"I spent a lot of effort to find your whereabouts. I have to say that the place you are looking for is very hidden. If it hadn't been for the typhoon, maybe no one would have discovered it.

"You didn't disappoint me, Gu Zhuo. It seems that you are indeed no ordinary person. And of course I have something to say about your criticism just now.

"Whether it is a country or a nation, what it needs is culture and ideas, followed by a good political power. The first two things are the foundation behind it, just like building a house, they are the entirety of the house. The foundation. Otherwise it cannot be called civilization, but a primitive tribe."

As Wang Zhian said, Gu Zhuo shrugged indifferently:

"So, what's the use of telling me about running a country? I don't care about politics or anything like that. All I care about is myself and the people around me."

Seeing Gu Zhuo's bad attitude, Wang Zhian just smiled and showed no signs of anger. He continued:

"I'm betting, I'm betting that even if I give up my religious rights and release all control of my thoughts, it will take a long process for the Prophetic Religion to fully assimilate this land. What's more, taking history as a guide, even Western Europe during the feudal period The country is just a matter of religious power and imperial power competing against each other for hundreds of years, and neither side has completely won."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo frowned and choked back:

"But the situation we are facing is completely different. In today's doomsday, people are already panicked and the current situation is turbulent. In such an era, it is most likely that the divine power and royal power will be unified. I think the leader of the Prophetic Cult wants to be the next Muhammad. .Chairman Wang, can you not see it?"

"Of course, politicians always have the most sensitive sense of smell."

After speaking, several people were silent for a while. Gu Zhuo couldn't understand what Wang Zhian was twisting around here. He must have come with some purpose, but at present, it is not clear what his purpose is.

Gu Zhuo even wondered in his mind whether he was stalling for time like Huang Tian before, waiting for the people from the Prophet to surround him.

Thinking of this, he became vigilant and said impatiently:

"Chairman Wang, if you keep talking nonsense, I'm really going to hang up the video. Don't waste our mutual time. Just say what you want."

Hearing what Gu Zhuo said, Wang Zhian smiled bitterly. He touched his fingers, raised his eyebrows, and said:

"You are right. In an era like this, it is easiest to create new gods. No matter how outrageous the lie is, as long as it can give the people a glimmer of hope, they will choose to believe it. After all, there is a faint light in the darkness, and Complete nothingness, anyone would choose the former.

"But because of this era, there are new gods everywhere, Gu Zhuo, which means we can also work together to create a god!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying were both stunned.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhian had such a plan.

Use one "god" to restrict another "god"!

Here, Wang Zhian is still talking:

"Although I have completely given up religious rights, I did not say that I cannot create a new god. The so-called god is originally a lie of the ruler, but if necessary, this lie must be promoted. Divine right is a tool, and I cannot give up. of this tool.

"You are very strong and can defeat Fang Yuqing, and Wan Sui is looking for you everywhere. Although I don't know where you are strong or what your abilities are, looking at those two points alone, you are worthy of me. Take a big gamble.

"Gu Zhuo, if you are willing to cooperate with me, I will use all resources to promote you and make you a new god that can rival the faith created by the Prophetic Cult.

"As long as we can restrain them in terms of belief, then the two of us will not be completely at a disadvantage and will still have room for maneuver. After all, no matter what regime, it needs the support of the people.

"At this time, neither God nor Buddhism and Taoism are of use. None of the gods of these mainstream religions have come out to show themselves. The people really need new gods... and this new god must be created by us! "

Wang Zhian said, his tone was very contagious, and he was worthy of being elected as the chairman. Even if he says such outrageous words, he can still be so emotional and melody that people can't help but believe him.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying are not ordinary people. They have never been interested in such passionate speeches.

"I don't want to become some new god. It's fine as it is now. What's more, why should I join forces with you?"

Gu Zhuo asked him calmly, sounding not affected by his emotions at all.

"Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Prophetic Cult is sending people to look for you. Do you think that with their temperament, they will sit down and talk with you as well as I do? I'm afraid they will only threaten you, and even continue to Targeting you, harassing you.

"Similarly, the Prophets take themselves too seriously and threaten my political power. Although I have no way to eradicate them, I naturally want to find ways to check and balance with them.

"Gu Zhuo, there is nothing wrong with becoming a god. You have enough strength. Now there is only one chance. You don't have to worry that I will betray you. I have put everything on you. As long as you nod, we will We can start working together immediately.”

For some reason, Gu Zhuo wanted to laugh when he heard him speak, so he asked:

"You put everything on me? Then don't you think I will betray you, or are you just that confident?"

Wang Zhian shook his head:

"Neither of the two. Of course I know that there is a high possibility that you will betray me, and I have nothing to be confident about. It's just that sometimes, the implementation of policies requires a big gamble. From ancient times to the present, great rulers have made big gambles. It’s just the difference between success and failure.”


Gu Zhuo sighed and put his feet on the console in front of him, looking nonchalant. From his attitude, Wang Zhian could tell that Gu Zhuo was not interested in his proposal at all.

"Gu Zhuo, there are only advantages and no disadvantages if we join forces. I can give you more information about the Prophetic Cult and provide you with any help you want. If there are any trends in the Prophetic Cult, I can also come as soon as possible. Tell you.

"And all you have to do is just nod and agree to my request. It's as simple as that. Why don't you agree? Do you want to remain in a passive position and are unwilling to launch a counterattack against the Prophetic Cult?

"If we continue to be passive, we will only end up with the same end as my government..."

"Okay, okay."

Gu Zhuo spoke up, interrupting Wang Zhian's unfinished words.

"I'm afraid you said the same thing when you were cooperating with the Prophetic Cult. Things like this is just a win-win situation and we provide help to each other. These are just a few lines that you politicians keep talking about. You can hear them tossed around. It’s cocooned.”

Gu Zhuo put down his feet, put his face close to the tablet, and stared at Wang Zhian.

Wang Zhian looked at him, feeling a little guilty unconsciously.

Gu Zhuo grinned and said:

"I don't understand politics, but I still know the truth about the conflict between snipe and clam, and the fisherman benefits. If you want to make me a new god, wouldn't you push me in front of the Prophets and directly declare that I am against them?

"Although I don't want to be passive all the time, I don't want to be a direct target of where others tell me to hit. Chairman Wang, in the past, I had no choice but to pick up the gun and do it. But now I have more I have chosen, I don’t want to be anyone’s lackey, I just do what I want to do.”

After saying that, he was about to reach out to end the video call.

"Gu Zhuo, you can ask for any conditions! I can provide you with any information you want!"


Seeing that Gu Zhuo didn't change his mind at all, Wang Zhian broke out and gritted his teeth and said:

"If you really insist on having your own way, I can only tell the people of the Prophet's position about your location. Then they won't be as good-tempered as me and can talk to you calmly..."

"It doesn't matter, you and them are essentially the same. Let me give you a saying that you used to promote: when friends come, there is wine, when there are jackals, there are shotguns."

After saying that, Gu Zhuo had already reached out to the tablet and was about to hang up the video call.

The second before he finally hung up, he suddenly thought of something and said:

"Also, Chairman Wang, I forgot to tell you one thing. There is really a god in this world."

After saying that, he didn't even bother to look at Wang Zhian's expression and quickly hung up the video call.

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