My Bloodthirty Husband is So Gentle

309: Shisheng brand dog food, Qin family dog ​​bites dog

South China Mansion.

Huo Yining arrived at the scene at twelve o'clock, the roof was blocked, and people from the forensic department were collecting evidence. He put on his gloves and walked over: "How is the person?"

Zhou Xiao replied: "Sent to the hospital for first aid." Standing on the top of the building, he glanced at the bottom, "However, with such a high height, I am afraid that he will not die or be disabled."

The height of the four-story building is more than ten or twenty meters. A fall like this can really kill you.

"What about the scene?" Huo Yining asked his colleagues in the forensic department.

"There was no trace of a fight, and he fell on his back, so he couldn't have jumped off by himself." Forensic witness Xiao Zhao said, "The murderer was one of the people in that room."

It was purely pushing people to fall from the building, and it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. There was not much evidence collected at the scene, so we could only use the method of elimination to find a new breakthrough.

Huo Yining ordered: "Take them all back to the police station."

In the hall on the first floor of the Qin family mansion, everyone was there. Qin Mingli's mother, Zhang Shi, was stimulated and fainted. The first words she said when she woke up testified against Shi Jin: "It's you! It must be you!"

Everyone in the room was standing, except for Shi Jin, who sat upright on the sofa, turning a deaf ear to the sounds around him, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Zhang's emotions lost control, and she cursed in a high-pitched voice: "Shi Jin, you are not as good as a beast, you give me back my son!"

Her eyes were full of resentment, she wished she could rush over and tear Shi Jin apart, and the servants quickly grabbed her.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Jin didn't lift his eyelids.

With a sullen face, Qin Xing stopped and said, "If there is no evidence, just shut up."

Zhang's gaze resented, and he shouted at Qin Xing: "Mingli's life and death are unknown now, and you still protect him. What evidence do you need? It's all obvious. In this room, except for Shi Jin, who else has that motive? Isn't he still Who could it be!"

Everyone here knows that Shi Jin let go and asked Qin Mingli to prepare for the funeral.

Qin Xing shouted: "Enough!"

Not to be outdone, Zhang said, "Why can't I say? Shi Jin can do anything to his opponents, so there's nothing I can't say." She couldn't bear it anymore, and she exploded emotionally, pointing at Shi Jin and growling, "He pushed it because Jiang Jiusheng That woman, he can even kill his own family, it's not enough to lose one hand, he also needs to put her face to death! He is a shameless beast, with white eyes—"

Shi Jin suddenly raised his eyes: "Have you scolded enough?"

The tone was neither hot nor cold, but the fundus of the eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and a little bit of ink faded away, cold and deep.

Zhang sneered, and retorted: "Which sentence did I say wrong? You dare to do it, why, dare not admit it?"

Huo Yining went down the stairs, interrupted the dispute, and said in a businesslike manner: "Who did it, just go to the police station and find out."

That night, all the Qin family members in the South China Mansion were taken to the police station.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xiao went to the hospital, and when he returned to the police station, it was around ten o'clock.

Deputy team leader Zhao Tengfei asked him: "How is Qin Mingli? Has he been rescued?"

Zhou Xiao took a sip of water, took a few breaths, and said, "He's still hanging on his breath. If he falls from such a height, it's his fate that he doesn't die. Whether he can wake up or not depends on his fate." Sit down and rest. After a while, he asked, "How's the trial going?"

Tang Zhengyi replied: "All have alibi."

Zhou Xiao kicked his legs and slumped on the stool: "I'm going. Could it be that Qin Mingli was deprived of power and didn't want to live anymore? He chose a posture facing the starry sky and jumped off the building to commit suicide?"

Zhao Tengfei affirmed: "It wasn't suicide." He had just received the forensic report in the morning and explained, "Qin Mingli's fingernails were scraped off by the guardrail on the roof, and there were obvious signs of struggle at the scene, obviously he was pushed down by someone. , there was no fight, that is to say, there was no defense, and it was an acquaintance who committed the crime."

The whole room is full of the Qin family, tsk tsk tsk,

Zhou Xiao rubbed his chin: "Could it be Shi Jin?" He thought for a while, made some conjectures, which were well-founded, "I'm making a reasonable guess. Among the people in the South China Mansion last night, Shi Jin The motivation is the most sufficient, and the most important thing is that Shi Jin has a high IQ, making an alibi so-easy!"

