My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

257. Poor people must be hateful

As the chainsaw cut down, there was a special feeling of breaking through flesh and blood. The feeling of cutting with a chainsaw is slightly different from the feeling of cutting with a knife. To chop down with a knife, Gu Zhuo needed to exert force on his wrist, but the electric saw was different. As long as he controlled the direction and force of the electric saw, the electric saw would keep drilling into the flesh.

It seemed like a bloodthirsty beast, hungry for more flesh and blood.

Gu Zhuo controlled the chainsaw and disemboweled Zhu Zihan completely. Zhu Zihan could still let out a few screams, but later on, all he could hear was the harsh sound of the chainsaw.

The harsh sound penetrated into Gu Zhuo's ears. Gu Zhuo felt that there was nothing hindering the chainsaw in his hand. He opened his eyes a crack and saw an extremely bloody scene in front of him.

Zhu Zihan's entire body was cut open by the electric saw, and various organs such as intestines were mixed together, and the flesh and blood were blurred. His face was covered with blood and his mouth was open. It looked like he had experienced a lot of pain before death.

Gu Zhuo did not dare to let go of the chainsaw, fearing that it would continue to enter the cycle.

He lowered his head and saw that his war machine was stained with blood. Blood was spattered everywhere. His leg armor, arm armor, etc. were all scarlet.

He lightly kicked Zhu Zihan. Zhu Zihan remained motionless until Gu Zhuo kicked him, and a piece of meat fell off.

Gu Zhuo was sure that he was really dead.

At least in this illusion, he was really dead.

But for some reason, the illusion has not been broken yet.

Gu Zhuo thought for a while, then he pulled the electric saw again, walked around the hut, and slashed and waved wildly on the walls around the house.

As his movements quickened, with a "boom" sound, the entire hut collapsed like a ruin, and the roof also fell down.

Gu Zhuo stood in the hut and suddenly felt a lightness in his body, and the heavy feeling of the chainsaw in his hand disappeared.

He looked down and saw that the chainsaw had disappeared at some point, and his hands were empty with nothing.

A mist filled the air again. But this time the mist was light gray, very soft, like silk, wrapping Gu Zhuo completely.

Gu Zhuo was wrapped in this fog and closed his eyes unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that he had sat back in the Jeep Wrangler, and the android Wan Sui was sitting next to him, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Congratulations, back to reality."

Seeing Gu Zhuo wake up, Wansui said with a smile.

Gu Zhuo ignored her and quickly looked at the back seat and saw Zhu Zihan still sitting there, looking pale, foaming at the mouth, and twitching, as if he was ill.

"Zhu Zihan, Zhu Zihan, hello!"

Gu Zhuo reached out and pushed him a few times, but Zhu Zihan didn't respond and still maintained that posture.

"what happened to him?"

Gu Zhuo asked Wansui.

Wansui shrugged and answered him:

"You killed his true personality in his death illusion, and he became like this. Completely useless."

"Real personality, that madman?"

"Yes, that's the madman. The other three personalities that Zhu Zihan split exist to hide the madman's personality. You killed the real him, do you think he can avoid becoming like this?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo looked at Zhu Zihan, then at Wan Sui, and asked:

"Then what are you going to do with him?"

"Don't you want to deal with him personally? He just wanted to kill you."

Gu Zhuo shook his head and said:

"I can't kill a person twice at the same time. He is a member of your Prophet's Cult, so let's leave it to your Prophet's Cult to handle it."

After saying that, Gu Zhuo sat back in the driver's seat again and looked at Zhu Zihan's situation in the rearview mirror.

Zhu Zihan's condition seemed to be getting more serious. The corners of his eyes were hanging up, the whites of his eyes were turning up, and the frequency and amplitude of his twitches were getting bigger and bigger. The entire back of the car was shaking due to him.

"If that's the case, then I'll deal with him myself."

Wan Sui said, leaning her upper body in front of Zhu Zihan.

She raised her eyes and took a cold look at Zhu Zihan's condition. Then, she raised her palm and made it look like a bayonet, piercing straight into Zhu Zihan's heart.

She thrust it in without any hindrance, directly piercing Zhu Zihan's heart. Blood gushed out all of a sudden, and the foam at the corner of Zhu Zihan's mouth mixed with blood and dripped down.

He glanced at Wan Sui blankly for a few times, and the expression on his face changed quickly.

Then, without being able to say anything, he fell down on the rear driver's seat, twitched a few times, and died silently.

