Aisha led Gu Zhuo all the way down the street, passing through the cluttered crowds and various noisy vendors. The things they sell are all terms that Gu Zhuo doesn't understand, and they are unique to this era.

Elsa walked all the way, explaining to him:

"Dopamine injection is a kind of drug. By injecting it, you can get various happy feelings. This feeling is not a simple pleasure that can cover the past. It includes the happiness when you are in love and the happiness when you get your first salary. , the joy of kissing the one you like...

"In short, it is a collection of all kinds of happiness that you can imagine. With it, you almost no longer need any other feelings. Inject an injection when you are in pain, and you will get the supreme happiness, and you will be far away from it." Pain, no more confusion.

"What's more important is that it is not addictive and it is entirely up to the injector to choose whether or not to inject it. Therefore, the company that developed it is now one of the largest companies in the world.

"It can be said that it is precisely because of it that people in this world have become so indifferent. Because they no longer need the embrace of reality, nor the comfort of warmth. What they need is just a cold hand Needles.”

Hearing Aisha say this, Gu Zhuo couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

He had imagined this situation.

It is precisely because of the existence of this situation that he feels that drug control is a particularly necessary thing.

If happiness can be obtained so easily, who else will pursue real happiness will naturally indulge in false dreams.

"Then where do these guys sell dopamine shots come from?"

Gu Zhuo asked with some confusion.

Elsa smiled and answered him:

"They say they are selling dopamine injections, but in fact those things have nothing to do with dopamine injections. They are real drugs, they are just selling them as dog meat. They are selling drugs under the guise of dopamine injections. Taste is what people in dungeons do.

"Although drugs bring a more intense sense of pleasure, they are ultimately not as good as the feeling of a dopamine shot, and they are more harmful and addictive. However, this can only be the only choice for the poor people in the underground city. chosen."

Gu Zhuo clicked his tongue and had nothing to say when he heard that in this era, drugs had not died out and still existed.

In addition to dopamine injections, there are also people selling prosthetics and artificial internal organs on the roadside.

Those prosthetic bodies were still stained with blood that had not been wiped dry, and the internal organs seemed to be stained with many unknown stains. If they were put into the human body recklessly, there might be a risk of infection.

Looking at those prosthetic bodies and artificial internal organs, Gu Zhuo could probably guess where they came from.

In his time, there were unscrupulous human traffickers who sold human organs in order to make huge profits. In this chaotic underground city with no supervision at all, more people must choose to engage in this industry.

Gu Zhuo didn't want to think about the deeper places.

Along the way, Gu Zhuo saw too much. The more he looked, the more desolate and despair he felt about the world.

A very strange thought even ignited in his mind:

If the future is such a bad one, and human beings no longer look like humans, and all emotional words have to be said through the mouth of an android, then it is better to just destroy it.

This idea only came up for a moment, and was quickly interrupted by Gu Zhuo.

He still has to find a way to go back and find Chaoying.

That's the most important thing.

The rest is the responsibility of the revolutionaries of this era.

Finally, after walking for about half an hour, Aisha took him around, turning many corners in countless dark alleys, avoiding most of the crowds, and came to the depths of an alley.

As soon as the two walked into this small alley, they heard a strange sound in the alley, coming intermittently.

The voices sounded like a man and a woman, mixed with heavy breathing.

As soon as Gu Zhuo heard this voice, he understood what was going on.

He frowned, and seeing that Aisha had no expression, he didn't intend to care.

Who would have thought that a loud "bang" suddenly came from deep in the alley, and someone was rushed out from inside.

"Da da da"

The sound of countless bullets rang in the air, directly covering the voices of the man and woman.

Then, Gu Zhuo only heard a powerful man's voice:

"Hey, you mothers, you dare to do this kind of thing in front of my house! I will beat you to death!"

"Damn it, old madman!"

In the darkness next to Gu Zhuo, a young voice immediately came.

Before the young man could even lift up his pants, he crawled out of the alley on his hands and knees.

The woman who was with him calmly scolded the young man:

"You coward, you're really useless!"

After she finished cursing, Gu Zhuo couldn't see what she looked like before she poked her face out from the shadows. He could only hear her saying to the man who shot:

"Hey, do you want to come over and continue for that guy? The money he paid can last for a while, and you can also enjoy the renewal service. I can give you a discount..."

"Fuck you, mother!"

The man who fired the gun seemed to be offended. He cursed word by word, and then shot into the shadow:

"I don't need fantasy service. You garbage robot, if you don't get out of here, I will beat you to pieces and then remove your parts to make a special container for me. Do you understand? Hurry up and give it to me. Get the hell out of here!”


The woman cursed, emerged from the shadows, and left muttering in a low voice.

When she left, Gu Zhuo could see clearly that although the woman's figure was very graceful and moving, her face was all mechanically engraved, and the workmanship was not as exquisite as Aisha's.

