My Beast Taming Skills Are Just a Billion Points Stronger

Chapter 589 The five major countries are frightened. Alien beasts sent from advanced civilized plane

Humans are Yan Su's last bottom line. She doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse for her to raise such a delicious little insect.

"However, you also know that if I don't break through, you won't be able to break through either."

Yan Su has no plans to retreat for the time being. After becoming a star master, he really has too many things to be busy with.

She wouldn't feel relieved until at least Blue Star was on the right track.

When Chongying heard that he had freedom, he didn't care whether he could break through or not. He nodded quickly, "It doesn't matter if you can't break through. As long as you have something to eat."

For a long time, Yan Su didn't speak.

Chongying seemed to know that she had said the wrong thing, so she lowered her head and remained silent.

What it said just now seemed like Yan Su was starving it.

In fact, Yan Su treats every contracted beast fairly and never favors anyone.

Therefore, Chongying only felt that Yan Su controlled it too much, but never thought that she was partial.

Although the contracted beasts are just alpha beasts, they are also alive and intelligent, so they will naturally be jealous.

"Master, I was wrong."

Chongying admitted her mistakes very quickly, and she didn't know who she learned from, showing a pitiful look.

Yan Su raised his hand and flicked its head, "That's it."


Blue Star.

The five major nations suddenly received gifts of alien beasts from the planet Punas, and all five of them were immediately stunned.

"A gift from an alien beast? Or a star lord from an advanced civilization planet?"

" this?"

"We can't contact the Star Master now. We don't know whether the other party is a friend or an enemy. What should we do?"

The five major countries are worried and don't know why the other party wants to send them strange beasts?

Could it be that he is a former friend of Star Lord? Knowing that Blue Star was in trouble, he sent a trace of the strange beast?

Although this batch of alien beasts cannot solve Blue Star's problem, it can temporarily relieve the pressure.

It has to be said that the arrival of these strange beasts has indeed solved Blue Star's urgent need.

The leaders of the five major kingdoms were surprised and happy, but they still did not dare to accept these strange beasts easily when they were unsure of the other party's attitude.

However, at this moment.

Gu Yuan, who was personally responsible for sending the exotic beasts, looked at the shadows of the five kingdom leaders and smiled slightly, "Kings, don't be alarmed. We, the star masters, were thinking about old friendships, so we sent a batch of exotic beasts after learning that Blue Star was in trouble. Come."

The amount of information he said was so large that the leaders of the five major countries could not understand that they were just a low-level civilized planet. How could the star owners of high-level civilized planets miss their old feelings?

This is indeed a bit far-fetched.

It was not good to have no one to talk to. The leader of Wuyuan Kingdom said bravely: "Sir, may I ask who the master of your planet is..."

Although he started the conversation, he couldn't find out what he said next.

How to ask?

Is it possible to directly ask your star master if he is thinking about any old love? What if they think too much, or if they ask too bluntly, making the adult in front of them unhappy, and take these strange beasts back?

Gu Yuan seemed to notice their embarrassment, and didn't care about anything. He just said lightly: "The Star Master once lived in Blue Star for a while, and he is familiar with your Star Master, so he sent such a batch of strange beasts here. .”

"However, these strange beasts were given to you by the Star Master in his own name and in his own name. I hope you can survive this difficulty safely."

He didn't say much, but he said more when he needed to.

The leaders of the five major kingdoms also realized at this time, it turned out that they were really familiar with their star master, and it seemed that he was a distinguished guest that the star master had asked for help.

As for Gu Yuan's previous sentence, they automatically ignored it.

After all, how could a star lord on an advanced civilization planet live for a period of time on a small and desolate planet like theirs? This is so ridiculous that no one will believe it.

Gu Yuan would not explain too much to them. After delivering the things, it was time for him to return.

But before leaving, I couldn't help but mutter, the Star Lord ordered him to deliver these things in person, and he didn't know how much he valued this planet? I don't see anything worth investing in. It's no different from other low-level civilization planets.

Gu Yuan didn't believe that the Star Master was really thinking about his old relationship. In the past ten years, he didn't know much about it, at least he understood it a little bit.

Could it be that it has something to do with the star master of this planet?

After Gu Yuan left, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

And the leaders of the five major countries got a batch of exotic beasts for no reason, not to mention how happy they were.

It's just that the other party said that they were familiar with the Star Master, and they couldn't contact the Star Master at the moment, so they could only keep these strange beasts temporarily and didn't dare to act rashly.

Although Yan Su is young, he speaks the truth.

She is indeed Yan Shishen's sister, not to mention she has the strongest strength of Blue Star. No one among the five major kingdoms wants to mess with her for no reason.

Everything has to wait until Yan Su comes back.


Three days later, Yan Su came to the place agreed with Li Xingzi again, but this time although it was inside the iron gate, it was not the stall.

There are some houses on both sides of the road, which can be used as a place to discuss matters.

Before Yan Su walked in, he already felt that there were several different streams of information inside. It was indeed quite mixed. They should all be civilized people from different civilizations, and their strength was above the planetary level.

Yan Su was very polite. He stopped and knocked on the door first, and then opened the door and went in after hearing the noise inside.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw six or seven civilized people, and most of them had different auras. This was the first time that Yan Su saw so many civilized people from different civilizations gathered together.

They didn't show their abilities, and Yan Su didn't even know what kind of civilization they were just by looking at the surface.

When Li Xingzi saw Yan Su, his eyes were very kind, "Let me introduce to you, this is the beast master who just joined our treasure hunting team a few days ago. His name is Su Yan. Like me, he is also at the ninth level of the planet level."

While going out, Yan Su felt that it was a bit inconvenient to use her real name. Suddenly she remembered the name Yan Bing used at that time. She simply didn't bother to change her name, so she also gave her own name.

Those people didn't pay much attention to the previous words, but when they heard the words "planet level ninth level" later, those people's eyes changed in vain.

Especially when it comes to Yan Su's overly young face, I can't believe that she is already at the ninth level of the planetary level.

When they first met her, her aura was restrained, so she couldn't immediately tell her rank. Now that Li Xingzi said this, everyone's expressions became a little more serious, at least they didn't dare to look at Yan Su so openly.

Yan Su was also very kind. Even though half of these people were lower in cultivation than her, she didn't show any expression and just nodded to all of them calmly.

"Okay, everyone is here."

Li Xingzi is the captain, and this team was formed by her. Naturally, she is responsible for everything.

There are a total of seven people in this team, four of them, including Li Xingzi, are regular members of this team, and the remaining three have all joined in the past few days. (End of chapter)

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