Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying got in the car and asked the others to go back to the stone hall to wait while he opened the door of the base and let Wan Sui in.

Wansui ignored the dissuasion of several people around her and took a few people with her. Instead, she chose to meet Gu Zhuo alone.

She walked into the base, her steps not as charming as before, and now she looked worried.

"Are you an android or a real person?"

Gu Zhuo asked her while sitting in the car.

"I am the real Wan Sui, not an android. This time I come here with complete sincerity. This may make you trust me more."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo looked at her carefully and saw that she was indeed slightly different from the Wan Sui he had seen before. The woman in front of him gave people a fresh feeling, not as cold as before.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo opened the car door and asked her to come up:

"Come up and talk, this is my sincerity to you."

Wansui didn't say anything and got into Gu Zhuo's car.

As soon as she got to the car, she saw Chaoying, who looked at her with an unfriendly look, but Wansui didn't care about these details.

"Let's be direct, how do we cooperate?"

Gu Zhuo asked her.

"Go back to the northwest, we have to go there."


"Because there's a crack there."

"What do you mean, what crack?"

Wansui wanted to continue talking when Feng Hongxi's phone call to Gu Zhuo rang suddenly, as if she was suddenly brought back to reality from a dream.

"Who is that?"

Wan Sui asked a little warily.

"It's Feng Hongxi. He called me. He must also be talking about the two suns in the sky. Wait for me."

Gu Zhuo said, picked up the phone and connected it. Feng Hongxi's face immediately appeared in front of Gu Zhuo.

He looked restless, long gone from the calm and elite look he had when he left.

"Gu Zhuo, something happened..."

As soon as Gu Zhuo answered the phone, Feng Hongxi shouted. When he was about to continue speaking, he saw Wan Sui next to Gu Zhuo.

"Wansui!? Why are you there? Gu Zhuo, what does this mean?"

"Don't get excited. The Prophetic Cult came here just now. Wan Sui wants to cooperate with me. We are now talking about today's mutation."

Feng Hongxi was stunned for a moment and looked at Gu Zhuo very seriously. He could only shake his head helplessly:

"Forget it, forget it! Nothing matters anymore. It's already at this point, and there's no point in focusing on whether you can defeat the enemy. Gu Zhuo, I want to show you something."

After he finished speaking, he sent a video over regardless of whether Wan Sui was still around.

In the video, it was the northwest desert that Gu Zhuo had just visited the day before.

I saw two suns hanging high above the desert in the northwest. The sun was so bright that it shrouded the entire northwest, making the land in the northwest even more barren. The ground is parched and cracks are spreading everywhere.

But in a deserted land, there is one place that stands out.

Seeing that, Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying stood up at the same time and looked at the screen carefully, which seemed incredible. Wansui had seen this image a long time ago, and she seemed calmer than Gu Zhuo at the moment.

In the middle of the desert, in an area full of cracks, there is a human eye!

The man's eyes glowed with a dark green color, reflecting the light of the two suns, making them look so abrupt and strange.

The picture was zoomed in closer, and the green thing turned out to be a spring, sparkling, and constantly flowing.

"How can it be!?"

Gu Zhuo shouted, and Chao Ying next to him was also shocked by this extremely abnormal phenomenon.

Under such extremely high temperatures, the spring water behind Gu Zhuo Base drained away so quickly that there was no time to react. But in the middle of the northwest desert, under such a scorching sun, there is actually a pool of water flowing.

"Did you see it?"

Feng Hongxi's voice sounded.

"You see, is this... underground water gushing out?"

After Gu Zhuo asked, he denied himself again.

"It's impossible. If it's underground water, it can't come out at such a coincidental time, let alone flow continuously at this temperature."

"This is the crack."

Wansui took over his words.

Then, she walked to Gu Zhuo and hung up the phone between him and Feng Hongxi.


Feng Hongxi only had time to leave this last shout before the scene disappeared in front of Gu Zhuo's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Zhuo turned to ask her.

"What I am going to say next cannot be told to ordinary people."

After Wansui finished speaking, Gu Zhuo's cell phone rang again. Without even thinking about it, it was Feng Hongxi calling.

"How do you turn this thing off?"

Wansui took the phone and found that this special phone was different from ordinary phones. She could not find the power off button.

Gu Zhuo took the phone from her hand, turned its volume to the minimum, and then threw it aside:

"It's okay now, as long as you can't hear the sound."

"Aren't you afraid that this phone has a monitor?"

It seems that Wan Sui is still uneasy.

"If you're so worried, just throw it out."

Unexpectedly, Chaoying picked up the phone decisively and neatly, opened the car window, and threw it outside with all his strength.

Wansui glanced at Chaoying. This woman was just as she imagined, not a simple vase.

"Okay, no need to hold back now, right? Just tell me."

After throwing the phone out, Chaoying looked at Wansui and said coldly.

"Okay, let me tell you, the spring water in the northwest desert is not a simple lake at all, let alone groundwater gushing out. It is a gap in space."

"Space gap?"

"That's right."

Hearing this, Chaoying patted the table heavily and said to Wansui almost in an accusatory tone:

"Impossible, this can't be a space gap! How could the space gap turn into an entity? And generally, space gaps only appear in fast-flowing galaxies. There is simply not enough energy on the earth to support the collapse of space! If it is true If you say this is a crack in space, let alone the earth, the sun has already exploded!"

"How is it impossible?"

Facing her question, Wansui answered in the same unquestionable tone:

"I have personally entered a space crack. Don't I know better than you?"

"Have you ever entered a space rift?"

"That's right. I clearly remember that the space crack looks like this, like a clear green spring water. It seems gentle and harmless. But in fact, after you go in, you will never fall to the bottom, and you will be torn apart if you are not careful. Broken into pieces, as scary as a black hole..."

Gu Zhuo listened to what she said, stood up silently, and protected Chao Ying behind him.

He looked at Wan Sui condescendingly and asked without emotion:

"Who are you and how do you know these things?"

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