In mid-July, Yuwen rushed abroad. He took the early morning flight on purpose.

Jiang Jiusheng and Xie Dang came anyway.

"I promised not to deliver it last night."

Xie Dang wore a mask, so you couldn't see his expression, but you could tell by his tone how dissatisfied he was: "We have nothing to do."

There were not many people at the airport in the early morning and it was quiet.

Jiang Jiusheng asked: "Has the tour route been decided?"

Yuwen Chongchong only had a suitcase. He sat on top of the suitcase, stretching his long legs lazily, without any melancholy of a long journey, and said in an understated tone: "The route has not been decided, it depends on where you go."

Xie Dang didn't know until yesterday that he was going on a trip, and it wasn't a short trip. He let out a breath in his heart: "Is this a trip?" Damn it! He said in a bad tone, "This is wandering!"

Yu Wen charged noncommittally.

Xie Dang almost wanted to hit him: "I'm going on tour in September, will you come?"

"we'll see."

He wanted to hit him even more.

Jiang Jiusheng is the most rational among the three of them. At this time, she is the only one who can calmly tell everyone what to pay attention to.

"Be safe out there."

Yuwen rushed forward and responded.

Xie Danheng: "Can I still be deceived and sold?"

Jiang Jiusheng added: "Don't go to places where there is war."


Xie Dang continued to hum: "He is not a fool."

"If communication is not convenient, just write a letter."

Yuwen Chongchong continued to hum, not sure whether he heard it or not, looking careless.

Xie Dang looked like "I'm really unhappy": "In what era are you still in a place where mobile phones can't reach you?"

"Listen, you don't have to worry over there," Jiang Jiusheng said, his tone calm as usual, "Xie Dang and I are still in Tianyu."

Xie said stubbornly: "Whose sister is the one to worry about? If you don't worry, just come back early."

Yuwen smiled sharply: "Thank you."

The airport announcement sounded, and a gentle female voice reminded passengers to board the plane.

Jiang Jiusheng frowned slightly, his calm eyes gradually became confused, but he was reluctant to give up after all: "Come back when you are tired." She was silent for a moment, then thought of something, "Give me a call when you come back, and I will pick you up."

Yu Wenchong laughed at her and said, "You're getting more and more verbose." He got up from the suitcase and said in a relaxed tone, "Okay, you guys go back, I'm about to board the plane."

He held the trolley case, and Xie Dan held it down immediately: "You haven't told me where your first stop will be."

"You don't care where I go."

He was not polite. He pushed Xie Dang away and turned around, but was hit by someone. The passport in his hand fell to the ground. When the wind blew, the ticket sandwiched inside floated forward half a meter.

Yuwen Chongchong put down his suitcase, went back to pick it up, stuffed it into his coat pocket, and waved: "I'm leaving."

He turned around, waved again, and left.

Jiang Jiusheng stood there and watched.

Xie Dang called her: "Let's go."

She put the hood of her coat on outside her peaked cap and walked out with Xie Dan, her head lowered and her pace very, very slowly.

Xie Dang asked casually: "Where is Yosevena?"

He saw that Yuwen Chong's ticket was to Yusevina, a place he had never heard of.

"A small town." Jiang Jiusheng lowered her head, and the brim of her hat covered all the emotions in her eyes. She seemed to be talking to herself, whispering, "There is a river there, called the Moon River. Every time the moon is full, the moon The shadow just falls into the river, and a local young boy will bring his guitar and go to the river to play a piece of music for his beloved."

Xie Dang was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

Her steps stopped.

Because that's where she wants to be.

I don’t remember which time it was, but it happened a long time ago. She, Yuwen, and Dangdang drank together on the street. They were not afraid of the paparazzi. They squatted under the street lamp and blew on the mouth of the bottle.

Xie Dang was the first to get drunk, and he talked a lot, and he was very imaginative.

He said: "I want to go to the Vienna Hall and play the violin all night."

She finished the wine in the bottle and then continued: "I want to go to the Moon River, play a song, and sing rock and roll all night."

She was only seventy percent drunk, so she still remembered Yuwen Chong's words.

"I want to accompany the person I like and go where she wants to go."

At that time Xie Dan laughed at him: "Stop pretending to be a lover for me, you have a harem of three thousand, one by one, and you will trample all the corners of the world to pieces."

It happened so long ago that I thought I had forgotten it.

She squatted down.

Xie Dang looked back at her: "What's wrong?"

She looked up, her eyes were red, and tears fell one by one.

Xie Dang was stunned for a moment and panicked: "Shengsheng... you, why are you crying?"

She didn't speak, just squatted there crying.

Xie Dang had never seen her like this before and was at a loss: "Stop crying." He didn't know how to move his hands and feet, so he squatted over and coaxed, "Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you. Is it okay not to cry?"

She covered her eyes and kept crying.

"If you don't want to let go of Yuwen, I'll help you drag him back."

As soon as Xie Dang stood up, her hand was grabbed by her. She looked up and her eyes were red from crying: "Dangdang, it's all my fault..."

"What's wrong with you?"

She squatted, silently crying.

She and Xie Dang did not look back, did not see Yuwen Charge standing behind them, and their eyes turned red without saying a word, and turned around again, pulling the suitcase and leaving.

Sure enough, we can't let her know. If she knows, she will cry...

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