My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

231.Alternate personnel

The aurora is still shining with a faint green light, illuminating every corner of the world. Scenes that could only be seen in the polar regions in the past are now everywhere. In the past, this might have been a natural wonder that people would never dare to imagine.

Now, it appears like this, like the ink poured by God.

What's even more incredible is that even while hiding in the bunker, people saw the aurora and the twisted gold in the dome, including the lizard-man battle.

The scenery seems to have transcended the naked eye and exists in people's spirits.

It can no longer be fooled by a simple "mirage".

"Chairman, this is incredible. This is not a simple scientific and theological debate. There must be a higher-level civilization behind our world, and they may be controlling and observing us!"

In front of Wang Zhian, several theoretical physicists were pacing back and forth.

They are a group of geniuses, a group of the most elite theoretical physics geniuses, representing the pinnacle of human wisdom. But now, they are already haggard. Under their tired faces, their eyes are still shining with crazy light.

On the one hand, they deeply feel their lack of knowledge when facing the unfathomable truth of the universe; on the other hand, they are about to touch the ultimate truth that many ancestors have never touched, and the shock and excitement in their hearts, as well as , that strong feeling of being overwhelmed.

Wang Zhian said nothing, he looked at the photo in his hand.

Above the photo is today's green aurora.

Some scenery, even with the most accurate and expensive camera, cannot capture one-tenth of its beauty. In the photos, the aurora is obviously not as shocking as seeing it in person.

In addition, what makes Wang Zhian even more puzzled is that the golden wheel is, in the words of physicists, "a product of space-time fission." Why does it not appear in the photo? Obviously this photo was taken when He appeared.

He handed the photo to the theoretical physicists in front of him and asked:

"Geniuses, can any of you explain to me why the thing you are talking about was not photographed?"

One of the physicists took the photo, and sure enough, there was nothing on it except an aurora.

These photos passed through the hands of physicists in turn, and finally fell into the hands of the most authoritative old physicist.

After the old physicist looked at the photo carefully several times, he sighed and said to Wang Zhian, who had been staring at him closely:

"Chairman, if you want a slightly more reasonable explanation, I might be able to make it up for you. But my scientific research spirit tells me that this situation is almost impossible to exist. As long as He emits light and is seen by us, Come and the photo will surely capture Him.

"Unless all of us are hallucinating, God doesn't want us to be left with a vision of Him."

The word "god" came out of his mouth so twisted and serious.

After hearing his words, Wang Zhian asked:

"So you are saying that this matter is difficult to explain scientifically?"

"It's not a matter of whether it can be explained scientifically. It's a matter of not being able to understand the principles with all the theoretical knowledge we have, at all!"

The old physicist was very excited, his face turned red, and his white hair stood up one by one, which was a little funny. But looking at his expression, he also revealed a kind of confusion unique to young talents.

Since the apocalypse, too many incomprehensible things have happened, completely overturning the knowledge system he had gained from physical research in the past few decades.

"So, if we want to explain it to the masses now, the only reasons are 'god' or God?"

This is what Wang Zhian is most concerned about as a politician.

"Maybe. If you need it, Chairman, I can make up a reason. But it will be full of loopholes and cannot withstand scrutiny at all..."

The old professor answered him.

"I understand. You go ahead. I will think about some things alone. If necessary, I will ask you for help again, geniuses."

For the last three words, Wang Zhian emphasized his tone, making it sound like a mockery.

But these theoretical physicists didn't care about his attitude. Their worldview had been completely shattered at this moment, and they were on the verge of a mental breakdown. Who else would pay attention to the cynicism of a superficial politician?

After they left, Wang Zhian was the only one left in the office.

He drummed his fingers on the table, thinking about many things.

The old physicist had just given him an idea: just find a seemingly scientific excuse to fool the public.

This kind of thing is a common method, whether before or after the apocalypse occurs. Whenever something big happens, instead of trying to tell the people the truth, they try to cover up and deceive the facts.

In the past, Wang Zhian would never have worried about the excuses made by the old physicists being exposed. After all, apart from them, there would be no one else the public could trust.

But things are different now. In addition to the government, there is also the existence of the Prophetic Cult.

