although he was a little slapped in the face and depressed for a while, he finally decided to speak.

"Good day! Gentlemen, after careful consideration last night, I have decided to overturn my opinion, and I support the proposal of the Duke of Somerset!"

After speaking, he seemed to have heard the discussions of the ministers. Even though he was already thick-skinned, Mr. Earl still felt a little embarrassed.

Earl Wellington's words were like dropping a bomb on the calm water, causing an uproar.

The ministers did not expect that the earl, who was against the vanguard yesterday, would take a 360-degree turn today and suddenly become a supporter of the duke.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, he has always been a supporter of the Duke before, but he turned against it because of his interests, and now he has returned to his original position because of his interests.

Immediately afterwards, the Earl of Warwick, who had been calmly observing, just stood up and attracted everyone's attention. Only Duke Edward looked confident.

"Gentlemen! The Scots' aggression against us is obvious to all, and this group of barbarians will not know the power of England unless they teach them a lesson! But the expedition to Scotland will bring a heavy burden to the finances that have just improved! This is really a difficult choice! I respect your choices!"

After talking nonsense, the Earl sat down again, as if nothing happened, and watched the minister's performance with great interest.

Although the Earl did not express his opinion, but those who can enter the Regency Council are all good people, so how could they not understand!

Bishop Thomas closed his eyes and meditated, and suddenly opened his eyes. The cloudy eyes seemed to be thinking about something, and then closed his eyes again, as if nothing had happened.

After taking more than a month of marriage leave, Baron Thomas was finally able to attend the Regency Council. As the Minister of the Navy and the Minister of Order entrusted by Henry VIII, he was already a member of the Regency Council.

He was very satisfied with the result of his brother's loss yesterday, but it didn't last long, and his mood began to turn bad again.

Then, as expected, in the next vote, Duke Edward passed with 9 votes in favor and 7 votes against, and then it can be submitted to Edward for approval.

Duke Edward finally showed a smug smile, and Earl Boswell also smiled heartily.

"Dear gentlemen! Next, it is time to discuss who will lead the expeditionary force!"

"And I will lead the boys from England to go on an expedition against the savages of Scotland!"

"And I propose—" His Excellency the Duke paused for a while, whetting the appetite of the ministers, among whom the Earl of Warwick was most concerned.

Looking at the expectant crowd, Duke Edward finally went on to say: "The Earl of Warwick will be the deputy marshal, in charge of logistics!"

"And while I was away in London, Lord Bishop Thomas presided over the daily affairs of the Regency Council! And..."

"What?" The Earl of Warwick's mouth suddenly opened wide, interrupting His Excellency the Duke's speech. Obviously, this incident shocked him too much, and he was so shocked that he made a sound.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen! I'm not feeling well, I'm going back first!" The Earl of Warwick restrained his emotions, bowed to the many ministers, and then gave Duke Edward a hard look.

Everyone could see that the Earl of Warwick was very angry, and it was still related to his appointment.

Thanks to: qus, Best MAN, cute Hengheng, Xiaobai veteran, Legolas~Windrunner, Dragon Horse Inheritance, who specializes in eating books, 56-leg Mao brother, silent A Fei, Prussian nobleman, rest assured two copies, Thank you for your support! I am very grateful to the speechless A Fei for his great reward. No more updates today, recent internship, too busy! By the way, begging for a recommendation ticket! Everyone beat me to death with votes!

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