Her arms are also made of alloy steel, and they must be very cold to the touch.

"Damn, silly.b fantasy."

The man who fired the gun saw the dream leave and then saw Aisha.

He put away the gun and asked Elsa:

"Hey, isn't this Elsa?"

He took a few steps forward and walked out from the depths of the alley. Thanks to this, Gu Zhuo saw his true face.

The man had a big beard, a black mechanical eyepatch on one eye, and the other eye was covered under thick eyebrows.

His hair was very long and curly, and he looked like a rugged foreign man, probably in his forties. He was very strong, as strong as a bear. Gu Zhuo estimated that he must be two meters tall and big enough to be as big as Gu Zhuo and two people.

He gives off a strong Viking vibe, as if a brave and aggressive Viking warrior should look like him. Coupled with the eyepatch on his other eye, it makes him look like a pirate.

He was wearing a loose black coat with a white inner layer underneath.

When Gu Zhuo saw the man, the man also saw him. He turned his head, looked at Gu Zhuo, and asked Aisha:

"What kind of rookie did you bring here? The equipment he is wearing seems to be out of date for a long time, just like the equipment used by people in the last century. My grandma, who has been dead for decades, saw this outdated equipment Armor will spit out her breakfast."

Elsa answered him:

"Old Jack, don't say such things, he is an important guest of V."

"V's important guest? Is this the guy?"

Old Jack glanced at Gu Zhuo again,

"Forget it, let's talk first. There is still a disgusting smell of fantasy in the air. Those two bastards, it's best not to let me catch them!"

After saying that, Old Jack turned and walked deeper into the alley.

Aisha turned back and looked at Gu Zhuo:

"Huanmeng is a special kind of robot that specializes in a special service industry. Huanmeng is divided into high-level and low-level. The Huanmeng we just saw is probably about to be scrapped. Her model is too old. Underground City People can only afford this kind of fantasy."

After hearing Aisha's explanation, Gu Zhuo shrugged:

"ok, I get it."

"Old Jack is the person I want to take you to find. Although he has a bit of a temper, he is a good old guy."

As soon as Elsa finished speaking, Old Jack's voice came over:

"Hey, Aisha, I'm not an old guy. I'm only in my forties. If freezing technology is used, I can live for hundreds of years! And I'm not a nice person. Don't let that kid do anything to me. If he has any unrealistic fantasies, if he is a rookie, I will give him a good education.

"By the way, rookie, what's your name?"

"K, his name is K."

Aisha answered for Gu Zhuo.

After she answered, she turned around and blinked quickly at Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo was quick-thinking and immediately understood that this must be what V meant, asking him not to use his real name but a pseudonym.

He acquiesced, and he will be called K for now.

Old Jack never thought that Elsa would lie to him. He said "Oh" and said:

"What K? I have met K. Adan, and I also know K. Chen. If you just say K, how do I know who he is?"

"No, he doesn't have another name, just K."

It was Aisha who answered for Gu Zhuo.

"Okay, it seems like he's just a rookie, a gangster from the underground city without any reputation."

Old Jack defined it himself.

At this time, Aisha had led Gu Zhuo to Old Jack's house.

When he arrived at his house, Gu Zhuo discovered that there was actually a light in front of his house.

It was a lamp made in the shape of a wolfdog.

The wolfdog was completely black, lying on the ground, with only two very dim red lights emitting from its eyes. This red light was swallowed up by the darkness, and even standing in front of them, it was hard to see clearly, let alone standing in the alley, you couldn't see anything.

"This is a dog I had before. Damn, this bastard is a good dog, even though he bit me once."

Old Jack said, raising his arm and shaking it. As expected, there was a big tooth mark on his arm. It looked like it had been there for a long time. It was just an ordinary tooth mark.

But I can imagine how hard the bite was.

"Although it bit me, the dog still blocked someone else's sneak attack for me and died in my arms. Damn, this bastard obviously runs faster than anyone else, but I don't know why he didn't run that time. Obviously I can hide myself.

"But I still kept its body and put it at the door to make it into my lamp. This way I can see it at any time when I go out. Think about it, this bastard will look like this when he is here."

Old Jack said, pushing the door open.

As soon as he opened the door, there was another heavy "bang" sound.

"Come in, no matter you are some bionic robot beauty or a rookie wearing outdated armor."

Aisha entered the house first, followed closely by Gu Zhuo.

Old Jack followed them in, then slammed the door shut and bolted it.

Gu Zhuo took a look at the house. There was a strong smell here.

The smell isn't unpleasant, but it's definitely not unpleasant either.

It's like a lot of engine oil, a lot of metal piled together, and the smell mixed together.

A taste exclusive to technology, modification, and men.

The lights inside the house are very bright, which is in sharp contrast to the dim environment outside. Moreover, the metallic silver walls were hung with all kinds of weird weapons that Gu Zhuo had never seen before.

