My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

182. Endless Storm (5,000-word chapter)

After listening to the entire broadcast, Chaoying looked solemnly and looked at the curious people in front of him. She hesitated for a moment and then said:

"I have listened to all the content of the broadcast, but the news delivered by this broadcast is really not good."

Gu Zhuo frowned, looked at the expressions of the other people, and then said to Chaoying:

"No matter what the news is, tell us first."

After hearing this, Chaoying explained the content of the broadcast to several people in detail. After she finished speaking, everyone's expressions were equally ugly, and the laughter and laughter they had just lost completely.

Jia Sheng lightly hammered the table in front of him.

"Although I have already guessed that the government has abandoned us, but now I have received this news for sure, damn, it is still very annoying."

He deliberately sat aside, far away from Xia Ran, lit a cigarette and smoked it. When he thought of them suffering on the ground, while the privileged class hid underground and eked out an existence, enjoying a safe and warm life, an unknown evil fire burned in his heart.

Xia Ran didn't speak at this time, silently holding the corners of his clothes.

Although I have long known that those politicians are hypocritical, and they still want to send them to the ground who cannot provide any combat power, the so-called safe base is actually to find an excuse to send them to die.

Those politicians have long selected a group of "human elites" that they like and are qualified to survive, but they have long been abandoned. Even the group of survivors who were later taken to the bunker were nothing more than cannon fodder.

Xia Ran thought of what happened to Akashi, Shi Yong, and everyone in the survivor base. She sighed inaudibly. Although her face was expressionless, the gloomy and heavy look in her eyes was terrifying, like a lion about to become violent.

"Gu Zhuo, what do you think?"

When Chaoying saw that Gu Zhuo didn't speak and was still sitting quietly, but his hands had stopped moving, she asked softly.

Gu Zhuo shook his head, poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip.

Then, he closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, he said:

"The three people in front of me now, except Xia Ran, should all know one thing, that is, apart from the government, I, Gu Zhuo, also predicted the end of the world early. And I believe that there are many other people who also predicted the end. The end has come.

"Why didn't I tell the government about this matter? Because I have known for a long time that telling those politicians about this matter would not help at all. What they are good at, to put it harshly, is palace fighting.

"If I tell them these things, I will definitely have to go in, or I will be silenced. Expect them to protect me? I have never had such a delusion. I just want to be prepared alone and live well in the apocalypse. .So when I heard this broadcast today, I was not surprised at all, nor was I angry."

Having said this, he opened his eyes, glanced at Chaoying, and continued with some meaning:

"I believe Chaoying must have the same idea as me. We are not surprised by such things at all. We should never speculate on the hearts of people, especially the hearts of powerful and wealthy people. If it hadn't been for the apocalypse, they would They are almost reproductively isolated from us.”

After hearing what he said, Chaoying nodded slightly.

In fact, as people with super powers, the two of them knew about the apocalypse from the beginning. At the same time, they both chose not to say anything. Ultimately, it was because there was no need to say anything and it would only cause more trouble for themselves.

Gu Zhuo put down his wine glass.

"I'm afraid this broadcast brings us only one piece of really bad news."

Jia Sheng had finished smoking a cigarette at this time, put out the cigarette butt, turned to look at him, and asked:

"What is it?"

"Even after gathering the top scientific researchers from several countries, they failed to find the truth behind these mutations. This is the most terrifying and worst thing. Chaoying, what do you think?"

Hearing Gu Zhuo talk to him again, Chao Ying nodded and received:

"Indeed, this is also the worst news in my opinion. In the final analysis, the government is just an institution. We have lost their help and still survive until now. But those disasters and changes are closely related to us and have a real impact on us. A matter of our life and death.

"I originally thought that as long as we concentrate on studying these mutations, we can always discover the truth behind them. As long as we know the truth and the reasons for their occurrence, there will always be ways to solve them, and we will never fall into despair.

“But now someone suddenly comes to tell me that even the smartest brains and the most elite talents on the planet cannot explore what is hidden behind the vision. That is what is truly despairing.

"This shows that we humans have encountered an unprecedented opponent and trouble. Even the only weapon that is different from other creatures on which we have survived so far: wisdom, is no longer useful."

After listening to Chaoying's long words, Jia Sheng's face turned even uglier than before.

Just now he was just angry, but now he heard a sense of despair and sadness in Chaoying's words.

Are humans really hopeless?

Is there really no one who can explain why this apocalypse happened?

If this is the case, how can humans survive?

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Once they lose their only means of survival, they will be eliminated.

Jia Sheng took a sip of wine, and even had the urge to be drunk and dreamy in his mind. This should obviously be a beautiful and happy night, but now everyone is worried.

Gu Zhuo glanced at Sam, who was still lying on the ground enjoying his dinner, completely unaware of the ups and downs that the group of humans next to him had experienced just now.

He sighed silently in his heart. If only he were really a dog. As long as he ate and drank, he wouldn't have these troubles.

Sometimes if you know too much, you will feel more fearful and intimidated because of your own ignorance.

