After renovating the base, he took Jia Sheng and the two of them to get familiar with the place. After all, this will be their common base, not just Gu Zhuo's.

The night after the base was renovated, I don't know if Wang Zhi'an was still lucky with Gu Zhuo and therefore did not tell the Prophet Cult the coordinates here; or if the Prophet Cult had other plans. All in all, the night passed peacefully without any disturbance from enemies.

It was difficult for Gu Zhuo to wait all night and be on guard all night, but he didn't see a single shadow of the enemy.

The next day during the day was also quiet and peaceful, no different from everything before.

Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying sat in the cab and counted the time. There were still four days until the next fourteen-day disaster. Gu Zhuo couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

He told Chaoying his speculation:

"Is it possible that the Prophetic Cult is also preparing for the next fourteen-day disaster and has no time to take care of us now? After all, even if our upgrade is a special case, the fourteen-day disaster is not a special case, right?"

"It's possible. After all, we have heard so many stories about the Prophets. Maybe some of them really have the ability to predict the future, and maybe they can predict every disaster. Otherwise, they wouldn't be called the Prophets for no reason. "

Chaoying pushed down this possibility.

Gu Zhuo nodded:

"If this is the case, then I would like to meet their leader and ask what the next disaster will be so that I can prepare early. What is their leader's name? Wang Zhi'an mentioned it that day. Wansui?"

"Yes, that's the name."

"I still remember Wang Zhian telling us that he couldn't find any information about Wan Sui. Since she is the leader of the church, maybe she is the prophet."

Recalling the conversation with Wang Zhian, Chaoying thought of a new doubt:

"He said that the Prophet Cult has been looking for you. Why? Fang Yuqing came to me before, but I know the reason. Now they are looking for you again..."

She glanced at Gu Zhuo:

"Is it possible that you have some romantic debt behind my back?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo almost jumped up from his seat:

"No way! In the conscience of heaven and earth, I have never had any romantic debts. You are still the first woman in my life! If I lie to you, I will be cut into pieces by those monsters and eaten bit by bit!"

Gu Zhuo said seriously, as if he was going to join the monsters in the next second.

Seeing this, Chaoying burst out laughing:

"Okay, I'm kidding you, why are you so serious? Of course I believe you."

"That's not because I'm afraid you'll think too much."

Gu Zhuo hugged Chao Ying, held her in his arms and kissed her. The two of them joked a bit, and although they didn't come to any useful conclusions, they both felt much more relaxed.

That night, Gu Zhuo asked several robot housekeepers to guard the house near the base. If there was any special situation, he would sound the alarm and wake up a few people. Several turrets are also on alert at all times, keeping a close eye on every move around them to prevent a sneak attack in the middle of the night.

Gu Zhuo, on the other hand, was rare and relaxed, and he and Chaoying became tender again.

After the last experience, both of them have become much more skilled this time, and Chaoying doesn't feel much pain anymore. Gu Zhuo was not in a hurry and took everything slowly, even more gently than the first time.

After a night of lovemaking, the two were sweating profusely, holding each other in each other's arms, and fell asleep.

I thought it would be like last time, after a night of exhaustion, I would need to sleep until very late before waking up. Who would have thought that at around five o'clock in the morning, Gu Zhuo would be woken up by an alarm bell.

When he heard the first sound of the alarm bell, Gu Zhuo immediately woke up: There was an intruder!

Not only Gu Zhuo, but the other three were also quickly awakened from their sleep.

"You rest in bed first, and I'll go out and check the situation."

Gu Zhuo comforted Chao Ying and asked her to continue lying on the bed. Then he quickly put on his clothes, rinsed his mouth, and rushed to the cab.

"Gu Zhuo, what's going on?"

Jia Sheng's hoarse voice also came from the intercom. He had just woken up.

Gu Zhuo picked up the walkie-talkie and replied to him:

"There is an intruder. It's the alarm sound sent by my robot butler. I don't know who the other party is. I'll take a look at the pictures they sent first."

After saying that, he had already sat in the driver's seat, turned on the screen, and looked at the picture on the screen.

There was nothing, just an empty open space, existing dimly in the morning light that had not yet fully lit up. Not a single enemy exists.

But if you look carefully, you can see several deep ruts on the ground. Looking at these marks, there must be at least four or five cars.

"It's a few cars. I didn't get the picture. They're probably going very fast and they'll be at the gate of our base soon. Be prepared for the battle. If we can't defend the turrets, we'll have to come in person."

Gu Zhuo looked at the empty screen and talked to Jia Sheng.

"Understood, the mission will be achieved."

Jia Sheng answered him.

After a while, maybe less than a few minutes, I heard the roar of the engines of several cars at the entrance of the base.

"Gu Zhuo, I saw them, what should I say now?"

The surveillance cameras in front of the turrets and metal gates transmitted the images in front of the base. In addition to the Doomsday Fortress, Jia Sheng's armed helicopter can also receive surveillance footage.

Gu Zhuo originally looked at the picture with hostility, but the moment he saw the surveillance picture, his hostility turned into confusion.

"Jia Sheng, don't act rashly yet! I seem to know the person opposite!"

Gu Zhuo looked at the four cars that appeared on the surveillance screen and squinted his eyes.

The red Jeep Wrangler in the lead is so conspicuous and familiar, and every modification is very much like Gu Zhuo's style:

This is exactly the one he modified for Akashi.

Behind a few cars, the last one was a modified ambulance. The original steel plates on that ambulance had almost fallen off. Only the steel plates around the cab were still hanging there stubbornly, as if they wanted to hold on for a while longer. .

That ambulance looked very familiar to Gu Zhuo. He met the Prophet Cult for the first time in Jinqiao. After defeating Liu Tong, he left the car to the woman named Yue Cen.

The other two vehicles were two military armored vehicles, and he didn't have much impression of them.

Reminiscent of what Xiao Dingtong said a few days ago, Akashi rebelled against the government with ammunition and armored vehicles, plus his inexplicable words.

Is it possible that Akashi really brought this group of people?

While he was still wondering what was going on, the Jeep Wrangler had stopped, and the three cars behind him stopped with him.

A muscular man stepped out of the Jeep Wrangler. The man was missing one right hand, and the entire right sleeve was tied in a knot and gathered at the shoulder.

That man Gu Zhuo is very familiar with:

It’s really Akashi!

As Akashi got out of the car, the doors of the remaining cars were also opened, and several people got out of the cars.

As expected, the man in the ambulance was Yue Cen.

Yue Cen stood next to Akashi, and the two stood side by side.

Behind them, there were three men and two women standing, each of whom looked well-trained. Gu Zhuo could tell at a glance that they were all professionally trained elite soldiers. With this posture, it is not impossible to say that they are special forces.

After they stood together, Akashi took the lead and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. This move confused Jia Sheng.

"Gu Zhuo, what's going on? Why did they surrender as soon as they came up?"

"I know two of them. I don't know how they found their way here."

"Do you know him? Is he an enemy or something? Isn't this a fake surrender?"

"Probably not. I have some friendship with those two people. Even if they are not friends, they are definitely not enemies."

After Gu Zhuo finished his answer, he was about to briefly explain it to Jia Sheng when he heard Akashi shouting at the top of his voice at the entrance of the base:

"Gu Zhuo, we are all here to follow you! We are all your most loyal followers!"

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