Well, it makes sense, Shi Jin has a good brain.

Tang Zhengyi thought so too.

Zhao Tengfei disagreed: "When Shi Jin wants to kill someone, just find someone to pass the gun to. Is it necessary to make such trouble?"

Well, it also makes sense, Shi Jin not only has a good brain, but also has excellent means. He wants to kill people. To be honest, it would be a great favor for the police to find the body.

Zhou Xiao rubbed his chin, thought hard, and nodded: "That's right." He couldn't figure it out, "Who else could it be? Those people all have alibi."

Jiang Kai, who had been silent all this time, said, "It's not a ghost, someone must be lying."

But who is lying?

Zhao Tengfei turned over the confession record: "The nanny and the driver were outside the villa and saw Qin Mingli fall with his own eyes, so the suspicion can be ruled out."

At that time, Qin Mingli fell from the upstairs, and the nanny driver was scared and screamed on the spot, which alarmed the Qin family in the mansion.

These two people basically had no time to commit the crime, nor did they have the motivation to commit the crime.

Secondly: "Qin Xing and Qin Hai were discussing matters in the study, and only opened the door after hearing the voice. Mrs. Zhang also saw it at the stairs. All three of them can testify to each other."

Zhou Xiao raised a question: "Could it be that the partner lied?"

"Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out, but the possibility is very small. If these three people conspired to kill Qin Mingli, there would be no motive at all." Zhao Tengfei drank saliva to moisten his throat, and continued, "In addition, Wen Shihao is pregnant and sleeps. It was early, Zhang Shi went to the room to call her out, and she also has proof of her absence."

"Where's Su Fu?" Zhou Xiao is most curious about this woman, the captain can say, this woman is a big boss.

"Su Fu was on the balcony on the second floor. When Qin Mingli fell downstairs, the nanny downstairs saw her. Moreover, she could testify to Qin Wu who came to the mansion that night to talk. She was standing on the balcony and saw Qin Wu. Call downstairs."

I'll go, there is also an alibi.

What a coincidence, no one left alone?

Oh, there is another key person, Zhou Xiao immediately asked: "Where is Shi Jin? What is he doing? Who will prove it to him."

Zhao Tengfei glanced at the confession: "Shi Jin is in the room, alone."

Finally, there was a single one, and Zhou Xiao was very curious: "Who can testify for him?" For some reason, he always felt that Shi Jin was the big boss, the invincible kind.

"There was an emergency patient in the hospital, and he was discussing the surgical plan with Director Cheng of the Cardiac Surgery Department." Zhao Tengfei added, "There is also a video to prove it."

Well, none of them were there, what a ghost.

Zhou Xiao turned his head and asked Tang Zhengyi, "Who do you think is lying?"

"God knows." Just as Huo Yining came out of the interrogation room, Tang Zhengyi asked the IQ officer of the criminal investigation team, "Captain, what do you think?"

Huo Yining smiled and ordered: "Go and verify all the testimony again."


The police dogs of the criminal investigation team went to work in despair.

Qin Mingli had an accident at the South China mansion. In order to protect the scene, the police sealed off the Qin family mansion. Qin Xing, Zhang's and others all moved to the Qin family's hotel.

In the afternoon, Su Fu came back from the hospital.

Qin Xing asked, "What did the hospital say?"

Su Fu shook his head: "The head is seriously injured, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up, the probability of brain death and vegetative state is very high."

Qin Xing was silent.

It is somewhat unbearable that he is the son born to his first wife.

Su Fu sat on the sofa opposite, his tone was not very deliberate, as if asking casually: "Master, do you think it's Shi Jin?"

Without hesitation, Qin Xing said, "It's not him." He took a cigar from the coffee table, "He really wants to kill the second child, one shot is enough."

"Who could it be?" She took out a slender match, rubbed it lightly on the sides of the delicate matchbox, and when the flame lit up, she leaned over to light a cigarette for Qin Xing.

Qin Xing frowned and smoked his cigar, but didn't speak.

Su Fu put out the fire and did not throw it away. He held the match with Danko's painted fingers and played with it: "Couldn't it be that the old man jumped down in despair?"