Gu Zhuo moved his eyes away from Sam and turned to a few people.

He agreed with what Chaoying had just said:

"I think exactly the same thing as Chaoying. This fear of facing the unknown is much greater than the threat and panic caused by any institutions and organizations known in reality."

Seeing that no one replied to him and everyone was thinking about their own things, Gu Zhuo smiled bitterly.

He picked up the chopsticks, filled himself another glass of wine, and continued to enjoy his dinner with a mouthful of wine and a bite of meat.

No matter what, what kind of terrifying and unreasonably powerful biological existence is hidden behind the doomsday. It is useless to suffer, doubt, and despair now.

All they can do now is to spend every day safely and happily.

When the world comes to an end one day, it will not be considered a wasted time in this world.

Anyway, for Gu Zhuo, it is still the same sentence, when people are in the car, the car will die.

Seeing Gu Zhuo's actions, Chao Ying was the first to understand what he meant.

She also followed Gu Zhuo's example, picked up her chopsticks, and began to eat with her head down. The plates of venison in front of them were a little cold, but they still tasted good. It was much more delicious than the vegetables they ate every day, paired with some fast food.

Seeing this, the remaining two people, one large and one small, looked at each other for a while, and then joined the eating team.

Several people stuffed meat into their mouths as if this was about to be their last supper.

Gu Zhuo did not continue to play the comedy movie on TV. He knew that there was no need for that movie to exist. Even if it was used as background sound, it would make people feel very noisy.

Jia Sheng stuffed meat into his mouth and drank heavily at the same time. Doing this really relieved a lot of stress. The depression and despair in his heart slowly dissipated at this moment.

For the first time, Gu Zhuo allowed Xia Ran to take a sip of the wine in the glass.

Just one sip, not a drop more.

Soon, in such an environment where they only ate and did not talk, a few people quickly wiped out what could be called the first "feast" in a while.

Gu Zhuo and Jia Sheng finished a bottle of fine red wine while drinking wine.

Gu Zhuo felt that the red wine was not enough for him, so he asked Chao Ying to get a few cans of beer.

Chaoying is not very good at drinking. He drank some with Gu Zhuo today and was already drunk. Xia Ran was only nine years old, so naturally only Gu Zhuo and Jiasheng were clinking glasses.

Gu Zhuo only felt that he was a little drunk, but he always had a high tolerance for alcohol and was not easy to get drunk, let alone go crazy.

But after all, I haven't drank for a long time, and I drank in a hurry today, so I was naturally a little excited.

Chao Ying brought a few cans of beer over, and Gu Zhuo picked up two cans, opened them, handed them to Jia Sheng, and the two started drinking directly.

"No matter what is hidden behind the apocalypse, I have read a sentence before. If there were no humans on this earth, there would still be a group of beasts eating here and there. It's not interesting at all.

"We have to live, we have to live forever, and let those things hidden behind us, whether they are gods or aliens, take care of them. We will definitely try our best to live!"

Gu Zhuo said these words in a passionate mood, and his face became a little rosy.

"I agree."

Jia Sheng echoed him.

Seeing the scene of the two drinking heavily, Chaoying felt a little relaxed, but at the same time, there was still a lingering worry lingering in his heart.

She picked up the hand-crank radio that Gu Zhuo had just placed on the table and began to shake its rocker.

Originally I just had the attitude of giving it a try, but unexpectedly, after just a moment, there was actually a sound coming from the radio.

And the voice was no longer the foreign woman just now, but a man with a rough and powerful voice.

The man said on the radio:

"Everyone, you who heard the broadcast must have also received the message: the government has abandoned us, to be precise, it has abandoned you and us.

"This is a temporary broadcast I sent. I have no other reason or purpose for sending the broadcast. I just want to find survivors who are still alone, or a team of survivors who are capable of providing firepower and resources. In this case, we will definitely welcome you. , or would be very happy to cooperate with you.

"I would like to start by explaining our situation... Our survivor base is located...


The man on the radio told anyone who could hear the radio about his base in detail.

Finally, he ended the broadcast with this sentence:

"In the face of such things, the government's betrayal and abandonment, and its efforts to deceive our people, make us completely disappointed and frightened in our hearts. We only hope to expand our power and make ourselves strong enough in the end of the world. , at least have the ability to protect ourselves, and have enough confidence and courage to say no when the government wants us to be cannon fodder."

After saying that, his voice stopped and the signal on the radio was lost.

Chaoying shook the joystick a few more times. She originally thought that the broadcast just now was just an example. Unexpectedly, the broadcast was now filled with invitations and messages from different survivor bases.

The words of these people are all very similar, as if they were pulled completely from the mouth of the previous person, then re-edited and polished, and said again.

One, two, three, four...

There are countless survivor bases, and their broadcast signals have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. It has never been like this before. Everyone is living their own lives, and each does not know the other's existence.

"Xia Ran, what you said that day, and the other survivor forces, there are so many survivor broadcasts today, have you heard any of them?"

Xia Ran shook his head and said:

"Never heard of it, not at all. No one around me has ever mentioned it."

