After drinking until midnight, the few boxes of beer that V sent were almost empty. Gu Zhuo and the three of them were lying on chairs, sitting in a row, looking up at the stars together.

The starry sky was dim and not a single faint starlight could be seen.

Without exception, even people like V were drunk. Gu Zhuo had a headache. There seemed to be a lot of things he wanted to say in his mind, but nothing came out when it came to his mouth. His body felt very hot, and his chest felt even hotter, as if a fire was burning.

Old Jack was humming an unknown song in old English.

"Old Jack, what are you humming?"

Gu Zhuo asked.

"The songs of my ancestors."

"The ones from the Vikings?"

"Yes. Do you still know about Vikings?"

As soon as Old Jack asked this question, he felt stupid. Obviously Aisha has told her story to Gu Zhuo, so she must have also told the Vikings part. It is normal for him to know the Vikings.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zhuo went on to say:

"Of course I know.

“It’s good to know that Odin has prepared a feast and soon I’ll be quaffing ale from my crooked horn.

"I will not step into Valhalla with fear, I will wait for my son there, I will be enveloped in their great achievements, and the Æsir will welcome me.

"I died without regrets, I was glad that the Valkyrie called me home."

After hearing what Gu Zhuo said, Old Jack immediately stood up from his chair, looked at him in disbelief, and asked him:

"Why do you know Viking poetry?"

Old Jack would never have thought that Gu Zhuo had been a lover of the history of various civilizations before. Whether it was the Vikings or various great nations that had appeared in history, he knew something about it.

For a famous fighting nation like the Vikings, he had naturally listened to many songs about them and watched various TV series about them. Therefore, it is quite normal for him to know some Viking poetry.

But for old Jack, this was an extremely incredible thing.

“Not only did I know Viking poetry, I also knew that for the Vikings, warriors never opened their hearts to others, only an ax could open their chests.”

"Damn it, have you read those Viking books too?"

"I've seen it, I've seen it a lot, more than you think."

Gu Zhuoxu was really drunk and blurted out these words.

But surprisingly, V didn't stop him, as if he wasn't worried about his identity in front of Old Jack.

"If you have really read so many books, tell me, K, what happened to those Vikings?"

Old Jack asked eagerly.

The book he read only contained records about the first half of Viking history.

Those Viking warriors were invincible and composed a song of bronze and blood with their bravery and skill in battle. But the later part came to an abrupt end, and even though Old Jack had been deliberately searching for a long time, he could not find the following content.

Hearing Old Jack ask himself, Gu Zhuo told all the historical facts he knew:

"With the help of their warships and fearless fighting courage, they conquered the coast of England. Their footprints spread far and wide, reaching as far as the coldest end of the earth, and reaching as far as no one has ever set foot.

"But there is no permanent victory in the war, only temporary advantages. In a later war, Harald invaded England. In this battle, most of the Vikings were slaughtered. The few who survived defeated the Vikings. The people surrendered to England, and with that, the Viking Age came to an end.”

Gu Zhuo said it simply.

But after hearing this, Old Jack lost his expression.

He glanced at Gu Zhuo, and then glanced at the night sky blankly. He seemed unable to accept such an ending, and kept muttering to himself:

"The Viking Age is over..."

His voice was like a low whisper at night, like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts.

At this time, V still spoke silently:

"K, did those Vikings really enter the Hall of Valor in the end?"

Gu Zhuo didn't look at V or Old Jack.

He didn't know whether those Vikings entered the Hall of Valor, but the historical materialism that had been instilled in him since childhood told him that when these Vikings died, they were really dead, and their names and bodies were destroyed.

There is no Hall of Valor in this world, no Odin, no Thor, everything is just an ancient and outdated legend.

But Gu Zhuo closed his eyes, sighed, and made up an ending:

"In that battle, when Harald was fighting the English on the beach, he said,

"On top of the overturned keel, the heart to climb is as solid as a rock, and the waves on the sea are as sharp as thorns. Your death is imminent here. No matter whether you are decapitated or drowned, you will inevitably die.

“Even if they all died in battle, they were all brave warriors and all qualified to enter the Hall of Valor.