Qin Xing interrupted the topic: "Don't worry about this matter, Chu Nantian should keep an eye on it."

Su Fu was kind and kind, and smiled: "Don't worry."

Wash millet town.

"Brother Tian," James walked behind Chu Nantian, "Jiangbei has news that the delivery is ready."

On the sloping fields, the poppies bloom just in time.

Chu Nantian stood on the high platform built of steel bars, overlooking a sea of ​​flowers below: "I'm going back to Qinxing, and I want to increase the price."

James asks: "How much to add?"

Holding the binoculars, Chu Nantian glanced over the mountains in the distance, his deep eye sockets were narrowed, and the scars at the corners of his eyes were obvious, showing a somewhat hideous look: "Fifty percent."

James had some doubts: "Is 50% too much?"

Chu Nantian stretched out his hand.

James took the binoculars and handed over the sniper rifle.

Leaning against the guardrail of the climbing platform, he calibrated the scope: "I shipped a batch of goods to him twice, and the Qin family was also targeted by the police. He committed crimes against the wind, so naturally he had to increase the price."


There was a gunshot, and a bird fell down in the midair in the distance.

Chu Nantian wiped the muzzle of the gun with the handkerchief in his suit pocket.

James took the lead: "I see."

It's fine if this batch of goods is completed, if it doesn't, this partnership will almost come to an end.

On the same day, the Qin family gave a reply, agreeing to increase the price. The twists and turns of this batch of goods are all because of the Qin family. For the long-term cooperative relationship between the two parties, Qin Xing will naturally suffer from this loss.

The next day, James arranged the delivery.



Someone patted on the shoulder, and Tan Mobao, who was looking up to the sky and thinking, turned his head.

King called her: "Wangcai."

Yes, she is Wangcai now.

Both Chu Ge and King knew that she was pretending to be crazy, so she had no choice but to make up a peasant girl Tan Wangcai who went to work in the city, was tricked by human traffickers at the train station, and sold to the mountainous area as a child bride. He ran away, and just after leaving Longtan, he entered the tiger's den again, and was sold as a slave by an international human trafficking gang.

In short, as miserable as it is.

Tan Wangcai touched his head, which was almost healed.

King hesitated, looked at her, blushed and said, "Here you are."

He spread out his hand with an egg in his palm.

Tan Wangcai didn't understand: "What?"

King's dark skin actually showed a tinge of pink, and he stuttered: "Chicken, eggs."

Of course she knew it was a boiled egg, so Tan Wangcai asked, "Why did you give me the egg?"

In Xisu Town, eggs are very precious. Anyway, except for Chu Ge's family, most people can't eat them.

King was a big man, a little embarrassed, and looked embarrassed like a girl: "I'll eat it for you."

Although King is a muscular man with scars on his face, he looks very scary, but Tan Wangcai got in touch with him and found that King is actually a shy boy. He is in his thirties, and he blush when talking to girls. Well, if it wasn't for him, Tan Wangcai's injury wouldn't heal so quickly, and she would eat all the eggs.

Tan Wangcai was very moved.

She took the egg with both hands and cracked it on her head. As a result, the egg white flowed down from her head.

Tan Wangcai: "..."

This is embarrassing.

At this moment, King's dark neck was red: "It's raw, I don't know if you like it fried or baked, so I didn't cook it." He looked annoyed.

Tan Wangcai hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, I like to eat raw." As she spoke, she scraped off the egg whites from her head, then sucked her fingers and ate raw eggs.

Only then did King show an awkward smile, the centipede-like scar on his face twisted and twisted.

Tan Wangcai licked all the eggshells clean, looked at King with a moved face, and said sincerely: "Thank you, King, you are really my good buddy, you will live in my heart all your life, and I will never forget you " She blinked her eyes, a little teary, raised her hand, and patted King's shoulder with a heavy expression, "Take care, brother."

King: "?"

He suspected that her head had been cracked by an egg.

That afternoon, Tan Wangcai went to pick two pockets of whole fruits and hid a lighter in his pockets. Chu Ge told her that whole fruits can be stored for a long time and have high calories, making them suitable for food storage.

As soon as the sun set, she sneaked to the warehouse in Xisu Town wearing the little skirt Chu Ge gave her.

