As soon as Wansui sat in the passenger seat, Zhu Zihan went crazy. Ignoring the tip of his tongue that was still oozing blood, he kept leaning towards Wansui, approaching her while shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Teacher, leader, catch this kid and torture him. He is a waste. He will be of no help to our Prophetic Cult. Leader..."

Zhu Zihan kept talking, which sounded very annoying.

Wansui turned sideways and said with disgust:

"Why haven't you dealt with this guy yet?"

"Your people will naturally be left to you to handle."

Gu Zhuo answered her and glanced at Zhu Zihan's expression through the rearview mirror of the car.

When Zhu Zihan heard Wan Sui's words, he could clearly see that the expression on his face turned green and white, which was even uglier than when Gu Zhuo threatened him.

"Leader, you can't do this to me. I came here for you and for the entire Prophet Cult, and that's why I was tortured like this by them. You can't kill the goose and take the egg, Leader!"

"Shut up!"

Wan Sui frowned, turned around and looked at Zhu Zihan.

When Zhu Zihan saw Wan Sui looking at her, he was about to rush forward, but was shocked by her eyes. He swallowed and still begged:

"Master, give me another chance. I am still useful. I am still useful. I am definitely not a waste. You believe in me. Master, you believe in me! As long as you give me another chance, I will do anything for you." Everything works!”

Listening to his words, Wan Sui's brows jumped up and down:

"What chance will you give me? Will you give the garbage from the garbage plant a chance?

"You are a waste. You came here without permission and were captured. It's none of my business. You are no longer a member of the Prophet's religion.

"Even if you die, you are just a dumped corpse with no one claiming it, just like the wild dogs outside, a poor bereaved dog.

"How pathetic."

Wan Sui mocked him coldly, and every sentence was like a needle piercing Zhu Zihan's heart.

Hearing Wan Sui's words, Zhu Zihan was struck by thunder, and his face turned completely pale, like a piece of paper.

"Can't do this, you can't do this..."

Zhu Zihan murmured, and at this moment, he suddenly went crazy, rushed forward, put his head on the back of the front seat, and said fiercely:

"You want to harm me, you all want to harm me, go to hell, go to hell! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I'm going to kill you all!"

After Zhu Zihan finished speaking, he activated the magician again. Gu Zhuo saw that he was suddenly in a heavy fog again. What was unusual was that the fog was blood red.

He sighed and noticed through the rearview mirror that Zhu Zihan's eyes were blood red and bloodshot. It's like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

This is a completely different temperament from the first three personalities. Gu Zhuo raised his eyebrows. Is this the fourth personality that Zhu Zihan has hidden until now?

Just listen to Wan Sui say coldly:

"Crazy criticism."


Gu Zhuo asked her.

"Zhu Zihan's fourth personality is also the most difficult to trigger. This personality knows everything Zhu Zihan has experienced. He is the leader of all personalities. He is a complete and utter madman."

Zhu Zihan, who had triggered the fourth crazy personality, was still laughing maniacally at this moment. He grinned, and blood poured out from the tip of his tongue and streaked down the corners of his mouth.

His red eyes and bloody mouth were disgusting.

"Die, let's all die! Enter my death illusion, and no one can escape!"

The red mist surged up and enveloped the Jeep Wrangler. Gu Zhuo turned around and saw several bloody handprints on the car window. Like a scene from a horror movie.

However, Wansui sat motionless in the car and looked very calm. She said to Gu Zhuo:

"This is Zhu Zihan's death illusion. His target range is only the two of us. Everyone else in your base is fine and not within his range. Now only the two of us are hit.

"But I'm a bionic, and I don't care. So, you are the only one who is really tricked, Gu Zhuo. Think about how to crack it, and it will also let me see your strength. I am very curious about you.

"By the way, let me remind you that if you die in the illusion of death, you will really die permanently."

As Wan Sui spoke, she leaned back leisurely towards the seat and looked at Gu Zhuo leisurely.

Gu Zhuo smacked his lips, and now he was fighting alone.

He glanced at Zhu Zihan behind him through the rearview mirror of the car. Zhu Zihan had disappeared at this moment. He turned his head again and saw Wansui quietly, motionless as if dead.

Gu Zhuo knew that he had completely entered the illusion of death.

He was now certain that Wan Sui must be deliberately irritating Zhu Zihan in order to test him.

Unexpectedly, one of my unintentional actions would cause such an unprovoked disaster.

It seems that after I got the Doomsday Mecha, I was still a little wandering and not as cautious as before. This is a fatal flaw that must be corrected.

Taking a slow, deep breath, Gu Zhuo calmed down.

He has been on the verge of death so many times, and this trial is no different. He's still wearing a war machine, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

He first took a look at the instrument panel and console of the Wrangler. Everything was normal and nothing was out of the ordinary.

The image in the rearview mirror is not distorted, and there is no flaw in anything on the car.

Even the arrangement of bloody handprints on the car window was very irregular and did not increase. It seemed that there was no way to break the illusion in the car.

Gu Zhuo leaned forward again and glanced into the back seat, but saw nothing in the back seat. Zhu Zihan just disappeared as if he had evaporated from the world.

"Oh shit."

Gu Zhuo cursed in a low voice. It seemed that if he wanted to break the illusion this time, he could only get out of the car and look for clues.

Thinking of this, he opened the car door without hesitation and got out of the car.

After getting off the car, standing in this red mist that seemed to be dripping with blood, Gu Zhuo's first reaction was to try to call the Doomsday Fortress to him through the mechanic.

The mechanic responded, but there was no movement in the Doomsday Fortress.

Gu Zhuo tried calling a few more times, but to no avail. It seems that this is really no ordinary illusion. Although my own powers can still respond to me, they can no longer play any substantial role.

Everything is up to you.

Gu Zhuo touched the war machine on his body. Fortunately, the final guarantee was still there.

He looked around and saw nothing but red mist. I don’t know who left the bloody handprint just now.

Gu Zhuo planned to sit back on the Jeep Wrangler and drive the Jeep Wrangler forward to see if he could find any new clues.

But what was unexpected was that he had just gotten off the Jeep Wrangler. The car was still in his hand, but now the entire car had disappeared.

He was alone in the red mist.

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