Gu Zhuo and Feng Hongxi looked at each other, and then he slowly spoke and answered:

"I'm just an ordinary person. There's nothing special about me. The only thing that can be called great is probably the manufacturing of machinery."

"But the machine you built is definitely not something that ordinary people can build. It can even be said that even if countless craftsmen work together and work countless days and nights, it will be difficult to reach your level. Are you really just an ordinary person? ?”

Feng Hongxi asked a little aggressively.

Gu Zhuo's momentum did not lose to him at all. He straightened his body and sat down in front of Feng Hongxi:

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it, but if you asked me about my identity, you must know something, right? Why don't you just tell me what you know?"

The two Riddlers were fighting each other. Although Gu Zhuo didn't like to be petty or have such roundabout conversations, how could he easily reveal all his trump cards in a conversation with Feng Hongxi?

In the end, it was Feng Hongxi who took the lead:

"Okay, Gu Zhuo, I have chosen to trust you from the beginning, and I am willing to tell you the information I know about my partners.

"According to what I have learned recently, after the apocalypse, in addition to monsters, ordinary people, and those weird weather and changes, other things also appeared."

Feng Hongxi raised his eyes, looked at Gu Zhuo carefully, and continued,

"They are superpowers."

After hearing Feng Hongxi talk about superpowers, Gu Zhuo realized that his identity could no longer be concealed.

Indeed, he can create such a magnificent base out of thin air and build a Gundam with his bare hands. The speed of his car even exceeds the imagination of a technology fan like Feng Hongxi. It cannot be fooled by a simple "I am good at mechanical manufacturing" It's over.

Gu Zhuo nodded. Seeing that Feng Hongxi stopped playing riddles, he answered calmly:

"Well, you do know a lot. Indeed, you may have guessed that I am also a person with powers."

Seeing Gu Zhuo admitting openly at this time, Feng Hongxi was still stunned, then laughed and patted Gu Zhuo's shoulder with his hand:

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the person with superpowers would actually be right next to me, hahahahahahahaha...

"But why, why am I not a superpower!?"

Feng Hongxi's tone suddenly contained a hint of jealousy.

He was born with a golden key in his mouth. He has a prominent family background and a good brain. He is the best among his peers in everything he does. He could get whatever he wanted, his entrepreneurial journey was smooth, and he had almost never experienced any failure in his life.

Even after the doomsday came, he relied on years of preparation and his own scheming to manage everything properly.

But ever since he learned about the existence of superpowers, his psychological balance has been out of balance. It was like someone suddenly came to tell him that he was not a special person at all, he was just an ordinary member of all living beings.

Those who are truly favored by God are those with supernatural powers. Not these so-called rich people.

When Gu Zhuo saw that he was in a bad mood, he couldn't say anything. He couldn't tell him that it was normal for him not to have superpowers. After all, people with superpowers were all psychopaths.

Feng Hongxi quickly adjusted from this unbalanced mental state. Although he was still a little gloomy, he tried his best to act as if nothing happened:

"I'm sorry, I just lost my temper a little bit. You won't take it to heart, right?"


Gu Zhuo nodded.

After all, it is quite uncomfortable for a person who has been so superior since childhood to admit that he is inferior to others.

"Gu Zhuo, let me ask you out of curiosity, what is your superpower?"

Gu Zhuo did not intend to give Feng Hongxi an accurate answer to this question.

Apart from Chao Ying, the only ones who could make him confidently tell him about his superpower were Jia Sheng and the others.

He thought for a moment and came up with an answer that was closer to his true power and would not make Feng Hongxi suspicious:

"My superpower is to strengthen machinery. It allows me to increase the strength of the machinery I choose. For example, for a car, I can increase its armor strength and speed. As for the Gundam you mentioned, that is what I continue to strengthen and improve. As a result, it is also the limit of my strengthening and improvement.”

Gu Zhuo kept talking without changing his expression and his heart did not beat.

Hearing this, Feng Hongxi couldn't find out whether what he said was true or false, so he could only believe it:

"Then are there other people with powers around you?"


Gu Zhuo answered simply and neatly.

It was impossible for him to tell Feng Hongxi or an outsider that there were other people with powers around him.

"Have you ever met other people with superpowers?"

"I've encountered it before. Isn't it what the prophet taught?"

There was silence.

"okay, I get it."

Feng Hongxi nodded. Like the answers to the above questions, he had no other way to verify it except choosing to believe it.

The two were silent for a while. Gu Zhuo stood up and was about to leave. Feng Hongxi asked at this time:

"Do you still want to wander around the base, or live here for a while?"

"No, I want to go back to the base. My companions are waiting for me."

Hearing this, Feng Hongxi shrugged. He could not force Gu Zhuo to stay here. He could only respect his choice.

The two of them got into the elevator and returned to the entrance. Feng Hongxi escorted Gu Zhuo out of the tunnel and back to the expo, and the two of them walked outside together.

On the way, Feng Hongxi originally wanted to try to let Gu Zhuo stay here, so that he could get closer to Gu Zhuo. Putting distance between us and him, so far, has only advantages and no disadvantages. But Gu Zhuo's attitude was also very firm.

After leaving the museum, Feng Hongxi stood in front of the Fortress of Doom and watched him get into the car.

He kept watching Gu Zhuo, and unknowingly thought that the two had been good brothers for many years, and now the other one was leaving.

As soon as Gu Zhuo sat on the Doomsday Fortress, he met Chao Ying's gaze.

"Let's go. I've also shown you what's going on inside through the camera, and you've heard our conversation. I feel like there's nothing to stay here. It's time to go back."

Gu Zhuotong said to Chaoying, fastened his seat belt and was about to start the car.

Chaoying suddenly grabbed his hand, his expression looked a little strange.

Stopping his movements, Gu Zhuo asked her doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"Gu Zhuo, I want to stay here for one night."


"Because what Feng Hongxi said, the astronomy museum on the third floor must have an observatory and an astronomical telescope. I need them."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo guessed what she was going to do:

"You want to observe the stars?"


Chaoying nodded heavily,

"Some things, in addition to calculating formulas, also need some facts to verify. Now the only person I can think of who can provide me with tools for verification is Feng Hongxi."

Hearing what Chaoying said, Gu Zhuo did not hesitate and immediately changed his original mind:

"Then I will go and tell Feng Hongxi now that I will stay with you until the evening!"

[Author's digression]: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. I originally wanted to give myself a holiday, but after thinking about it, I decided not to be lazy.


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