Wansui withdrew her hand, her fingertips still stained with bright red bloodshot eyes. She spoke leisurely and asked Gu Zhuo:

"Do you have tissues?"

Gu Zhuo glanced at her hand and took out a pack of tissues from the glove box of the car and gave it to her. She took the paper towel, wiped her hands, then opened the car window and threw the dirty paper towel outside.

Watching her every move, Gu Zhuo said:

"You are so ruthless in doing things, aren't you afraid that your people will betray you in the future?"

"Betrayal? They won't betray me, because they know that as long as they are still useful, I will always respect them and use them. If Zhu Zihan wants to blame, he can only blame himself for being a waste.

"By the way, your seat has been soiled. Please take care of it yourself later."

Gu Zhuo saw large pools of blood dripping out from under Zhu Zihan's body on the driver's seat behind him. He frowned and tutted:

"You haven't explained to me clearly what his true personality and the other three personalities mean."

"What did you see in the vision of death?"

Wan Sui asked back.

Gu Zhuo thought for a while, but still didn't tell her about the battlefield and Li Yang. He only told her about the hut filled with the sound of beatings.

After listening to that hut, Wansui showed an unfathomable smile on her face:

"That's the hut. It was the source of all the causes of Zhu Zihan's illness, and it was also the place where his true personality was hidden."

"Go on."

Gu Zhuo urged with some urgency.

"Have you seen Zhu Zihan's other three personalities? One is when he is thirteen years old, the other is when he is thirty, and the third is when he is sixty years old. Each personality has a very different personality, and the age span is extremely large. big.

"Actually, these three personalities are not the real him."

With Wansui's narration, Gu Zhuo learned everything about Zhu Zihan.

Zhu Zihan's father was more than ten years older than his mother. He was an illegitimate child born from her mother's underage childbirth outside the home at that time. Zhu Zihan's father took over, so after the marriage, his father beat and scolded both mother and son.

When Zhu Zihan was thirteen years old, Zhu Zihan's mother was beaten half to death by his father and was sent to the hospital for rescue. His mother couldn't bear this breath and committed suicide in the hospital, leaving Zhu Zihan and his father living alone.

Since then, Zhu Zihan has endured double the beatings and pain.

It was also at that time that he split into two personalities, one was the cowardly thirteen-year-old Zhu Zihan. One is the strong and fierce personality of his father who was thirty years old when his mother first married him.

Often it is the thirteen-year-old personality that bears his father's anger, while his thirty-year-old personality bullies others in order to vent his anger.

From that moment on, Zhu Zihan's life was completely ruined.

When Zhu Zihan was thirty years old, he still accomplished nothing and wandered the streets all day, becoming the same scoundrel as his father. His father was sixty years old at that time.

Even at the age of sixty, his father still beat and scolded him. On his father's birthday, because Zhu Zihan didn't bring him enough money, he violently beat Zhu Zihan in the carport hut he built.

The carport hut that day was exactly what Gu Zhuo saw in his fantasy.

Zhu Zihan had used the thirteen-year-old personality when he was bullied by his father for more than ten years in his life, and it was the same that day.

But that day, his elderly father drank and was extremely cruel. Zhu Zihan was almost beaten to death.

At the moment of death, he thought of his mother who committed suicide. All his anger and unwillingness, as well as the mental illness that had been suppressed for a long time, broke out at that moment, and the real Zhu Zihan, the crazy critic Zhu Zihan, appeared.

He took away his father's stool and used his father's rusty electric saw to kill him and then cut his body into pieces.

Not only that, he also killed all five members of Lingju's family who heard the news.

By the time the police arrived, he had killed five families. Except for his father, every family is an ordinary, warm, and innocent family. At that time, Zhu Zihan was tired of killing and fainted in a pool of blood while holding the chainsaw.

In order to evade criminal responsibility, he derived a new personality, based on his father's age of sixty when he died.

In this way, sixty-year-old Zhu Zihan was born again.

However, because his crime was so serious that he could not be forgiven even for his mental illness, public opinion still strongly demanded that he be executed.

In prison, he was receiving treatment from a psychiatrist while waiting for the day of execution. However, the superpowers and the end of the world arrived before his execution.

It was at that time that Wansui approached him.

After listening to Zhu Zihan's story, Gu Zhuo felt a little emotional.

He didn't expect Zhu Zihan to be so pitiful than he thought, but the things he committed were simply unforgivable.

All we can say is that there must be something hateful about the poor people.

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