The people outside the warehouse stopped him and said in local dialect: "This is a warehouse, you can't break into it."

Anyway, Tan Wangcai didn't understand, she said in English: "Miss Chuge called you over."

I don't know if the other party understands or not, and I didn't speak.

Tan Wangcai made gestures while talking, using rich body language to express: "She kicked King into the Xisu River, and asked you to help find him."

The black man still didn't respond, with a coffin face expressionless.

Forget it, the communication was ineffective, and Tan Wangcai walked away dejectedly.

ten minutes later.

Tan Wangcai brought a dog over. This dog is Yan’s. It’s a black-haired Teddy. The name is in the local dialect. The name is Laifu.

Tan Wangcai squatted in the bushes, holding Laifu in his arms, had a long conversation with it in a low voice, and finally looked at it with Tuogu's eyes: "Laifu, you must run quickly, you know? "

Laifu's tail can be wagged vigorously.

Oh, Laifu couldn't speak, and when he was young, he was naughty, jumping around, stepped on a landmine, and died, only hurting his throat.

Tan Wangcai threw Laifu forcefully, and Laifu rolled around in the bushes before running away.

The people at the warehouse door were alarmed: "Who is it!"

Seeing the bushes moving, the two men at the door immediately chased after him. Tan Wangcai just got out of the bushes, looked around and sneaked into the warehouse.

It's so strange that there are only two people guarding the warehouse, God help her.

She timidly walked around inside, and then chose a large wooden box. She heard from Chu Ge that there was a batch of goods to be shipped to Jiangbei in the past two days. She thought, God must see her too unlucky, Here comes a chance to create a narrow escape for her.

Tan Wangcai opened the box and was about to get in when a head popped out of it, so frightened that she almost cried out: "Why don't you—"

Chu Geke blinked vigorously: "Hush!"

This makes sense why there are so few warehouse guards, and Chu Ge has more ghost ideas than Wangcai.


As dusk approaches, the golden sunset glow leaks in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, sprinkling the ground golden. On the balcony, Jiang Jiusheng is nestled in the beanbag sofa, hugging the guitar, playing and singing softly, and at the feet, the Pomeranian wags its tail lazily, feeling very comfortable.

The entrance door slammed, and the guitar stopped for a moment before continuing.

Shi Jin went straight to the balcony, stood quietly in the light, and listened to her finish singing. The rhythm at the end of the song was very slow, and the slightly hoarse voice of tobacco and alcohol, like whispers, brushed past her ears, gently scratching like a paw.

After singing the last line, the guitar stopped. Jiang Jiusheng raised his head, still holding the guitar, and looked at Shi Jin with a smile.

He walked over, threw Bomei away, and squatted at her feet: "I haven't heard this song before." Maybe I have, but he doesn't know very well, because he is really a sound deaf.

Jiang Jiusheng put down the guitar: "It's a new song, the title song of the fourth series."

Recently, she 'pretended to be sick', and all her work stopped. It just so happened that she calmed down and wrote songs. Mo Bing's plan is to release a fourth album after "The Empress" is finished, and hold another concert in the early spring of next year.

Shi Jin asked, "What style is it?"

She squinted her eyes and smiled, her peach blossom eyes hooked inside, and the corners of her eyes were always slightly crimson: "Light rock, love."

Shi Jin knew a little about everything, except that he was tone deaf, didn't know anything about music, and didn't know much about soft rock, but he knew what love looked like, it was probably the ending note of that song just now, it was so soft and lingering that it made one's heart itch.

"Is it written for me?" He smiled and softened the clear spring in his pupils.

Jiang Jiusheng nodded: "Yes."

Before meeting Shi Jin, she never wrote love songs. After meeting him, she wrote every song for him.

Satisfied, Shi Jin picked her up, wrapped her in his arms, and nestled on the soft sofa together. Xu Bomei arched her head and sneaked in, but was kicked away by Shi Jin: "Shengsheng, there is news about Tan Mobao."

She got up from his arms: "Did you catch anyone?"

Shi Jin shook his head.

"Any accident?"

Shi Jin said: "My people arrived in Xisu Town, but she escaped by herself."

Jiang Jiusheng: "..."

