Just after returning to this desert, Gu Zhuo saw the prophets in front of him stopped the car. The fierce sun shines on the desert, shining a golden color, and the entire desert looks like a golden city.

It was just that the heat was so unbearable that Gu Zhuo could see that the air in the desert seemed to be distorted. This is a special scene caused by high temperatures.

Fortunately, the air conditioner was on in the car and it was very cool. Gu Zhuo couldn't imagine how hot it would be after getting off the car.

"Why did your people stop here? Why didn't you continue to go deeper? Shouldn't we reach the gap in space quickly?"

Gu Zhuo stopped the car and asked Wansui.

Wansui shook her head and said:

"Wait a minute, I'm sure the space crack is somewhere in this desert, but I don't know where it is specifically."

"you do not know?"


Wan Sui answered frankly.


Gu Zhuo always thought that she knew the place very well, but judging from her words now, it seemed that this woman had found a reason to deceive him.

"Then if you say that, I might as well cooperate with Feng Hongxi. At least his drone can actually capture the spring water."

"it's useless."

Wansui shook her head and rejected his idea.

"It's useless even if you photograph it. It's like a ghost. You photographed it, but you can't determine its location. If we could determine its location, why should we stay here now? We would have rushed there with you. "

"Then what should we do? Keep waiting here and wait for the rabbit?"

Gu Zhuo was a little impatient. If the Prophetic Cult could only provide him with a story, there was no need for him to cooperate with them.

He is not here to listen to stories, he needs real solutions to solve the problems at hand.

Wansui could see what Gu Zhuo was thinking now, and she said:

"I will investigate this desert from one direction to another. This is the method I will provide you."

"Check one direction at a time?"

"Yes, some of my followers don't need to eat or even drink water. If they are sent to conduct a blanket search in this desert, there will eventually be a result."

Gu Zhuo thought Wansui had some earth-shattering plan, but it turned out that he adopted the simplest plan.

However, this plan was better than nothing, so Gu Zhuo nodded and let her implement it on her own.

After Wansui explained her plan, she stood at the door of the car, seemingly wanting Gu Zhuo to let her get out of the car.

Gu Zhuo opened the car door and let her get out of the car.

As soon as she got out of the car, Wansui felt the overwhelming heat wave in the air. The heat wave hit her like a tangible entity, making her suddenly feel irritable.

Especially when he got off Gu Zhuo's cool car, it seemed even more uncomfortable to see how hot it was outside.

Wan Sui wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, and without caring much, got into a car that came to pick her up.

There were two men nestled in the car, one was Zuo Qing, who knew how to control corpses, and the other was a new face.

When the two of them saw Wan Sui sitting up, they all made room for her to sit down.

As soon as Wansui sat down, she said to them a little irritably:

"Implement the plan and start investigating the desert now. The weather is too hot. I really can't wait long."


Zuo Qing and the man said something at the same time.

After saying that, Zuo Qing activated the gravekeeper's special ability, the technique of controlling corpses. Around the Prophet Cult, a bunch of "people" that Gu Zhuo thought were weird started to move.

It turns out that they are not living people at all, nor are they cyborgs, but a pile of corpses!

The corpses were controlled by Zuo Qing. After moving stiffly for a few times, they began to behave like living people, and their body movements seemed much smoother. They began to leave the vicinity of the Prophet's car and scattered towards the depths of the desert.

Another man took out a tablet from his arms and turned it on. On the tablet, there appeared many green codes, a series of numbers.

He arranged the numbers familiarly, and this time it was the cyborgs that moved.

The cyborg probed in the direction that the living dead had not walked. In just a short while, most of the "people" around the Prophet Cult had dispersed.

"Okay, leader, if my living corpses find any traces of the spring water, I will receive the signal."

Although Zuo Qing also felt a fatal heat, while he was sweating, his face was still pale. It makes people wonder whether he will immediately turn into a rotting corpse.

The man controlling the tablet followed Zuo Qing's words and continued:

"The mechanical servants have also been sent down."

"Okay, I hope I can find it soon."

After Wansui finished speaking, she reached over and turned on the air conditioner in the car.

"It's so hot. Why don't you two turn on the air conditioner? Are you not afraid of heatstroke?"

Zuo Qing didn't reply.

But the man said helplessly:

"We are afraid that there is not enough fuel, and we are afraid that you will say it is a waste when we open it."

There were beads of sweat on the tip of Wan Sui's nose. She shook her head. Her previous amorous feelings were completely melted under these two suns:

"Let's drive. If it's not out of gas or it's too hot, then forget about it."


Watching Wan Sui get into the car and the members of the Prophet's sect disperse in all directions, Gu Zhuo knew that she had implemented the so-called carpet search method.

This is a stupid method, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, and I don’t know how long I have to wait.

But Gu Zhuo had just seen that none of the cultists sent out was a normal person. There is no need to worry about their material supply, or whether they will fall into the desert due to lack of water and food.

But just waiting is not an option.

Gu Zhuo regretted not bringing out a few more small robots so that he could send them out to search.

"Gu Zhuo, can the drone in your car be used in such high temperatures?"

Chaoying suddenly asked from the side.

"Drone? It can be used. I'll install more heat sinks on it and add more coolant. I think it can last for a while. Do you want to use it?"


Chaoying nodded.

"But Wan Sui just said that even if we find the space crack in the desert, it's useless to take pictures because we can't determine its specific location."

Gu Zhuo was a little confused.

"No, there must be a reason for the space crack to appear, and I don't believe it will change its position in the desert for no reason. If it can be photographed, there must be traces to follow.

"Maybe they didn't see the secret hidden in the space cracks at all."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo thought that waiting here would be in vain. It would be better to follow Chao Ying's words and let the drone search for the space cracks in the desert.

Maybe she could actually see something.

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