Hearing this, Chaoying wanted to continue asking. At this time, a female voice came from the radio.

The first words she said aroused the alertness of Chaoying and others.

That woman was different from the excitement of the previous few people. She just said slowly:

“Dear survivors, if you hear this broadcast, there is no doubt that you will be absolutely lucky, because our prophetic religion is about to spread all over the world, and each of you will have the opportunity to convert to our religion.

"I am not talented, I am the leader of the Prophetic Cult."

When he heard this, Gu Zhuo, who was still drinking with Jia Sheng, immediately put down the bottle of wine and moved next to Chao Ying, listening carefully to what the woman who claimed to be the leader of the Prophet Cult said on the radio.

“Our Prophetic Church has been established for several years, but it really started to expand a year ago.

"It is also because of this apocalypse that our Prophetic Religion has the opportunity to become the most powerful religion in the world.

"I won't lie to anyone."

The woman murmured, but Gu Zhuo had no intention of listening to her. There was only one shocking thought in his mind at the moment:

The leader of the Prophetic Cult is actually a woman?

Although he is extremely curious, Gu Zhuo has no other way to verify it except listening to the radio. He also has no other way to find the woman and solve the thorny problem of prophetic teaching from the root.

At this time, the woman was still speaking eloquently, and she even said an even more exciting news later:

The Prophetic Cult has cooperated with the Chinese government.

Hearing this, the news caused quite a stir among the survivors:

The Prophetic Cult actually cooperated with the government? What kind of concept is this? This means that their strength cannot be underestimated, and they may even reach the point of competing with the government.

The leader here was still talking, but Gu Zhuo and others on the other side had lost interest in listening to her.

The leader talked so much in fragments, without specifying what happened, as if he was deliberately leaving the survivors in suspense.

"No need to listen, I don't want to listen to any of them anymore."

Gu Zhuo was a little exhausted and said to Chaoying.

Hearing this, Chaoying stopped shaking the rocker of the hand-crank radio, put it aside, and said:

"Okay, I'm not shaking anymore. Are you okay?"

The leader's voice stopped suddenly, and only the radio that had just received the broadcast was still making a slight "cluster" sound, which seemed to be caused by the signal transmission just now.

"Once these guys knew that the government had lost its credibility, they all came forward one by one. It was really chaotic."

Gu Zhuo shook his head and sighed.

Jia Sheng drinks more than he does. He usually drinks and smokes cigarettes at the same time. He feels like he has returned to the days before the end of the world when he was bragging and criticizing.

He is in a much better mood now, and even the incident just now left him without any disturbance.

He sneered and replied:

"Yeah, don't you know the most classic old saying, there are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys are the kings. Now that the kings are about to fall, don't these monkeys have to rush up to get a share of the pie?

"Even if this piece of cake is no longer of much use, as long as it still exists, there will always be people who are jealous. Everyone wants rights, especially rights in the apocalypse. Because the greater the power, the more materials it represents. Greater chance of survival.”

After listening to Jia Sheng's words, Gu Zhuo stood up, crossed the table and patted his shoulder:

"I know, just like during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, when the Tang Dynasty was about to perish, a bunch of crooked melons and jujubes came out and wanted to take over the power. Haha, I thought it was a bunch of heroes vying for power, but it was just a garbage party.

"The only thing I'm really worried about is the Prophetic Cult. They actually have a relationship with the government. I don't know how much the government will help them. This is the most annoying thing."

Without waiting for Jia Sheng's reply, Chaoying continued:


It was Jia Sheng who suggested again:

"Why don't I say, let's form a survivor force and fight against them in separate divisions. We have stronger weapons and better commanders. We now have a pretty good base. What do we have to worry about?"

Gu Zhuo has always been somewhat repulsive about developing his own power and expanding the size of his base:

"No, there are no longer many companions, but no matter how good they are. If we develop another survivor force, whether it will attract covetousness is one thing. The next time we encounter a disaster like a typhoon, it is another troublesome thing.

"It's difficult for me to protect just a few white wolves, let alone a group of people?"

What he said made sense, but Jia Sheng was still worried:

"The Prophetic Cult is too strong, how can we deal with it if we don't have our own power!"

"No. I will try my best to find ways to continue to strengthen our strength, but it is really difficult for me to agree to develop my own power. It is not easy to do, and I don't want to do it."

Seeing Gu Zhuo being so determined, Jia Sheng naturally listened to him in everything, so he nodded helplessly:

"Okay, I'll listen to you anyway."

Several people fell silent and stopped talking.

At this time, Xia Ran, who was the youngest and had been quiet until now, suddenly spoke:

"I don't think you have to deliberately develop your own power. Brother Gu Zhuo may not know that you now have a group of people who are willing to follow you wholeheartedly."

Hearing this, the three of them all looked at her and asked in confusion:

"What did you say?"

[Author's digression]: Today I went to refresh the world dungeon again. The author went home at nine o'clock in the evening and spelled out the old destiny code. Woooooooooooooo

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