If this opportunity is seized by the Prophetic Cult and the leader can make a big fuss out of it, then the government will lose even the last of its people.

This is what Wang Zhian is most afraid of and worried about. He would never allow this to happen.

Thinking of this, his keen sense as a politician made him realize that now was the best time to start the god-making plan. If there is something that cannot be explained by science, then boldly leave it to theology.

After all, in the apocalypse, people's greatest hope is that they can survive. Why do they care about science or theology?

Wang Zhian picked up the landline phone on his desk and made a call. The phone beeped a few times, and then someone answered the call.

After being connected, no one spoke for a long time. In the end, it was Wang Zhian who spoke first:

"Hao Yuanshan?"

The people over there continued to remain silent for a long time, and Wang Zhian asked again:

"I am Wang Zhian, are you Hao Yuanshan?"


This time someone finally answered him.

It was a man's voice. It sounded very old. He was probably thirty or forty years old. Not only that, there was isolation and coldness in his voice, as if he was deliberately trying to alienate others.

"You have seen everything that happened today, the aurora, the golden twisted space, and those monsters."

Wang Zhian did not feel angry because of his alienation, and still asked in a good voice.

"I saw it. To be precise, I'm afraid everyone who is still alive in the world has seen it."

Hao Yuanshan answered him.

"Remember that plan I told you?"

"You mean, the plan to create a god?"

Hearing this word coming from Hao Yuanshan's mouth, Wang Zhian narrowed his eyes in satisfaction. It seemed that he had not forgotten it. He continued on the phone:

"That's right, it's a god-making plan. Yuanshan, what happened today is so weird, it's the best time to build your image. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can push you out as a new god to compete with the Prophet Cult. .

"What do you think?"

Although at first glance it sounded like he was asking Hao Yuanshan for his opinion, Wang Zhian's tone was firm and unquestionable.

As expected of a leader, most of the time, his methods and words are very tough.

Hao Yuanshan was not intimidated by his momentum and answered unhurriedly:

"Anyway, you just need a chess piece. It's all your business when you release me as a chess piece. As long as you give me what I want, I don't have any objections."

Hearing this, Wang Zhian patted the table as if he had signed some agreement:

"Of course, the conditions have been negotiated a long time ago, and the government will not break its promise. Since you don't have any objections, I hope that before today's aurora disappears, you can be ready and rush to the Bunker Square. It's time for us It’s time to put on a good show.”

"Just do what you said before?"

"Yes, follow the process mentioned before. In short, as long as you can deceive the civilians and survivors. The smart minority does not need to deceive. After all, the ignorant make up the majority."

Hao Yuanshan was silent for a while, and then came an accurate reply:

"I understand. Everything will go as planned. I will go to the Bunker Square now."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Wang Zhian put the phone back after hearing another busy beep from the other end of the phone.

He put his feet up on the table. This sitting posture suddenly made him feel that he was in control of everything. He was still the aloof leader.

"Hmph, Gu Zhuo, do you think that if you reject me, this plan will not be implemented?"

Wang Zhian was talking to himself, recalling what Gu Zhuo said that day, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Besides you, of course I have a second choice. A truly smart leader can never have only one brilliant idea. Since you are so noble, let you and the woman in your car deal with the Prophets yourself. Heaven. There is a road but you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you have to break in.”

Wang Zhian thought gloatingly.

He opened the drawer again and took out a document, which contained Hao Yuanshan's information.

He looked through Hao Yuanshan's information again, and couldn't help but feel more and more that it was fortunate that Gu Zhuo rejected his plan. After all, compared to Gu Zhuo, although Hao Yuanshan has an aloof personality, like a snow mountain, he has weaknesses that can be exploited by the government.

It was this weakness that restricted the relationship between the two, so Hao Yuanshan was willing to cooperate with him.

"Gu Zhuo, live like a dog with your tail between your legs forever; Prophet, I wish you and Gu Zhuo will be forever annihilated in the long river of time and rolled over by the wheels of history. As for me, I still I have to be chairman for a long time and I don’t have the energy to waste it with you guys.”

Wang Zhian took a deep breath and began to think about it during the day before Hao Yuanshan arrived.

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