While swimming in the sea of ​​data, Gu Zhuo's body was always reflected with green symbols. Those symbols covered his body, like tattoos on war machines, with a strange sense of technology.

Gu Zhuo swam in the sea of ​​data for a long time, and then, vaguely, he saw a gap-like place. The gap opened very small, but it was different from the surrounding green environment. It was glowing with a weak white light. Among the entire green, this burst of white light looked very dazzling.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo swam toward the gap out of curiosity.

Gu Zhuo stopped when he swam in front of the gap.

He felt a strange attraction that kept tempting him to reach out and touch the gap.

Gu Zhuo saw that there was no other place to explore around, only this gap looked a bit weird, so he stretched out his hand and poked into the gap with his hand.

As soon as his hand reached over, there was a burst of suction, which directly sucked him into the gap.

Gu Zhuo felt as if he had been thrown into a washing machine, being stirred and shaken constantly, until his brain was shaken evenly.

"Oh shit."

He cursed, and as soon as he finished cursing, he felt like he was in another place.

This place is different from the space full of green symbols just now. Gu Zhuo can't describe this place. He can only feel that this space is made up of many mirror-like things.

These mirror-like things reflect many images. These pictures are colorful, just like playing a movie, flashing on the lens.

Gu Zhuo casually looked at several mirrors and saw many different pictures, with many people wearing different clothes on the pictures.

Some people are wearing ancient costumes that can only be seen in TV dramas, others are wearing clothes that people of Gu Zhuo's era would wear, and some are weird clothes that Gu Zhuo has never seen before and can't describe. The look of the clothes.

It looks like many images of time and space are superimposed together.

"Where are these places?"

Gu Zhuo muttered to himself in confusion.

He doubted what space and time this place was.

He swam forward in this mirror world for a while, and then he discovered that even if he was motionless, something was pushing him forward.

This feeling is very strange, like sitting in an invisible wheelchair with a pair of hands behind you pushing me forward. Smooth and slow.

Gu Zhuo suddenly remembered what Wan Sui had told him. She had fallen into the crack in space and had been falling downwards involuntarily.

"Is this the inside of the space crack?"

Gu Zhuo was confused and could only guess at random.

Unexpectedly, what he saw next quickly confirmed his thoughts.

He saw a MiG-29!

The MiG-29 had crashed. The fuselage was completely damaged. One wing was broken in half. Although the other wing was still intact, there was something nailed to the tail tip of the wing. Look. It looks like a humanoid.

Gu Zhuo moved closer to the thing, took a closer look, and found that the human-shaped thing was none other than a pilot!

The pilot was dead. His chest was pierced by the tail tip of the wing. His chest was covered with blood stains, and large black stains covered his entire body.

Gu Zhuo took a closer look and concluded that this was the fighter jet sent by Feng Hongxi, and the pilot should also be sent by him.

Seeing these things, Gu Zhuo was sure that this was the inside of the space crack. I just don’t know why I came in here. And he saw no one except him, the MiG-29, and the dead pilot.

But I can see the MiG-29 being sucked in, so the others should be here too.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhuo moved forward. Under the unknown push and his own movements, he kept moving, trying to find the figures of others.

It would be good to find anyone, even Wan Sui or Hao Yuanshan. If you can at least find them, there is hope of finding Chaoying and Sam.

Gu Zhuo searched around anxiously, but after searching for a long time, he never saw anyone again.

"Oh shit."

He couldn't help but curse.

He was unwilling to give up and continued to move around while trying to call out.

But just like before, although his voice could reach his ears, it could not spread further in this space. And it's very quiet here, not even the characteristic popping sound of dust in the air.

It's like being in an absolute vacuum environment.

After searching for a long time, Gu Zhuo finally gave up. So far, he had seen nothing, only mirror after mirror surrounding the place. In the mirror, countless strange and weird pictures are reflected, but there is no exit.

Without even a hint, Gu Zhuo didn't know how to escape.

He pushed himself towards one of the mirrors and stopped in front of it.

In this mirror, there were a group of people wearing ancient armors. The armors were relatively simple, and Gu Zhuo couldn't tell what era they were from. They were holding their swords and shields high, charging and fighting on the battlefield. The ground under their feet was dyed red with blood, and the corpses recorded in the real history books were everywhere.

Gu Zhuo glanced at this mirror and decisively moved to the next mirror.

Unexpectedly, the next mirror showed another scene from ancient times. It looked like it was in a court hall. A group of people in ancient costumes were attending court, their mouths opening and closing as if they were talking or debating.

Gu Zhuo was not interested in any of this history. He moved a few more mirrors forward, trying to find if there was any time and space he was familiar with.

The first few mirror images are even weirder, and there are even no humans left.

Gu Zhuo saw a blue and black ocean, with some ancient creatures swimming in the ocean. Those ancient creatures are all grotesque and distorted, and even the most imaginative horror painter cannot draw their ferocious appearance.

It gives the impression that no one can see anyone in the deep sea anyway, so they grow randomly.

There was no picture he wanted to see, and Gu Zhuo became a little impatient. He looked in mirror after mirror, hoping to find the picture he wanted to find.

Although these rare images of ancient creatures will drive scientists crazy, these are all first-hand information. And those real scenes of ancient wars will also shock historians. But for Gu Zhuo, these pictures are of no use at all.

Where is the time and space that I need?

He searched for it for a long time, almost looking at every mirror around him, but the result was still not satisfactory.

"The one who rides on the horse! Where is he!?"

Gu Zhuo is going crazy.

He took one last look at the mirror closest to him, planning to look at it before heading to the next area.

But at that glance, his eyes suddenly widened.

In the mirror, he saw a terrifying picture.

The scene was actually very simple, but its impact on Gu Zhuo was extraordinary.

Because in that picture, he saw himself as a child!

When I was a child, I was lying in a coffin-like container filled with blue water. When I was a child, there were many coffins like this around me.

If you don’t look for it anymore, if you can see yourself when you were a child, then this time and space must be related to what you experienced.

He ignored it and rushed to the mirror.

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