This is indeed Tan Mobao's style.

The sun was setting outside the window, and it was a bit chilly at night, Shi Jin took a blanket and covered her lap: "Chu Nantian's daughter also escaped with her, and he has also sent someone to look for it."

Jiang Jiusheng was a little worried: "Is there any danger?"

Shi Jin supported her waist, and lifted her up: "Don't worry, Chu Nantian loves that daughter very much, and sent a lot of people out, as long as someone shows up, they will be found soon, and I will also send people to help her." Alright, Tan Mobao is a little clever, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Yeah." She nestled lazily in Shi Jin's arms, "Where's the hospital? Is there any progress in Qin Mingli's case?"

Bomei got into the lazy sofa from behind, shaking his head and tail, very happy, hum, it likes to join Shengsheng's mother, what's wrong! hum~

Shi Jin didn't bother to kick it: "Not yet."

Jiang Jiusheng raised his head and leaned against Shi Jin wrapped in a thin blanket: "I'm curious, who is the murderer." It is said that all of them have alibi.

Shi Jin kissed her face, pecked on the left side and right side: "I don't know, but you can watch the show."

Jiang Jiusheng looked at him with a smile: "Did you do it?"

Shi Jin was noncommittal: "I just threw a piece of meat, it was their own dog that bit the dog."

Tianbei Hospital.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the monitor in the intensive care unit 721 suddenly sounded an alarm.


The monitor keeps alarming, and the vital signs data jumps sharply.

Zhang, who was standing in front of the hospital bed, panicked and watched the medical staff swarming in. After a while, she came back to her senses and lay down on the bed and shouted: "Ming Li!"


Qin Mingli was lying on the hospital bed, wearing an oxygen mask, his face turning purple. Zhang's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she was pushed and stumbled by the nurse who came forward to give first aid. Her legs were weak, and she sat on the ground paralyzed, holding on to the bed and crying.

"Family members, please go out first." Without delay, the head nurse directly resuscitated the patient, "The patient's condition has changed, please go and call Director Zhao."

Wen Shihao sat on the sofa with her stomach supported, and then got up to help Zhang Shi.

She clung to the hospital bed and refused to leave, crying, "What's wrong with my son? Help him, save my son!"

"I need first aid now, please go out first."

The head nurse directly asked the medical staff to take the patient's family members out.

Zhang was so anxious that she burst into tears, pacing back and forth outside the ward, the medical staff came in and out, hurried footsteps, the whole corridor was dead silent, cold and quiet.

"I'm not feeling well, I'm going back first." Wen Shihao stood up from the chair in the corridor.

"Wen Shihao!" Zhang's eyes widened and she glared at her. In the quiet corridor, only her shrill voice echoed, aggressively, "The one who rescued you inside is your husband. Even if you are acting, you have to do it for me." Enough."

Wen Shihao looked sullen: "I'm really uncomfortable, the smell of the hospital is too strong, I want to vomit." She took it for granted, "Besides, what's the use of my staying? I'm not a doctor, your son—"

Zhang raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

She was slapped so that she fell back to her seat, her face was red and swollen quickly, and she was in hot pain. She covered her face, her eyes widened in disbelief: "You hit me?"

Zhang changed hands and slapped again.

Both cheeks were on fire, Wen Shihao stood up quickly: "Zhang Yunke——"

The words were interrupted, and Zhang's eyes were on fire, wishing to burn the person in front of him to death: "Are you wishing for my son to die? Then you will be free."

Wen Shihao fixed her eyes firmly on Zhang Shi: "What do you mean?"

She sneered: "You don't know what you did?"

"Speak clearly, what have I done?" Wen Shihao took a step forward with her hands on her stomach.

Zhang said sarcastically, with guns and sticks in his words: "The police station said that on the night of Mingli's accident, everyone in the mansion had an alibi."

The panic in Wen Shihao's eyes flashed, and she clutched the sides of the jacket with her hands, she turned her eyes away: "So what?"

So what?

Mrs. Zhang sneered, her gaze seemed to be poisoned by two clusters of flames, and her sarcastically raised face was lowered bit by bit: "But you didn't!" His voice suddenly rose, "I lied because of the child in your belly, something happened obviously I never saw you when I was there, and your alibi is false."

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