My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

260. Mutual salvation

As early as the day she confessed her love to Gu Zhuo, Chaoying wanted to tell him everything. However, due to the difficulty in her heart, she had not spoken out for such a long time. Now that Gu Zhuo has confessed everything to herself, she naturally doesn't want to hide anything.

She looked directly at Gu Zhuo and told him:

"I once told you that my parents passed away not long after my brother was born. I didn't want to tell you the reason at the time, because it was impossible to talk about it."

Chaoying said, clenching his fist and taking the initiative to tear open his scar.

Her mother is a university professor and her father is a doctor. Originally, their family had a bright future. But when Chaoying was young, her mother suffered from brain cancer due to pathological reasons, which caused a series of mental problems, including depression, anxiety, somatoform disorders and neurasthenia.

This is a devastating blow to their families.

As a young child, Chaoying grew up with his father's sighs and his mother's indifference on the hospital bed.

Over time, her character gradually became cold and distant from others. As her mother's condition worsened, she also suffered from a certain degree of mania, which dealt a huge blow to Chaoying's body and mind.

Chaoying was unable to resolve this worry at all, thus developing borderline personality disorder.

Her personality disorder caused her to have a persistent sense of loneliness and emptiness from childhood to adulthood, and she easily felt that life was meaningless and everything was worthless. It also left her with no long-term stable interpersonal relationships at all.

At the most serious time, she even thought about committing suicide because of her loss of self-identity.

It was her father who pulled her back and took her to see a psychiatrist. After medication and various psychological treatments, she was finally able to adjust her mental condition.

Chaoying once had the opportunity to have a normal life, but all this was ruined because of the appearance of a child.

Chaoyang, her younger brother, is not her mother's child, but her father's illegitimate child.

His father insisted on raising him, and Chaoyang's biological mother also disappeared. No one knew who Chaoyang's biological mother was, and how she met Chaoying's father.

In short, Chaoyang became a member of her family.

But Chaoying's mother couldn't accept it. She quarreled with Chaoying's father every day, and the two insulted each other. All the previous loving relationships between husband and wife have been torn apart.

My mother's brain cancer is getting worse and she is dying.

Chaoying clearly remembered that her mother did not make any noise or make trouble that day.

For the first time in so many days, she just sat quietly on the hospital bed and held her father's hand.

"Take me home. I don't want to stay here anymore. It smells like disinfectant. When I open my eyes, I can only see white sheets. I don't want to stay here anymore."

"Take me back. I want to see my two children and talk to them. It's better to die on the bed at home than here. You've wanted to get rid of me for a long time, haven't you?"

Her father did not argue with her that day, nor did he refute her.

He just held her hand in turn, and then, regardless of the objections of others, he took his mother through the discharge procedures and took her home.

After returning home, my mother's head was full of edema and her head was very big, which looked funny. Chaoyang was afraid of her, but her mother asked Chaoyang and Chaoying to call her mother.

That night, the family of four had dinner together and took the last photo.

That photo was the one stolen by Fang Yuqing and lost by Chao Ying.

In that photo, both parents smiled, Chaoyang also smiled, and Chaoying tried his best to open the corners of his mouth.

She wanted to leave the best photo.

That was the last thing she had about family.

That night, no one knew how my mother climbed out of bed, dragging her heavy, huge head full of water, and went to the kitchen to turn on the gas.

My father was the first to notice something was wrong. He ran to the kitchen and turned on the light in the kitchen. The moment the light was turned on, the rich gas in the air was immediately ignited.

Chaoying's father and mother died instantly. Chaoying and Chaoyang were rescued by Lingju who had just returned home in the middle of the night and risked his life.

When they were rescued, their home was already on fire. Firefighters came to put out the fire. By the time the fire was put out, Chaoying's home had been completely burned.

Her home was in ruins, a mass of blackened dust.

It became the last family photo in her bag.

From then on, Chaoying and Chaoyang depended on each other. Although he is not his mother's child, he is his last family member.

The neighbor who saved her was the owner of the gas station where Chaoying later worked. It was he who later provided Chaoying with a place to work and a place to live when she dropped out of school.

Chaoying lost everything. She went to the doctor, took medicine, received treatment, and took care of her frail brother. Her own illness was getting worse day by day, but the strange thing was that she didn't want to die, she just wanted to survive.

If one day she couldn't stand it any longer, it would be best to just disappear on the spot, disappear into the wind, and keep drifting away, as if she had never existed in this world.

Until she predicted the end of the world, she didn't know how complicated her mentality was, how she prepared everything to survive the doomsday, and how she arranged her safe house.

She knows that there are many places that are better than gas stations, and she knows that there are many places that are better for survival than gas stations.

But she always remembered that the gas station owner rescued her and her brother from the fire, so she was unwilling to leave there. She had an inexplicable feeling that there would be hope there, a second chance at life.

Sure enough, she met Gu Zhuo there, and she happened to remind Gu Zhuo of his dead comrade. Everything was as if it was destined.

After telling her story, Chaoying seemed to have collapsed. She collapsed in Gu Zhuo's arms and said in a trembling voice:

"My father is a university professor. He must have smelled the smell of gas that day. It is impossible for him not to know that if the gas in the air is too strong, turning on the light will cause an explosion. He must know, must know, but he still Did this...

"Like his mother, he has already thought about everything. My brother and I are destined to be abandoned. When they took the photo, they had already thought about how to give up on us and how to give up this Home.

"From beginning to end, I was the one who was given up..."

As she spoke, she began to tremble more and more, and finally her whole body felt like she was under extreme cold, shaking violently.

Gu Zhuo hugged her and found that her body was cold.

Just like the last fallen leaf, swept away by the autumn wind, it will blow to the ground, trampled under the feet of pedestrians, and turned into dust.

"No, you are not the one who was given up."

Gu Zhuo hugged her tighter, wanting to pass on the warmth from his body to her.

"I will always choose you and protect you. As long as I am not dead, I will always be by your side."

Chaoying didn't speak, she was crying. She had never told everything and showed her bloody wounds to others like she did today.

Gu Zhuo hugged her. He didn't know that Chaoying's past was so sad.

It turned out that it was exactly what she said at the beginning. The two of them were saving each other, supporting each other, and became the most important people in each other's lives.

In this dark world with no light at all, they found each other and held each other's hands.

"Will you give up on me?"

Chaoying asked him.

"I won't. I once swore to the universe and the stars, and to the lives of hundreds of millions of years ago, that I will always be by your side. All the stars have witnessed my oath."

Gu Zhuo answered her.

Chaoying said nothing, she raised her hand and put it around Gu Zhuo's shoulder.

"Chaoying, I asked Wansui today why her powers were upgraded, and she told me that she had never heard of such a thing, and she didn't know why.

"Now, I think I have the answer."

Hearing this, Chaoying's hoarse voice came over and asked:

"What's the answer?"

"Because we met each other, we are no longer lonely patients in this universe. Although our illness will torture us for a lifetime and make us suffer all the time, at least we have each other.

"We will never be alone again."

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