In the center of the house, there was something like an operating table. Above and around the operating table, there were many screens emitting faint green fluorescence.

It looks very much like a place where modification maniacs would live in science fiction movies.

"sit down."

Old Jack grabbed two chairs and pushed them in front of Aisha and Gu Zhuo. He sat directly on a table.

Gu Zhuo and Aisha sat down together.

After sitting down, Old Jack took out a pipe from his pocket.

Gu Zhuo couldn't believe that after so many years, there was still something like a "pipe". For people of his generation, it was considered an antique.

After Old Jack took out his pipe, he took out his necklace from around his neck. Hanging on the necklace was a silver mechanical finger. He pressed the mechanical finger, lit the pipe, and then bit the pipe in his mouth. After doing all this, he put the mechanical finger back into his collar.

Smoke curled up and flew under the ceiling lights.

Gu Zhuo smelled the familiar smell of tobacco and instantly felt that he and Old Jack had become much closer.

"You have a lighter hanging on you?"

Gu Zhuo asked him.

Old Jack was still biting his pipe. When he heard Gu Zhuo ask himself, he took out the mechanical finger again and waved it in front of Gu Zhuo:

"You mean this?"


Gu Zhuo nodded.

Old Jack laughed heartily, took the necklace off his neck, shook it, and then said:

"This is not a lighter, it is someone's finger. Adding the ignition function to it is just an excuse to keep it with me, so that I will not throw away this broken finger when I am in a bad mood."

"Some guy's finger?"

Gu Zhuo was a little confused.

"Well, it's just a poor bionic robot."

Old Jack said and glanced at Elsa:

"Hey, Bionic Beauty, did I tell you about that guy?"


Elsa shook her head.

"If I were to say it now, wouldn't you know how to say that word? Oh, you wouldn't be in a state of despair, would you?"

"It's free, you can talk if you want."

Elsa looked indifferent.

"Ah, that's it. Then I'll tell you, it's a very simple thing. That poor bionic robot, his model is too old. The old one can't even transmit his own consciousness and his parts to the cloud headquarters. It was also worn out and old, and there was no way to repair it.

"I have repaired it for him many times and am considered an old friend of his. Until one time, I told him, 'Hey, you stupid bionic robot, your parts are too old and the chip is too old. I I can't find the right model! This is the last time I will repair it for you!'

"After the poor guy heard what I said, he asked me if there was any other craftsman who could help him. I told him that there is no craftsman in the world who is more powerful than me. Even I can't do anything. He Just wait to die.

"You should really see that poor android's expression at that time. I guarantee that even when my mother passed away, her lover never showed such a sad expression!

"He told me that he couldn't even upload the data to the cloud, which meant that he would die forever. With a snap, he would dissipate in this world like smoke, leaving nothing behind. He also told me that this kind of It feels as hopeless as watching others go to heaven, but he is the only one left in the dark hell.

"Fuck, how can I comfort people, especially a bionic robot! I can only tell him that if he really has that day, he can come back to me, and I can dismantle him completely, and then Sell ​​it as scrap to use its last remaining value!

“After hearing this, the bionic robot gave me money—that pitiful amount of money, which was not even enough for me to buy tobacco—and left!”

After Old Jack finished speaking, he raised the silver finger he was holding and put it in front of himself for a look. The tobacco was burning and crackling in his pipe.

He said:

"After a long time, he didn't come back. It was so long that I felt that he must have been scrapped somewhere and became a pile of junk that couldn't even be sold at a low price. Who said he was too old? It’s over!

“And, hey, it turns out that guy is back!

"When he came back, they were in tatters. They were like the shoes that my aunt had worn for decades. You know, those shoes were full of holes and the threads were all gone! He was so tattered. If it is like that, it will be scrapped anytime and anywhere!

"He came to me and left me a sum of money. Who knows where the money came from. Anyway, he gave me a sum of money and treated me to a bottle of beer that tasted terrible. That beer I will never forget the smell in my life, it was like my grandpa’s foot cloth!

"Anyway, after drinking that bottle of beer, the guy left again, and this time he didn't let me repair him. He probably knew that there was no need for any repairs at all.

"Before he left, the guy dropped a finger, and it was this damn finger. I picked it up from the ground, and I called the guy to stop and wanted to give it back to him. Do you know what the guy said?"

Old Jack paused and put the mechanical finger back on his neck:

"The guy actually said, 'If you could remember me, maybe a part of me would go on to the afterlife.'

"What a fool. That was the last time I saw him. He may be really scrapped now, or not, who knows."

After Old Jack finished telling all the stories, he took out the pipe from his mouth, squinted his eyes, looked at Elsa, and asked:

"Okay, let's talk about your business. You came to me specifically, but you didn't come here specifically to listen to my stories, right?"

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