"The English soldiers saw, on the battlefield littered with corpses, where the blood had coagulated, and in the red sky, a one-eyed god in armor appeared. The god rode a handsome eight-legged horse. The horse His name is Sleipnir, and the god is Odin.

"The gods brought them all home."

Having said this, Gu Zhuo opened his eyes, turned to look at Old Jack, and said to him:

"Jack, the Viking god will take back every descendant of the Vikings, as long as you are a warrior. Odin will not give up on any warrior. Even if thousands of years have passed.

"The Hall of Valor will never fall."

When Old Jack heard what Gu Zhuo said, he turned his head and met Gu Zhuo's eyes.

At that moment, nothing mattered anymore.

He was sure of one thing. From the eyes of this young man, he was truly sure of the existence of the Hall of Valor.

"I know, I know."

He said a few words to Gu Zhuo.

After saying these words, he suddenly shouted again:


"What's wrong?"

Gu Zhuo responded to him.

"Do you believe I accidentally released the drawings of Night Owl?"


"I believed it originally, but now that you ask me that, I don't believe it. Did you want to give it to me yourself?"

Old Jack was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

Seeing his actions, Gu Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Why, did V tell you in advance and let you prepare?"

"Of course not. No one can force me to hand over Night Owl. Because this is the most important thing of our family and the secret that must be guarded. If we hand it over easily with just a word, then wouldn't it be what our family has been guarding for generations? A joke?"

"Then why give it to me?"

Only a slight sigh was heard. This sigh was faint, and it was impossible to hear the emotion and meaning in it.

"I don't know either. To be honest, the first time I saw you, when you appeared in front of me wearing that outdated, dirty armor, a voice suddenly said to me in my mind, The Night Owl is yours.

"It kept telling me, Ye Xiao is yours, Ye Xiao is yours, Ye Xiao is destined to be yours. That voice has never sounded in my mind. It was the first time, and it even made me feel It was Odin himself talking to me.

"You know, my father also said something to me in the video.

"He told me that there is only one kind of person who can hand over Ye Xiao to him. When that person appears, you will have this feeling, and this feeling cannot be wrong. As long as that feeling appears, it is Ye Xiao who handed it over to him. time. Our family exists for the true master of Night Owl.

"I originally thought that my father was deceived by his parents. I never thought that such a person actually existed. When I saw you, K, I knew that Ye Xiao would definitely be yours. Our family exists just for you."

After Old Jack finished speaking, he fell silent.

Gu Zhuo didn't speak, and he didn't know what to say.

This sentence suddenly came to his mind:

It was fate that pushed him and made him appear here. After all this, everything for him was already destined.

From the beginning to the end, V stayed by the side without making a sound. He just kept looking at the starry sky.

He had already guessed a lot of things.

Another reason why he didn't interrupt was that he didn't need to be saved. Old Jack needs it. Now he can clearly feel that the conversation with Gu Zhuo has greatly saved Old Jack's spirit, which had been swaying and was about to be destroyed. This is enough.

After Old Jack murmured this, he felt relieved and took out Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" from his coat pocket.

He has read this book countless times over the years. Whenever he feels something in his heart, he will take it out.

Although the status of this book in his heart is far less important than the Vikings book, it can be regarded as an important spiritual comfort for him.

When Gu Zhuo saw the book he took out, he broke the silence and read out the title and author. At the end, he added:

"Old Jack, you are reading a very good and powerful book."

"No, you know all this?"

This time Old Jack was even more surprised, even more so than before.

This type of book is strictly banned by the upper class, and it is impossible for ordinary people to have any chance to access it. But looking at Gu Zhuo like this, he knows a lot about this book.

He knew so much about the history of the Vikings, and now he knew about this forbidden book. Old Jack couldn't help but doubt his identity.

But seeing that V didn't stop Gu Zhuo from talking, Old Jack speculated that although Gu Zhuo's true identity was unexpected, it shouldn't cause any harm to them, otherwise V would definitely stop Gu Zhuo.

Out of curiosity, Old Jack handed the book to him and asked Gu Zhuo:

"Have you read this book?"

Seeing Old Jack hand the book to him, Gu Zhuo took it:

"I have. I have read all his books."

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